
The Curse Of The Evil Queen

"I swear in the heavens! I will return and will make you pay for your blasphemy! None of you can escape the vengeance that I will inflict as it will hunt you until death. Protect your family and your children as I will come back to them again! Even if it's not today or in the future generations, I promise to make your lives a living hell! Even the netherworld can't do anything to stop my retaliation! I swear Dear Princess Angelica and your dearest Prince. All of you, together with your children will pay as everyone will burn in Hell with me!" *** Queen Adrianne, the Kingdom of Quirrene’s most powerful vampire was betrayed and executed by her own subjects. Being portrayed as an evil queen, the curse of her death was feared amongst all. After four hundred years of waiting, she’s back, possessing the body of a ten-year-old child. She would then try her best to fulfill the vengeance she wished for. With the curse in her hands, how can people get away when rage already surrounds her heart? After all the new changes in her Kingdom, can she still regain the title that she lost? The thing is... what can she possibly do to be the best? To be the most powerful of them all. ---- You can check out my new novel "First Female Chief God" :) Discord: Wateristubeg#0479

Wateristubeg · Fantasy
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156 Chs


"Abigail, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Adrianne got stunned in place, hearing Aella on her side. She was sitting on the balcony, outside their room. Each room in the building that the kids were staying had a separate balcony.

"I can't sleep," Taking a deep breath, she looked at the visible bright moon in the sky. It's the third full moon of the year. The first this month. It was folklore in Quirenne that a beast will show up every fourth full moon of the year.

It's funny to think that it was the fourth full moon of the year when she was born. A beast… was she a beast? Or… did she become one?

"You know Abigail, I already want to go back to my parents. It's so lonely here. We can't go outside. We need to follow what they say or else we will be punished. And those vampires, they think mighty of themselves. Like we're not part of them because we grew up in another world."

Hearing what Aella had said, Adrianne glanced over to her right. The girl was already sitting beside her. They both looked at the moon.

Getting curious, "What were your parents doing before you left them?" Adrianne asked.

Aella smiled at what Abigail had asked her. "My parents are both farmers. We were living in peace in the province when suddenly two men wearing black clothes entered our house.

I didn't know what my parents and they talked about. Until I saw my mom crying while packing my things in a suitcase." She sighed, capturing my hand that was placed on the side of my thighs.

Adrianne's eyes followed Aella's hand. She took something out from her pocket. It was a white beaded bracelet with 3 black stones in the middle. Wrap in a silk cloth, Aella carefully gets a hold of the bracelet.

"I'm not new to vampires, Abigail. My parents always used to tell me stories about them. I can feel that you're different. You're way higher than us." She smiled, slowly putting the bracelet on her right wrist.

Looking in Abigail's direction, "My mother used to tell me that if ever I met someone who felt different than us. A vampire that I know was way superior to us, then I should give this bracelet." She continued.

Letting go of Abigail's hand, Aella smiled, looking at the bracelet. Puzzled. Adrianne brought her wrist closer to her face. The beads had a golden thin line on them that couldn't be seen when far away.

Adrianne's fingers slowly caressed the beads until they reached the middle part. The beating of her heart suddenly increased as she saw the letters written on the stones. It was special because a normal vampire couldn't see it.

"Where did you get this?!" She asked Aella out of shock who got startled by her sudden voice.

"I-I don't know… My mother said that it was from my grandmother who was already dead." Trembling, Aella answered. Looking at Abigail's serious eyes gave her heart a hint of fear.

"I'll go sleep now," Nodding, Abigail answered her. Left alone, she looked at the door that Abigail went in. And without a choice, she quickly ran over to enter their run again. She's scared of ghosts for Pete's sake!

Adrianne unconsciously stared at the bracelet. She was already lying in the bed. Her mind was in chaos as sadness surrounded her heart. She knows where the bracelet came from. It was from Ina or Sieta Luna as others may know.

So Ina was already dead… Adrianne thought that she could see the woman once again, but it was already late. The woman used to be her right hand when she finally ascended to the throne.

Although Ina was way older than her and was strict with her when she was still a child. She was still her most trusted person… together with another one.

Glancing over to the bed beside her, she saw Aella already sleeping. For the first time in her new life, she genuinely smiled. It was nice to meet Ina's family after all. I promised Ina, I won't let what happened in the past, repeat itself.


"Abigail! You need to wake up or else we'll be late for breakfast! I heard that the foods today were pancakes!"

With the loud noise, Adrianne opened up her eyes being greeted by the reflection of white light. It was Mady, holding a flashlight in her hand as if the lights in their room were not enough to wake her up.

What a great way to disturb her sleep, she rolled her eyes.

"We'll wait for you, now go take a bath and change into our uniforms!" Mady's loud voice echoed throughout the room as the girl pushed Adrianne to go into the bathroom.

Taking her time, Adrianne took a bath. Changing into their uniform afterward.

"What do you think will be the announcement for today? Do you think it has something to do with us? I can't wait to know!" Adrianne stared boredly at Mady, who was continuously speaking, since they arrived at the school canteen.

They were already eating their breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She remembered searching about vampires on the internet in the past when she was still in the modern world.

She remembered laughing loudly learning the results. Everything was almost a myth! The only right thing was that their ability to be faster than humans and that they have faster-than-normal healing capabilities than a normal person has.

"Hmm, I wonder that too," Aella answered, slicing off a piece of the pancake before putting it in her mouth.

Adrianne doesn't have any idea as well. It was weird for her when the teachers could just say it to them personally. But they had to gather in the auditorium for it.

"Oh! I heard some of the vampires talking about the announcement later. They said that it must've been the event that will happen two weeks from now."