
The Curse Of The Evil Queen

"I swear in the heavens! I will return and will make you pay for your blasphemy! None of you can escape the vengeance that I will inflict as it will hunt you until death. Protect your family and your children as I will come back to them again! Even if it's not today or in the future generations, I promise to make your lives a living hell! Even the netherworld can't do anything to stop my retaliation! I swear Dear Princess Angelica and your dearest Prince. All of you, together with your children will pay as everyone will burn in Hell with me!" *** Queen Adrianne, the Kingdom of Quirrene’s most powerful vampire was betrayed and executed by her own subjects. Being portrayed as an evil queen, the curse of her death was feared amongst all. After four hundred years of waiting, she’s back, possessing the body of a ten-year-old child. She would then try her best to fulfill the vengeance she wished for. With the curse in her hands, how can people get away when rage already surrounds her heart? After all the new changes in her Kingdom, can she still regain the title that she lost? The thing is... what can she possibly do to be the best? To be the most powerful of them all. ---- You can check out my new novel "First Female Chief God" :) Discord: Wateristubeg#0479

Wateristubeg · Fantasy
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156 Chs


When Olivia saw the kids happily eating their breakfast earlier, she couldn't believe it either. She thought that she would come to the weeping and miserable faces of the kids, but that was not the case. In addition to that, they found a way to look for food.

The kids who have entered the forest were not even attacked by the beox! She couldn't believe it either. When they investigated the surroundings, they found no animals near the house. The beox seems to be avoiding that specific place.

Olivia narrated what she saw to the Headmaster. And when she finished her explanation, Soryn was silent for a moment. His mind was in the depths of thinking.

"You can leave now," Soryn said to the woman.

Olivia came out of the library room, on the other hand, Soryn was left thinking deeply. He suddenly became uneasy. How did this happen? He expected that only half of the children would return to school. But the kids returned safely and without a scar or fear? It was impossible!

What happened in the forest? He needs to investigate it. There must have been something strange going on there and he needed to know what was that. But before that, he had something more important to finish.

He looked up at the window behind his desk. On the cloud-covered moon. The night of the dedication will be held soon enough. The time was near, and it was already coming.


"Hwaaa! It's amazing to finally lie in the bed!" Said Mady as she rolled over and over on her bed.

Aella, on the other side, lay quietly while hugging her stuff toy— a black cat-like teddy bear. But the quietness ended as Mady once again opened her mouth to say something.

"But I missed staying in the forest too. It was also fun there because no one was fighting or bullying us. Am I right, teacher Abigail?"

Adrianne ignored what Mady had said as she continued to stare at the egg she was holding in her hands. She didn't know if she was hallucinating, but it seemed to have grown a bit. And the golden color of its marks becomes more concentrated and seems to spread even wider.

What kind of animal could it be inside this egg? A kind of bird?

Taking a deep sigh, she laid the egg on the side of her pillow. Adrianne lay down and fell asleep. And that night, she felt that something big was going to happen in the future. As if someone was warning her to be prepared.

Adrianne stepped into the classroom and looked at the children sitting inside. These children will be with her all year round. She ignored the kids staring at her intently.

She was already used to receive this kind of attention and it was no longer new to her. She approached an empty chair near the window and sat there quietly. Placing her things on the table, not minding the people around her.

Adrianne reviewed her class schedule again. She was interested in what will be taught at this school. She wanted to know if anything had changed in their culture, practice or if they had ever invented things that can be seen on the modern world as well. Unlike Abigail who struggled to study, Adrianne found this very interesting.

"Hello! My name is Irene, what is your name?" Asked by a girl who suddenly went closer to Adrianne's direction.

The child has a thick black mirror on her face and has a medium brown skin. The girl looks fun and sociable. A typical child who was active in playing outside.

Adrianne's gaze shifted to the child who approached her. She examined the girl from head to toe. Immediately showing a wide smile. "Hi Irene, my name is Abigail. Nice to meet you," she said as she held out her hand to the girl in front of her.

"Abigail, can we be friends?" Irene asked with a big smile lingering on her lips.

Adrianne thought deeply about what to answer, but in the end, "Okay," she replied.

On the first official day of class, the teachers were not active in teaching. They just said things that the students, like her, need to remember. In addition, the children introduced themselves one by one.

"Adrianne stood up when she was the next in line to introduce herself. "Hello, my name is Abigail. You can call me Abi for short. I am ten years old and my favorite thing to do was—"

"Isn't she the one who they say is a weird kid?" asked a boy who was sitting on the front row of the classroom. His voice was quite loud so the whole class was able to hear it.

The children laughed as they heard that. They knew Abigail because of the gossip going around at the school. Teachers always talk about how weird Abigail was.

"Shh! Class, quite please.," Said their teacher, Mrs. Belva. A vampire that has the ability to see the future of a person just by looking at their own palms"

Adrianne stared at the boy who suddenly spoke, disturbing her introduction. 'Rogue! I rehearsed the introduction for a long time and then you just ruined it!' She said in her mind.

The boy suddenly felt cold when he saw Abigail's eyes staring at him. Cold sweat immediately drips down his forehead while averting his gaze to the right side.

When there was no one to speak, Adrianne returned to her chair. Not minding on fixing her disrupted introduction. After all, they already know her. So why would she even bother

The teacher, Mrs. Belva, felt a sudden bad atmosphere. Her eyes wandered around the classroom until she saw the child who was now staring straight ahead in front while possessing a black presence.

Hi! I hope you all are having fun while reading this story <3

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