
The curse of Luna

In the world of your average fantasy , there lives an half elf half mage girl called clover . She is send on a mission where she meets new freinds . Join her on an adventure across Valencia to defeat the curse of the lunala .

Ari_sizuka_573 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Part 2 ( where it all began )

Narrator POV :

Previously ;

Clover gets pulled in by an unknown person . While trying to figure what the commotion was about . When she look back and tries to fight the person . She bites the person hand and then kicks him .

Thud ! The person falls down .

??: ow ! What the hell did you do that for !?

Clover : speak for yourself what were you doing to me !?

??: that was for your own safety elfy .

Clover : what was even going on there !?

?? : what are you stupid ?

Clover : well maybe . Just tell me about how I was in danger . Creep .

?? : I'm not a creep ! It's you who is weird . You kicked me in the face . !!

Clover : well how am I supposed to know that you arnt a kidnapper .

?? : you think your a kid ? Oh yeah probably because of your height .

Clover : you little !!!

Narrator : then they start to fight which is to no ones suprise . Clover really hates being touched without permission or consent . And if she is angry with you she turns into a demon . You can even see those imaginary horns on her head then . Hehe . Continue ~

Chief guard : ace , ace !

{ the chief catches ace catching clover while fighting }

Chief guard : ACE!

{ ace becomes frozen . Then he looks at the chief . The clover notices how ace really looks like . He had dark blue hair , with brown eyes . He had a mark in his face . Clover recognized that mark . That mark is to represent knights . }

Clovers POV : so this dude is an knight ? His mark is blue so water night ? .

{ the chief guard scolds ace and then turns towards clover . }

Chief guard: young lady what's your name ?

Clover : huh , oh uh my names clover .... sir .

Chief guard: very well then clover please follow me .

Clover : okay .

Clovers POV :

What does he want from me ? Am I in trouble?

Chief guard: were here . Take a sit clover .

Clover : o okay .

( I sit down and then he calls someone )

?? : hello dear .

Clover : huh who ?

{ to be continued}