
The curse of Luna

In the world of your average fantasy , there lives an half elf half mage girl called clover . She is send on a mission where she meets new freinds . Join her on an adventure across Valencia to defeat the curse of the lunala .

Ari_sizuka_573 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 { mission partners } part 1

{ ꧁ chapter 2 . Mission starters . ꧂}

Narrators POV :

{ previously in the chapter 1 { where it all began} . We see that clover is having a normal day when suddenly there is a commotion among the town people . When she tries to check this out . She is pushed down to the bushes by an unknown stranger. She then begins to have an argument with the guy . Then she realized that he is in the knight force . Then the chief of the guards calls her . Then she meets her grandpa who tells her that she has to go on a mission beacause she got a new mark beacause of her powers . Then she meets another person Teresa . Teresa is supposed to be the leader of the group . }

Clovers POV :

Sheesh so many things are happeneing today . I'm gonna go crazy soon . First there are dark spirits found near the town . Then I'm suddenly powerful . Now I'm chosen for a mission . Can this day get any crazier .

Then the guide opens the door . It leads to a comfy looking room .

" ooh , so this day isn't so bad . The bed looks very comfy. Lemme look around . There is TV yay ! . A sofa . A reading table and a book shelf . There is one closet which is packed with what I believe uniforms and towels and blankets. There is also a small balcony outside . The view is absolutely beautiful. We can see all the way to the straight view of the mountains from here . And air and sunlight also comes in the right way. Yay k got a vett et good room . I can't wait to move in soon . It's such a beautiful view outside . It would've been a beautiful and wonderful day too if the craziness was a bit less .( I take a deep breath in the wind . )

{ knock knock }

" Oh . The door is open . " it's The guide from earlier .

Guide : " hope I didn't disturb you ."

Clover : " of course not . "

Guide : " well you can go home and get your stuffs . And then you can move in completely . You will be staying here for a while after all . "

Clover : " okay . Thank you very much . "

Guide : " no problem . Hope you have a nice day . "

Clover : " okay then . "

{ then I went to my old house and started to bring out things . After a lot of hard work I managed to bring all of my important stuff to my new dorm . }

{ then I heard a door knocking . And I saw a familiar person outside the door. It was ace . I wonder what he wants .}

Clover : what do you - what are you -

{ to be continued}