
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

When Hell Freezes Over

"Nathaniel?" I say under my breath as I'm met with his familiar face, his emerald green eyes that shined as much as the stone itself and his dark, black hair welcoming me. All the same accept he's dressed in a matter only royalty would be subjected to.

As he walks down the stairs and stands across from me as he places his lips on my hand as a smirk grows upon his face. "May I have this dance?" He ask as I freeze and realize he's only doing it because I'm the only one who knows what's actually happened and why where here.

"You may" I say as I curtsy and maintain my straight face as we pass by Eliza and Mary as they snicker in hatred as we pass them and Nathaniel escorts me to the ballroom as the room fills with the sweet waltz melody. As he places one of his hands on my hip and the other on my shoulder. "My golly your a whore!" I say jokingly as a chuckle escapes from his mouth.

"And why's that?" He ask me as I never thought to myself I'd be having a ordinary conversation with Nathaniel, other than begging him to stop bullying me, but I want to cherish this time nonetheless.

"Your not wearing gloves" I say as I point to his bare hands holding my shoulder. "Gloves are always supposed to be worn. Like people always say no glove, no love." I say as he laughs and I've never smiled so wide. And suddenly his laugh subsides and his playful expression turns serious and I let out a sigh as I prepare for the bluntest of words to fall from his mouth, causing me to spiral into a epic freak out. "Don't beat around the bush, just say it" I say as he sigh and nods as he pulls away from me and he leads me through a crowd of people and pushes me into a room. "WHAT ARE YO-" I say as he covers my mouth with his hand and I bite his fingers as he uncovers my mouth and falls back as I stand there, waiting for a explanation.

"What was that for?" He ask as I smile.

"What was you trying to cover my mouth for?" I ask as he awkwardly laughs.

"Touché" he says as he walks closer towards me and I back up until my legs hit the desk behind me and I have no other option but to bare the confinement of this room with Nathaniel and me.

"I think you know what we need to talk about" he says as I nod and swallow hard as I hate feeling nervous around him, because I should hate him, right?

"I know what you want to talk about, but this is crazy" I say as I feel like I'm going crazy just at the thought of the truth.

"Well we need to figure out this. We were in a car crash is the last thing I remember" he says as suddenly all the pent up anger pushed aside by my amazement and awe of this place instead of the realization that I may never be able to go back home. Back to the place I cherished, with the short amount of time I had to spend with the most important person in my life was taken, by him.

"No! You did this" I say as anger rises and takes over my every thought and I move my body closer to him than ever, "I HATE YOU" I scream as I slap him across the face as he freezes and I can't help but take out my anger on the only person in the world that rightfully deserved it. "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!!!" I scream as I beat on his chest and he grabs me by the wrist and shakes me.

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW WHAT I DID, I DO" he says angrily as he shakes me and I grow quiet, not out of fear but curiosity.

"Do you? Because your little stunt cost us both our life's and now? Now were dead, at least I think?" I say as he takes a deep breath and I pinch myself, "Please let this just be a horrible nightmare that I will wake up from any minute now" I beg out loud as I hear a laugh and look at Nathaniel to see its not him and suddenly I hear a creak from the study chair, and I finally identify the laughter, a woman's cackle.

"You kids are so cute" she says as she lights a oil lamp and places it on the desk and my eyes adjust to the light as I see a older woman wearing a dark blue dress with gray hair and what seems like endless jewelry. "Thinking your dead, after your done with this your gonna wish you were" she says as I shiver at her words but her words have exactly the opposite effect on Nathaniel.

"What are you talking about" he ask as she can't help but laugh, sending only more chills down my spine.

"The curse" she says as me and Nathaniel look at each other, asking ourselves if she's crazy or if there is a tiniest chance she's right. "That's what got you here in the first place, right? The curse, huh?" She ask as my mind goes blank and fills with questions.

"We were just high school student, I was walking to my house one minute and the next thing I knew......" I say as I trail off and I rub my arm nervously as I divert my eyes from Nathaniel. "Then the next thing I know, I'm here" I explain as she smiles.

"What's the curses name?" Nathaniel ask as the woman walks out from behind desk.

"The curse of fate" the woman says as I bust out in laughter.

"Fate? That is no curse, that's is something that mistreats people and has no sympathy, but it's no supernatural curse." I say as the woman smiles burns out like a flame pinched by a finger at my words.

"The curse is ancient, not many people know about it. The curse is supposed to cure the sickness within a person with another, love. This is no ordinary curse though, you will have to endure what will seem like endless pain. Heartbreak, loss, cheating, scandals and moving on not once but twice. But every story, everything is different. You will only remember what the curse is but never the story before you til you get out. And to leave you must experience this pain, or else........." she explain as suddenly she stops and looks out the moonlightened window.

"Or else what?" I can't help but ask.

"Because my mother and father had this curse and so did I but sadly......I never returned because I was afraid to experience such pain" she says as my heart aches as she never looks at me while saying this. Instead with the stalest face, staring out at the moon through a simple window.

"How many are there? Stories, I mean?" Nathaniel ask the woman as she finally prys her eyes away from the moon and to him. "Five" the woman responds to Nathaniel, "Is there any other questions?" She ask as we nod and she walks to the study doors but suddenly stops.

"You know" she says as she turns around and centers her eyes on me, "The curse works like this, it chooses the most broken person it can find along with somebody who has everything or at least it seems like that from the outside. Don't forget, it choose you kids for a reason" she says as she opens the study door and leaves.

"Pinch me" I whisper as Nathaniel looks confused to what I just said or why. "I SAID PINCH ME" I scream as he grabs my arm and pinches my skin in between his finger and other than pain, nothing happened. "Nothing" I say as he steps back and I can't help but feel so confused, about the situation, fate being a curse why? Why us?

"I don't know what I was expecting, hopeful thinking, I guess" I say as I chuckle nervously and suddenly realtily kicks in and my thoughts and memories of my actual life come to me as a weight tied to my ankle while swimming, grounding me to the ocean floor. "We need to do whatever we can to get out of here as soon as possible" I say as I lock eyes with Nathaniel.

"Why" he ask me as I don't know how to answer that question and instead of letting the truth be free, I decide to dodge it like a bullet.

"Please just promise me? If you do this for me you never have to hear from me, talk to me, even breath in my same direction if I can help it. Just help me out on this one thing?" I beg as his eyes weigh the decision for a minute or two and finally open his mouth.

"Okay, I promise" he says as I hold my hand out to him, "Anything to get back" I say as I hold my hand out to his.

"Anything to get back" he says as he puts his hand in mine and intertwines his fingers with mine and I try not to worry and remember the promise, but deep down. Something deep in my gut knew hell was about to reign freely, and we were about to be in the middle of it.