
The Curse of Fate

What happens when two lost souls from two different worlds are united by something entirely impossible? After Nathaniel's latest stunt of bullying leaves both him and Francesca in a different world they must work together to find a way to make it out in one piece. Can a bully and a outcast really defeat the Curse of Fate or will they back down from the challenge?

Rainingcats_dogs · Teen
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39 Chs

Love Letter Written in Blood

Francesca's Point of View

"Your not going to touch her" Nathaniel says to his own father as I stand there, holding his hand as he works up the courage.

"Then your not my son" his father says, "Your a traitor" he says as suddenly he punches Nathaniel as Nathaniel pushes him back.

"YOUR NOTMY FATHER THEN!" Nathaniel yells through the house as I can't watch this. As they eagerly throw punches and Nathaniel falls to the floor I pull the gun out from my purse. As Elijah Knight held Nathaniel to the ground, ready to throw more punches.


I shoot a blank into the air to get their attention.

"GET OFF OF HIM" I order him as he laughs. "NOW!" I screams as he smiles, pulling himself off. "I will shoot you" I warn him as he keeps laughing.

"Why would I be scared of a little girl like you?" He ask as I smirk.

"Because I've got nothing" I say as I cock the gun. "And you are the reason" I tell him as he tries to grab the gun out of my hand, firing it into the distance as we continue to fight as he yanks the gun into his hand.

"FRANCESCA!" Nathaniel yells as he lunges at his father, as Elijah hit Nathaniel across the face with the gun. The gun and Nathaniel hitting the floor as I realize I have no protection.

As the Mayors hands tighten around my neck as I gasp for air. "You and your mother were both pains in my ass" he says as he lift me into the air as my feet limply dangle as I try to kick him. "But you won't be for long" he says as I try to claw his eyes out and he laughs. "Don't worry" he tells me, "You'll join your mother soon" as I start crying, tears streaming down my face.

That was when I knew, I was about to die at the hand of Elijah Knight, my fate was sealed.

Abigail's Point of View

The day started as any other. Gloomy and desolate. By choice, I was doing everything in my power to avoid Elijah.

I knew the truth, and that made it even harder to look into his eyes. After doing what I normally did, laundry, dishes and sweeping I went to the store. After all these years and he still hadn't hired a maid.

As I looked at the milk the thought popped into my mind, I knew only what scraped the surface of what Elijah had done. Would my sister want her son living with him? Would Nathaniel remember what really happened soon! As I suddenly grabbed the milk and checked out. I couldn't trust him, I once trusted this man with my own heart and he broke it, could I trust him with Nathaniel.

As I walked through the door that was when I heard it. "You and your mother were both pains in my ass!" He say in a vulgar tone as I gasp, who was he talking to? I ask myself as I enter the entry room as I see him. "Don't worry" he says as I hear sobs, "You'll join your mother soon!" He promises as I suddenly realize what's going on.

As Nathaniel laid on the floor, a gun next to him in his groggy state as blood stained his face, I was furious!

"ELIJAH!" I scream as I see the girl in his grasp, gasping for the little oxygen she could take in, begging the air to come to her.

"ABIGAIL" he calls my name as I shiver, "STAY OUT OF THIS!" He warns me as I shake my head.

"NO!" I protest. "NOW! PUT HER DOWN!" I order him as he chuckles. He was displaying that black heart of his as this girl almost looked lifeless in his hands.

"I DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE THIS!" He tells me as tears burn in my eyes. I couldn't let this happen, as I saw my sister in his hands, I had to save her!

"THEN!" I say as I run to Nathaniel, grabbing the gun beside him. "I'm sorry for this, my love" I say as a cock the gun back as it fires. The bullet striking him as he collapses. "I'm sorry" I apologize as I see his bloody body lay on the floor. As a scream echoes from the girl as blood spatters outlined her face.

All that faded into the background as I walk to his side, as Nathaniel ran to the girl as he held her to his chest.

But as I kneeled to Elijah as he gasped for air, I see what damaged the the bullet truly caused. A bullet wound right through the heart. As I leaned over to him, his hand holding mine. "I only did what I had too" I explain as I lean over more, my earn to his mouth to see what he's gasping through shallow breaths.

"Iro…nic" he says as I nod my head at him as I see the light slowly fading from him. Taking this chance I whisper something I should have told him a long time ago. But I will never tell another soul. Kissing him one last time as the last breath of his is our lips colliding as I feel that spark for the last time, fading with him.

Blood spattered those walls. They were never the same, those murderous eyes turning lifeless would haunt me.

It was truly sad. Seeing Elijah Knight die in front of me, his blood spattering on my face. But through it all I saw something I didn't know. Abigail loved Elijah, but she killed him? At first I didn't understand, how could she kill someone that she used to love more than anything, and did she still until his death? But I knew that answer, and so did she. She also lost so much at his hands, her courage saved us all. All the love letters they wrote to each other were now stained with his blood, and she was holding the gun.

Present Time

"How did you and Grandpa actually meet?" My granddaughter, Charlie ask me as I smile.

"Through a curse, dear" I answer as she smiles, and I can see the doubt, but with the doubt is a drop of belief.

"But, curses aren't real" Charlie says as I pull the apple pie out of the oven.

"I thought so too" I tell her as I cut a slice of pie. "But fate is a sneaky curse" I tell her as I place the slice on a plate and walk to the window.

"Why do you feed that bird?" She ask me, "Dad says birds are just flying pests" she recites as I laugh.

"This one is no pest" I tell her as I place the slice on the window seal. "It's your grandpa!" I admit as she smiles. "He always said he'd come back to me after he was gone, and this bird came to me after he passed. Hasn't left since!" I say sincerely as she smiles.

Suddenly as I turn around and see the one and only bird. I knew it was him, it was Nathaniel. As I smiled, I missed him with all my heart, but I knew I had to be alright. I was his Francesca and he was my Nathaniel, but only one of us remained alive now, I was just happy to see him again. As I looked into the birds eyes I knew it was him. He had that twinkle in his eyes, love, the love he had for me. He kept his promise, to love me and come back, and I would keep mine. Loving him without remorse until the glorified end.