

In "The Curse of Azazel," a sassy librarian named Isabella unwittingly frees a grumpy demon named Azazel from a centuries-old curse. But things get even more complicated when Isabella realizes she's the only one who can help Azazel break the curse before he loses his powers and becomes a mere mortal. Join these unlikely allies as they navigate the world of cursed demons, snooty angels, and the occasional pesky mortal, all while trying to save Azazel's hide (and Isabella's sanity) in this witty, action-packed supernatural romp! "Help break the curse of Azazel and lift my spirits by commenting, voting, and sending power stones - I promise I won't curse you too!"

Redpen · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

You can have Me, whenever You wish!!

Isabella continued to navigate through the flurry of activity in the Library store, skillfully attending to customers with the assistance of Sarah. Together, they provided recommendations, answered inquiries, and ensured a pleasant experience for everyone seeking literary treasures. The hours seemed to melt away as they tirelessly devoted themselves to their tasks, the store buzzing with energy.

As evening approached, the stream of customers gradually dwindled, and the time to close the store drew near. Sarah bid Isabella goodnight, planting a warm kiss on her cheek before heading to her car and driving off into the night. Isabella watched her friend depart, grateful for her unwavering support and the respite she offered during the chaotic day.

Turning her attention to Azazel, who still stood amidst the lingering admirers, Isabella approached him with a hint of frustration evident on her face. She sought clarity, asking him if he had finally finished entertaining his entourage of female companions. Azazel, wearing a mocking expression, met her gaze but offered no response, deliberately ignoring her.

Isabella sighed, a mixture of weariness and exasperation washing over her. Determined to move forward, she walked toward her car, ready to leave for the day. She patiently waited, giving Azazel a few seconds to follow suit and enter the vehicle. However, he remained stationary, fixated on her with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Isabella honked the car's horn a few times, signaling her impatience and building anger. Azazel's smirk only grew wider as he savored the effect he had on her. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he leisurely strolled toward the car, his strides exuding a nonchalant confidence.

As Azazel entered the vehicle, Isabella's annoyance reached its peak. She couldn't contain her exasperation any longer. Turning to him, her voice dripping with irritation, she addressed him directly, emphasizing his immortal status in a sarcastic tone.

"Mr Immortal god, I'm already exhausted from attending to customers all day. Please, do me a favor and refrain from adding to my stress," she declared, her frustration palpable.

Azazel, seemingly unaffected by her words, simply ignored her remarks, refusing to engage in any meaningful response. His nonchalant demeanor only served to fuel Isabella's irritation, exacerbating the tension that simmered between them.

The car's interior fell into a temporary silence, thick with unspoken tension and lingering frustration. Isabella took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself, but her annoyance persisted beneath the surface. She focused on the road ahead, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, determined to navigate through the evening's challenges.

As they drove away from the Library store, the air between Isabella and Azazel remained heavy with unresolved tension. The distance between them, both physically and emotionally, felt palpable.

When they got home, Isabella entered her apartment, opened the door and walked inside, Azazel trailing behind her. Weariness hung heavy in the air, evident in Isabella's tired demeanor. She dropped her bag lazily on the floor and collapsed onto the sofa, the weight of the day's events weighing her down. Azazel settled beside her, his presence a constant reminder of the tension that lingered between them.

Leaning in closer, Azazel whispered in Isabella's ear, his voice dripping with a mix of mischief and temptation. "You don't have to be jealous Isabella. You can always have a taste of me whenever you wish but I'm not going to take responsibility if you fall in love with me."

His words stirred a flutter of anticipation within her, causing her heart to skip a beat. But as Isabella looked into his eyes, she noticed the playful gleam that danced within them, indicating that he was merely teasing her.

Frustration surged through Isabella's veins, fueled by the uncertainty of her feelings and Azazel's enigmatic behavior. She abruptly got up from the sofa, her anger propelling her towards her room. Slamming the door shut behind her, she sought solace in the solitude of her own space.

Azazel, remaining in the living room, wore a satisfied smile upon his face, relishing in the effect he had on Isabella. The air crackled with unresolved tension, the ambiguity of their connection hanging between them.

Meanwhile, Isabella seethed with anger, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. How could I have allowed myself to be affected by the likes of Azazel, a being as enigmatic and unpredictable as he was? Frustration gnawed at her, demanding answers to questions that seemed to have no easy solutions.

Determined to regain control over her thoughts, Isabella decided to distract herself by tending to her daily routine. She headed to the bathroom, the sound of running water echoing through the small space. Stepping into the shower, she allowed the warmth to envelop her, washing away the residue of the day's frustrations.

As she applied lotion to her skin, a sudden realization struck her. In all their time together, she had never witnessed Azazel take a bath. The thought sparked a determination within her, a stubborn resolve to rectify this oversight. Determined to force him to address his hygiene, she quickly dressed and made her way back to the living room, her irritation still simmering beneath the surface.

Upon her return, Isabella cast a stern gaze in Azazel's direction. Without mincing words, she spoke her demand, her voice laced with determination.

"Azazel, it's high time you took a bath. Personal hygiene is important, even for beings like yourself," she asserted firmly, her eyes narrowing with resolve.

Azazel stood there, his arms crossed defiantly, as Isabella continued to insist on him taking a bath. He scoffed at the idea, arguing that as an immortal being, he didn't require the mundane rituals of cleanliness that mortals did. His arrogance radiated as he looked down at Isabella, challenging her authority.

Isabella, undeterred by his resistance, glared back at him. "You may be an immortal, but while you're in the mortal realm, you will follow mortal customs. And that includes taking a bath," she declared firmly, her voice laced with determination.

Azazel raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her stubbornness. He decided to push her further, to see just how far she would go to assert her control over him. "And what if I refuse?" he taunted, a smirk forming on his lips.

Isabella's eyes flashed with a mixture of frustration and resolve. She took a step closer, her voice steady. "Then you can find somewhere else to stay," she shot back, her words firm and resolute.

Azazel's smirk widened, amused by her audacity. He had encountered countless beings throughout his immortal existence, but none had dared to challenge him quite like Isabella. He admired her spirit, even as he toyed with her.

Isabella quickly formulated a plan, not willing to back down. "Fine," she said, her tone unwavering. "Pack your clothes from earlier and move into the empty room. That will be your space from now on."

Azazel's amusement turned into surprise, his eyes widening at her audacious command. He hadn't anticipated her taking such decisive action. But he respected her for it, finding himself oddly drawn to her tenacity.

As Azazel turned to gather their belongings, he couldn't resist one final tease. "Isabella," he called out, his voice dripping with mischief. "Care to help me bathe? I'm afraid I've never quite mastered the art."

Isabella, feeling a mix of annoyance and attraction, threw her hands up in exasperation. "No, Azazel!" she exclaimed, her voice a blend of frustration and resignation. "You're on your own this time."

Azazel chuckled, the sound resonating through the apartment. He disappeared into the designated room, a smirk lingering on his face as he relished in the new dynamics of their relationship.

Isabella sank onto the sofa, her mind swirling with a mix of emotions. She couldn't deny the strange pull she felt towards Azazel, despite his mischievous nature.