
The Curse Book

"In order to know the importance of light, we first need to experience the darkness" Hey, I'm Serena Hamsler. Things took a big turn in my life three years back when my uncle Benjamin suddenly dissapeared, no one knew what happened to him. But now suddenly I recieved a letter from my missing uncle leading me and my group of friends and enemies to a path which no one could have imagined where friend become foes and foes turned into friends, where supernatural meets the terror of horror, where they follow only one law that is to either sacrifice people or get sacrificed yourself. What to do you think how did Serena get the letter from a person who went missing three years? is her uncle still alive or ...? will a 18 year old girl will be able to do what's directed in the letter or get lost forever in a world where humanity doesn't exist and mainly will our girl be able to find her true love or again experience betrayal like her past. To know more read "The cursed book" , A story of mystery, fantasy, true friendship and unconditional love. A tale which has no bound for love wherever it might be family or romantic. A tale full of horror and suspense. if you are looking forward fr a tale full of suspense and thrillers having elements of horror and supernatural, this book is definitely for you. Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction and doesn't promote any rituals or believe mentioned in the story. It doesn't even intend to hurt any community believe. The characters are totally fictional and doesn't claim that any people like whole existed within the past or the present or even doesn't claim that this happen will happen in future. This is my first ever book to be written. Thanks for giving time to read this means alot. would highly appreciated if you all review it and comment it.

Serena_Adrian · Fantasy
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80 Chs

The Campsite

It was a beautiful morning with birds chipping and beautiful breeze touching my body. No sooner did I open my eyes than I realized we are still traveling. After an exhausted and scary night, The day was absolutely beautiful, cloudless, warm and awash with scents of blossom.

"We haven't reached yet?" I asked Alan who was driving the car.

"Oh, You woke up. Goodmorning." Alan replied. Everyone other than me and Alan was deep asleep.

"Goodmorning Alan!" I said cheerfully

"So how have you been doing princess? Slept well?" Alan asked. The word 'princess' made me blush.

"Princess?" A strong voice interrupted our conversation. Surely it had to none other than Jared. "What's even going between you two? It hasn't even been much time since you both have met and princess and all. Wow." Jared said suspicious.

Alan giggled and replied, "Nothing like that, I just asked in a friendly manner. Anyways Serena is a princess only and we are her soldier protecting her."

Jared was at a bit of a relieved but I didn't like it.

'Why did he had to say that? Can't he have just kept quiet? Friendly manner it seems.' I said to myself little bit pissed.

"Can you all please lower up your volume? You all are destroying my beauty sleep." Jared said totally annoyed and sleepy.

Aphrodite was lying on Jared's shoulder. They both were sharing the same blanket. Aphrodite had been very oblivious to love, though alot of people are obsessed over her beauty but she never let anyone make it through the borders of her heart. It was so adorable to see Jared and Aphrodite.

"You sleepy head get up now. We have almost reached the campsite." Alan said pulling up Jared's leg.

Alan was correct after few minutes, we reached the campsite. it was really really beautiful. I always love the country side life more than the city ones. Hundreds of beautiful tent surrounded that area.

"Ooof, Finally we reached." Aphrodite said in her half sleep.

"Dude see, how beautiful this scene is." I said to Aphrodite with full excitement.

"I know right." Tom said with a charming smile on his face.

Everyone was tired but Maria seemed tense again.

"What's up with you these days? You seems so disturbed and tensed." I asked Maria

"Give me some time, I need to figure out stuff." Maria said, Maria words were always enough to ruin my mood and give me anxiety.

Just then a strict voice were heard from behind, "When you said you are doing night stay with your friends I knew that Tom and Serena had to hit your list." It was none another than our Professor Hernandez taunting Alan for being friends with us.

"I never understand what problem he has with us." Tom whispered in my ears.

"Well I was at Jared's house and only I and Jared was there studying." Alan said with a soft voice.

"Yes, Yes" Jared said as soon as he can supporting up Alan's statement.

"I just never understand you people. Why did you all had to come up with your separate cars when you could have come up with the school vehicle. Too much of tantrums you have. right Serena?" Mr Hernandez asked pin pointing me.

"What did I do now sir?" I asked him with a very sharp voice. I was already frustrated from everything and he simply blaming me triggered my nerves. Tom kept a hand on my shoulder relaxing me up.

"Shhhh, Don't dare to argue with your Professor. All of you all go and select up the tents. God knows how you kids looks so tired as if you haven't slept at the all the last night." Mr Hernandez shouted at us. What else he even knew other than shouting. I took my bag and went alway from his sight as soon as I could