
The Curse Book

"In order to know the importance of light, we first need to experience the darkness" Hey, I'm Serena Hamsler. Things took a big turn in my life three years back when my uncle Benjamin suddenly dissapeared, no one knew what happened to him. But now suddenly I recieved a letter from my missing uncle leading me and my group of friends and enemies to a path which no one could have imagined where friend become foes and foes turned into friends, where supernatural meets the terror of horror, where they follow only one law that is to either sacrifice people or get sacrificed yourself. What to do you think how did Serena get the letter from a person who went missing three years? is her uncle still alive or ...? will a 18 year old girl will be able to do what's directed in the letter or get lost forever in a world where humanity doesn't exist and mainly will our girl be able to find her true love or again experience betrayal like her past. To know more read "The cursed book" , A story of mystery, fantasy, true friendship and unconditional love. A tale which has no bound for love wherever it might be family or romantic. A tale full of horror and suspense. if you are looking forward fr a tale full of suspense and thrillers having elements of horror and supernatural, this book is definitely for you. Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction and doesn't promote any rituals or believe mentioned in the story. It doesn't even intend to hurt any community believe. The characters are totally fictional and doesn't claim that any people like whole existed within the past or the present or even doesn't claim that this happen will happen in future. This is my first ever book to be written. Thanks for giving time to read this means alot. would highly appreciated if you all review it and comment it.

Serena_Adrian · Fantasy
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80 Chs

A new guy?

"Sorry I didn't mean to...." Before I could say something, the guy said angryly , "Can't you walk properly, what's the need of running in the corridor. People have lost their minds." All the spark of his eyes dissapeared with those words of his. 'So rude' I thought.

Before I could react, he got up, straighted up his shirt and walked away. 'What does he think about himself, I thought to myself.'

I got up myself too. Rushed to Professor Marine. Submitted her work and rushed back to the classroom. I realized it was already times up. The bell had already rang and Professor Hernandez would have been in my class by now.

'I'm screwed today for sure.' I said to myself.

Gathering up courage and praying to God, I somehow went to the door, my head was facing the floor as I was preparing myself to get badly insulted Mr Hernandez.

"May I come in Professor." I said still looking at the floor.

"As dear, come in. You are on time, we were just about to begin." I was shocked hearing those words, 'Dear' from when on earth he started calling people dear. I looked at him, beside him was the a guy - Omg, that same guy I bashed into the corridor few seconds ago. As I was adjusting my thoughts I heard a Mr Hernandez saying, "Serena dear, what happened? Go and seat on your place."

"Yes sir" I said and I hurried, I found a seat next to Maria.

"So guys as everyone is here, I would like to announce that we have a new student along with us." Professor started and kept on appreciating the new students work, Girls had already gone crazy with his looks. I wasn't interested at all in him after the way he talked to me in the corridor. "He came from Portugal most prestigious college....... blah blah blah." Professor went on, " So everyone meet my nephew Alan Hernandez."

Everyone's jaw just dropped as he Said 'nephew"

"Is he kidding us" I said in a soft voice, loud enough for Maria to here.

"NO" She said and winked, "it's destiny, something are meant to be." She said it strangely and started laughing. I didn't care. Lot of people used to consider Maria a witch. Only few people used to talk to her. People had made up rumors that she knew black magic and stuff. But I didn't believe any of those rumors.

"So Serena will be helping Alan in doing backlog." My heart skipped a beat when Mr Hernandez said that. I wasn't able to respond when Anne, the most popular high school girl with pink hair, lovely pink eyes said, " I could help him up with the backlog"

"Such a flirt, she already have so guys behind but all of them are not enough for that she even need the new one too." I kept quiet on this comment. Lot of people consider her a slut. I hated her from the bottom of my heart and I had a huge reason for it which I might share some other day.

Another girl who didn't like Anne jumped in between and said, " sir I would like to help Alan with the backlog" and there goes another argument on who will help Alan.

Jared shouted out from nowhere, " Professor, if u don't mind, may I help Alan with backlog. If you don't mind."

Mr Hernandez was already tired with those girls fighting and agreed to Jared.

Alan came and sat on his place, suddenly he looked at me and his green embard eyes shined✨️