
The curse, Alistair

Alistair a boy who's family were cursed and went into hinding, years later his family died so he went out finding for answer to break the curse

Lawren_Bright · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The curse beginnings

 Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep within a dense forest, there lived a young boy named Eamon. Eamon's life had taken a dark turn when rumors began to circulate that his family was cursed. Whispers of misfortune and calamity seemed to follow them wherever they went. Superstition had gripped the hearts of the villagers, and fear had driven them to demand that Eamon's family go into hiding.

Fearing for their safety, Eamon's parents, a loving and caring couple, made the difficult decision to retreat from the village and into the depths of the forest, far away from the judgmental eyes of their neighbors. Life in the wilderness was challenging, but they had each other, and they were content.

However, tragedy struck when a severe illness claimed both of Eamon's parents. Alone and with nothing left to keep him in hiding, Eamon decided it was time to leave the forest. He needed to get stronger, both physically and mentally, to face the world that had been so unkind to his family.

Venturing into the wider world, Eamon's journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty. He traveled from village to village, doing odd jobs to sustain himself and learning to fend for himself in the process. It was during these difficult times that he encountered an old man named Olin.

Olin, a wise and skilled swordsman, saw potential in the young boy and offered to teach him the ways of the sword. Eager to become stronger and to honor his family's memory, Eamon accepted Olin's offer. Under Olin's guidance, Eamon honed his skills with unwavering determination.

Years passed, and Eamon became a formidable swordsman, thanks to Olin's teachings. However, their peaceful existence was shattered when the news reached them that the king's army was searching for Eamon, believing him to be the source of the supposed curse that had plagued his family.

Fearing for Eamon's safety, Olin hatched a plan to protect the young swordsman. When the king's army arrived at Olin's remote dwelling, the old man boldly claimed to have no knowledge of any cursed boy. He persuaded the soldiers that Eamon was a mere figment of their imagination, a story concocted by superstitious villagers.

The king's army, not entirely convinced but unable to find any trace of Eamon, left Olin's home with a warning. They gave him three days to produce the supposed cursed boy, or they would return with a vengeance.

With the threat looming over them, Olin realized that Eamon's only chance at survival was to run and hide his true identity. Tearfully, he told Eamon to flee, change his name, and disappear into

the world. Eamon, with a heavy heart, bid farewell to his mentor and protector, setting off on a new path with a forged identity, determined to uncover the truth about his family's curse and prove his innocence.

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