
the curse- the red cloak of blood and greed

Today she was to get a new fiancé, someone she didn't know. When they arrived at the King's Hall and greeted all the guests, an unexpected man entered the hall. Once he was her ex fiancé, but today she should have been given to someone else. As if he had come straight from the battlefield to the festivity, he stood before the king and demanded an explanation. No explanation was given and the disaster overtook the festivity. Like death itselve, his Soldiers came into the hall and killed everyone in the way of their king. Everything ended in disaster, the king murdered and the princess forced to marry the man she once loved, but now killed her father. How could she ever forgive him, or even love him? And then there was the curse of her mother, which would send them both into despair far greater than expected.

ConnyPI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 2

Through the hall, his soldiers could be heard shouting orders and sending the crowd of nobles to their rooms. Maren ordered the highest nobles to arrive at the hall early in the morning without the ladies.

The right hand of the new king was known for his diplomatic skills. The meeting was to minimise chaos and to assure that King Alec would not seek to become an enemy of the South. In addition, the South was to be reminded of the treaty to keep peace between North and South.

This treaty had been in force for centuries and served to maintain continental peace. Both the North and the South had powerful armies. But unlike the South, the North was known for its monster defence.

The South, on the other hand just for a plenitude of food and idleness shaped by prosperity .

Over the centuries, therefore, there had been implicit trade and peace. After all, a fight would bring pure destruction, and by weakening the North, defence against the monsters from the dark land would no longer be possible.

The further Alec dragged his grieving wife through the corridors of the castle, the quieter it became. Only his armoured footsteps could be heard.

Out of anger, he stomped around without knowing where to go. He turned to his spouse, who was wiping her snapping nose on her bloodstained sleeve. His gaze hardened as he looked at her:

"Show the way to your chamber," he ordered.

Her gaze widened, her reddened eyes filled again with water. Her lips parted and closed, but what would it matter, this bull king didn't care. When she nodded, he let her go.

He noticed his handprint on her arm, an angry click escaped his mouth. She turned hastily, and immediately began to walk a little faster.

As she stood in front of her room, she hesitated, her thoughts whirling around in chaos

[What will he do to me ? Will he continue to do violence to me ? ] her face turning white.

Alec noticed her hesitation, he pushed her aside. She flinched under his touch and movement. Without reacting to her, he opened the door.

She stood at the side, not knowing whether to enter. Two ladies-in-waiting were hiding from the massacre in the royal chambers, huddled behind a curtain.

Alec clicked his tongue " Go and prepare us a bath here at once! Bring me clean clothes and for my bride as well."

When the servants didn't move, he continued to step towards them, "NOW! " he shouted. As if released from their stiffness, they both raced out of the room.

Princess Salena still stood outside her chamber, cold as a statue on her wedding day. It should have been a peaceful celebration. As if her powers would leave her if she moved, she stood motionless. Alec came back to her, his face hardening at the sight of his bride.

With a sweeping movement, he lifted Salena in his arms. " Ah ! W..What...!" it was incomprehensible to her what was happening.

Her once white dress dragged across the floor into the room. She was carried to her bed and more gently than she thought he laid her upright on the edge.

"You will not be able to change the fact that I am your husband now. I won't think of giving you away." he knelt in front of her and looked up.

When he received no reply, he stood up and stripped off his armor. He laid it in a far corner of her chamber, keeping only the sword close to him.

Only when he was standing there in his undergarments did he turn again to his spouse. Her gaze watched him and without control she explored his movements.

The servants were panting and dripping to fill the tub. They wanted to get out of the room as quickly as possible, the silence in the room was heavy and unbearable.

Salena ignored them, they were her closest servants and she was used to their presence. The door closed behind them and her eyes met his for a moment .

Alec stripped off his shirt and threw it to the floor, he bent over the sink and washed his hands and face first.

The princess's gaze followed him, his body sculpted by the battlefield, scars evident on his tanned skin. He was a beautiful man afterall, well formed body an face, sweeping lips.

His black hair shone with sweat, his eyes appeared black to her. Combing his hair back with his hand, he turned around. Aware of her stare, he grinned lightly at her.

He moved towards his wife, when he was about to stand in front of her, he pulled her up. " Ah! Wha...? What are you doing!" without hesitation he tore her wedding dress.

" We should take a bath." was his cold answer.

He pulled her out of the dress and set about undoing the jewellery from her golden hair.

As if she were a puppet in a play, she followed him to the bathtub. Her arms tight on her chest.

The smell of battle rose in her nostrils and she tried to lean on him to keep from throwing up. When he had stripped her down to her chemise, he helped her into the bathtub.

He bundled the clothes and everything into a corner and took off his pants. "I will not undress you fully, for now." was his only words. She felt him moving around in her room, as she looked around what he was doing.

She blushed at his natural nudity and turned away. He stepped into the water behind her.

" P... please... not today.... not the day my family was destroyed. I... I will accept the inevitable, but please not today." she whispered softly.

Her mother had taught her about the duties she would have as a woman that night. But her wedding day turned out differently than she had envisioned. She was no stranger to her husband; after all, she had been briefly introduced to him as his fiancée two years agot. They signed an engagement contract, between Diramis in the north and Namtik.

-- Flashback-----

"Salena my dear, this is Prince Alexander of the North. He will bring you into his kingdom as queen in two years. If he can defend his crown against his brothers." -

Her father laughed at that and patted the shy prince on the shoulders. " I prefer to be just be called Alec, your majesty." the boy said.

He was handsome, his skin surprisingly tanned for someone from the north. Salena smiled at her new fiancé as she curtsied politely.

"Go and show him the garden before he leaves"

King Magnus nodded to a servant who immediately set about opening the veranda doors to let the Princess and Prince step out.

Prince Alexander held out his arm to her and bowed briefly to the king,

"Thank you, your Majesty. I will only stay for a moment and leave immediately." King Magnus waved his hand, a sign that they were now dismissed.

In the garden she looked at him, he was a handsome juvenile. Just turned twenty, Salena was pleased to have a young, handsome fiancé.

After all, her sister had been given to the old king in the south as a second wife a few years ago. She was glad for her chance.

She talked about the flowers and the weather. But he only gave her short and quiet answers.

His manner frustrated her, after all she was a young girl of fifteen who read too many romantic books. His gaze, however, rested on her and she was pleased.

"Little princess, I will now take my leave as my duties call." he said goodbye.

He bent down and kissed her small hand before turning and walking away to his servant.

-- Flashback end -----

How foolish she was, she dreamed of romantic love back then. Her father in the meantime engineered a profitable deal and there had been no news from the north.

Noone was sure who had now ascended the throne. Until today, when Alec revealed himself to the hall.

A tug on her undergarment drew her thoughts back to the present. Alec tugged at her chemise over her head.

Startled, she turned slightly to face him, covering her nakedness with her arms. She sat in front of him between his legs, her back to him.

"I beg you... not today" she said again, but her voice broke and tears flowed again.

"don't worry little princess, not today. We should wash us though, not our clothes."

She turned slightly and caught his eyes. He reached for the soap on the edge and rubbed his hands on it, he stroked her back and began to ease her tensions.

She flinched at the first touch, but for some reason she trusted his word not to do anything further. Slowly she relaxed, her nerves calming with the warmth and his rhythmic movements.

Salena barely noticed as she leaned further into him and slowly dozed off. Pushing away any evil thoughts, she mentally repeated to herself

[It's just a dream.]

Alec gently pushed her off him, keeping her from falling asleep. "Come on, the water's getting cold."

He got out of the tub and grabbed a towel, he dried himself and put on the clean clothes laid out. "What is it ? Do you want to catch a cold ?" he stroked his wet hair out of his face with one hand. Her face reddened and ashamed she looked down at the floor

" My legs....I can't stand up." she bit her lips. Her legs were too weak to move, but she also felt fear and anger rising.

He clicked his tongue, took a dry towel. Without effort, he lifted her out of the tub, placing the towel over her body. Her thin arms wrapped around his neck and the scent of roses danced around their noses.

He laid her on the edge of the bed and handed her a plate of food. Stunned, she took the plate, only now noticing her hunger. Less than ladylike, she took large bites from the meat. Only when she had suppressed the tearing hunger with food did she remember her own bareness.

She swallowed and, startled, looked around the room, where was he?

At the window frame with his back to her, he stood drinking the wine. She quickly put on her nightgown, fortunately it was already on the blanket. Without further hesitation, she got under the blanket and pulled it up over her head.

She heard his quiet movements and noticed the second body [I will hardly be able to sleep...] she thought with a racing heart.