

The moment Ji Eun strike the knife to her mate's chest, the clouds drastically covered to light (moon) and the peaceful night became a horrendous to the werewolf realm. Rain starts pouring as Ji Eun's tears starts tofall down from her eyes, she is staring at the crimsons eyes of her alpha, Junghyun. "I'm sorry!" She uttered. The horror plastered under her eyes as she saw Junghyun's body became pale and blood staring to gargle out of his mouth, she pushed him making the alpha stumbled back to the rocky floor. Outside the cave, the rain poured hardly, as the storm and thunders repeatedly after one another. Ji Eun's body starts to tremble and she suddenly collapsed next to her mate. A light suddenly came out, and the curse of sinner Lee Ji eun was promptly begins. "As you lay your hatred to love, your body will weakened, the moment you learn of love, the moment he will appear, now; I will curse you, to be a deity of hearts that will help the wolves to learn about love & trusts until Junghyun's body revived and mated to another chosen." The moon goddess left. That's how the cursed of the deity of hearts begins. "I became immortal to help wolves fix their problem will be unavoidable until my mate reincarnated back to life again" Lee Ji Eun The deity of hearts who killed her mate for unreasonable thoughtof love, fear of commitment and loss of her friend. She didn't just lost her mate, but she also lost everyone including the pact she has love to lived with.

Jaehyana · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A new case

Ji Eun arrived at the coven of the witch, she knocks on the door and Irene opened it welcoming her inside.

"Why did you call me? If this is about my curse then we should stop—" Ji Eun was cut off by Irene.

"This is not about your curse Ji Eun, It's about an alpha that has a mate but the complicated thing is that he is mated to a human." Irene sighed upon remembering what she saw.

"A human mate? It's a rare case... What's the problem? Did they meet already? Did the alpha get rejected?" Ji Eun asks.

"Yes, and no... the alpha just saw him." Ji Eun nodded.

"So they're both males... The problem here is his mate is a human, probably will be the problem once the pack knows about this... whose pack he is in?" Ji Eun asks as she sit comfortably on the couch in the living room.

Irene is pouring her cup with a tea. "He's from Kim Seokjin's pack." She just said.

She raised her eyebrow. "There's only two wolves who aren't mated there, the Park's sons." Ji Eun clarified.

"Yes and its Park Ji min." Irene said making the deity shocked.

"Who... Jimin-ssi?" She asks but the witch just nodded at him.

"Okay, so I need to meet this alpha so I can find a way to help him... I'm sure he's having a rough time, since he found out his mate, but can I really do this? I mean, I'm just a deity of hearts of the wolves and handling this new case will be hard since the other one is from the other world." Ji Eun looked down, she can't hide her worries with this new cases up she has nothing to worry about the two young wolves namely Taehyung and Jungkook because they seems to move slowly and well balance.

Ji Eun knows the alpha, Park Jimin. She saw him once he was a young wolf playing with the young omega of Kim family. They've just met once but they never talk like what Jin and Taehyung.

She sighed before she stood up and face the witch. "I can't waste a time; probably need to visit the alpha's cottage right now to ask about him and his future mate." With that she vanished without bidding a good bye to her friend but Irene just smiles and cleans up the table.


Outside of the Wolf's boundaries. The Human World.

Jin and Namjoon just finished packing the things for them to go home today, it's been two months and it's almost to three months since they are away on their pack.  They complete their goal for the pack to be able to be in peace and harmony, They're mananged the business while staying at one of the hotel in human world.

Yes, Jin and Namjoon managed to enter the other world.

"Are we off to go?" Jin asked his husband who is still at the bathroom.

"Yes!" Namjoon shouted, Jin turned around to take one last look on the hotel room to see if they left nothing.

"Faster Joonie, I miss my baby brother!" Jin shouted back.

"I'm here now." Namjoon said as he is walking towards his husband until they're in inch. Namjoon put his arms on Jin's waist pulling him closer before pecking his forehead.

"I'm sure Jungkook is taking good care of him, you don't have to worry." Jin smiled at him and nodded.

"I know." Muttering. They left the room and went to the lobby and give the key back the front line manager.

"Thank you for staying in our humble hotel!" The girl smiles and both of them smiled back before they actually left. The young heir of the hotel's owner called them.

"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin!" He screamed as he runs towards them, Jin looks at him and Namjoon did the same with a smile.

"Yoongi, what's up?" Namjoon asked.

"You're going to leave today?" They both nodded.

"Well, I can't keep staying here knowing the 'people' in my land is waiting for us to come back..." Jin said.

"Right, but we will meet again right? Especially you Joon! I really like to work with you again with the music; you really look so amazing with it!" Yoongi said smiling with his gummy smile.

"Of course, if we have time.... We surely can visit here" Namjoon patted Yoongi's shoulder before they both bid their goodbye and left the city.


"What the hell?!" Jimin cursed as Ji Eun appeared in front of him when he is alone in his cottage.

"Hello to you too, Park Jimin-ssi"  Ji Eun greets him with a small smile on his face.

"Deity..." Jimin panics as he bowed to the deity.

"Forgive me for cursing..." He said making the deity chuckles.

"No need to apologize Jimin, I appeared in front of you so I get that you'll be surprised, that's same goes with Taehyung and Jin whenever I visit them." Jimin widened his eyes as the deity said to sit up now so he follows.

"What can I help you Lady Ji?" Jimin asked the deity.

"You're the one who need help here Jimin-ssi, I came here as long as I heard from Irene about you." She said making the alpha tense.

"You know..."He utters silently.

"Just knew about it earlier, after I visited the witch."She said.

"Oh... What do you want to know?" He asks.

"How did you ended up in the other world? You know it's prohibited without getting the permission from your alpha, you can't just across the boundaries." She said looking blankly at the alpha.

"My instinct got the best of me that time, my mate was near in the boundaries and I smell his scent that thing I found it strange but I let my wolf to guide me through him so I blindly walk passed the boundaries, I know it's my fault but he is my mate, my wolf has been longing for him so when he get the chance he didn't waste it." Ji Eun nodded understanding the alpha's condition.

"I'm not going to tell this to whomever, even in Jin or Namjoon... But will you pursue your mate?" Ji Eun asked him and this time the deity's eyes are full of worry.

"I want to, but I'm scared for my sake and his safety... If I'm able to talk to him and tell him about the bond the consequence are the wolves here and his life that he need to let go there if he accepts me into his life." Jimin look down avoiding the gaze of the deity.

Ji Eun walks towards him and crunch down. She took Jimin's both hands and squeezes it. "I never have the cases like this, but if you think you can protect your mate into this world and his world then I will do my best and give everything to help you. I'm a deity afterall it's my duty to help you young ones with your problems regarding to your love." Ji Eun put her hands on Jimin's chin to making him look up to her.

"Thank you Lady Ji." Jimin said.

"Now, what do you plan to do?" Ji Eun go back to her chair and look at Jimin with a smile on her face.

"I need to wait until Namjoon and Jin hyung return to the pack, so I can get my permission to leave for a while, will you accompany me?" he asked the deity with hopeful eyes.

"If the wolf here doesn't need my help" Jimin playfully glared at her making the deity chuckles.

"Of course, I will you are one of my main goal now." She winks.

"One of your main goal...? Who's the other one?" He asked curiously.

"Your best friend's love life..." She said making Jimin gasp in shock, eyes widened as he remembers that Taehyung found his mate at Jin's wedding.

"Well, I guess I kind know that part." He cheekily said.
