
The Hanging Piano

Upon seeing the emerging black figure, he then jumped, like a bird escaping from the hands of an eagle to turn the light on to have a clear look, because he was ready to face whatever thing it might be, when the light is on. The dark figure then started moving slowly, as a ghost hunting its target.


A light beam burst like a lightning strike, immediately he pressed the light switch. "What is that?" Austin questioned while moving towards to rectangular door that appeared as the light was triggered, with a confused face. "Should I open and see what it entails?" He questioned himself again, wanting to clear the curiosity laid on his eyeball, as he hold his jaw with his left hand. 


Melodious words of thoughts burst out as he opened the door. He was instantly snatched in, like a lizard seeing an insect, immediately the door got wide open to reveal its secret.

Seeing birds chanting, soft wind blowing and the leaves dancing in harmony with melodious sound, erupting from the white hanging piano under the huge tree that bears fruit as white as snow, Austin, stood with shock to observe, as his heart and soul tuned to dance to the sound. He then trod his way to investigate on the bearer of the arms hitting the piano's white and black keys, turning his head to admire the environment.


As he got closer, the sensation consumed him so deep that, the movement in his soul and heart, burst out reaching to his head and arms. His head moves chronologically while the arms move as a snake walking in the sky.


"Oh! How I wish this day never ends." He wondered, moving closer to the space of the piano under the tree, trying to look at the face of the pianist.


He was extremely amazed, seeing a cloud of butterflies hovering over the entire body, leaving only the fingers placed on the white and black keys. A gleam of white bright light with alluring force, pulled him even closer, as he got sight of the butterflies.

"Is that a lady?" Austin wondered aloud, seeing the castle length and diamond color hair, and curve shape of the being, while holding unto the top plate of the piano.


A white oral object with charming brown circle at the middle, started appearing like a sheet falling from the sky to the ground, at the right side of the being covered with colorful butterflies.


Austin, standing with shock filling him from the tip of his hair to his toe, when the orb object opened wide, turning into an eye of an angel.


"Austin, Austin." Harmonious music from the being slowly emerged, making the trees shake, birds sing, and the butterflies move synchronously.


He then became more enthused, hearing the soothing and indescribable voice with astonish tune, entering his ear, as his name was mentioned by the being.


Series of soft breeze of wind passed through his soul as the cloud dance, and the branches of the tree shake.


"Austin, Austin, it's me Lily." The wind blew, tree shook, and clouds moved as words burst out from the throat of the being. Then the clustered butterflies moved in different direction, revealing the entire body of the being with an angel eye, the moment the name was enunciated aloud.

He became excited in shock, as the being revealed itself as Lily, the girl whose smile, can shatter glass. As he moves to sit by her side, he felt a deep blow of wind in his hair, "Why are the butterflies moving in circular motion over my head?" he asked, moving his hands to brush them.


"They are drawn by peace in the heart of a person, but they felt peace and love in your heart and soul." Lily responded as she removes her right hand from the piano to help Austin tap beside her.


Austin then held her hand, as they felt an electromagnetic force exchanging through the palm lines, to their hearts.


Group of birds, dragonflies and butterflies with colorful wings, made their stand on the piano. "Are you the one controlling them?" He asked, looking deep into Lily's heart through the charming brownish pupil in her bright eyes.


Feeling the rhythm of her heart, he started to follow the beat with his hand on the piano, as she hits the keys with the rhythm from her soul.


The clouds moved downward, birds going to their nest, and the light in the sky dimming, allowing the night star to grant it's wishes.


Noticing the door to Austin's room opened, Mary became happy thinking he has changed from sleeping till he's called. As she got closer to the door to let him know his meal is ready, heard a big snore coming from the room.


"Ah, look, he is still asleep." She uttered aloud holding both her waist in amazement.

"Austin, Austin, wake up." She tapped on his arm and chest simultaneously as she called on his name.


He got awakened by the tap on the chest, looking at his mum with smiles drawing all over his lips. "Hm, you think you can outsmart me." Mary added as he stood to take his bathe. 


After bathing for about an hour, descended the staircase with smiles glowing on his face like sunlight on gold cloth. Mary positioned herself by the dining table, observing him, as he descended with joy. He went straight to the fridge as he reached the bottom of the staircase to get a drink for himself and his mum. Seeing the look on his face, as he opens the door to the fridge, Mary took a seat, trying to figure the type of dream he had.

"Hope you had a good sleep?" She asked after placing the meal to him. "Yes, Ma." He responded.

He heads to school after finishing the meal with his mum.


As he reached the school compound, he saw Jake sitting under the bamboo tree, holding a bottle filled with water. "Jake, why aren't you inside yet?" he asked, as he got closer to him.


"I was just waiting to copy the assignment given, before I enter." He responded, getting ready to stand and take the assignment from Austin.


"When will you complete an assignment on your own?" Austin asked as he handed him his book.

Jake then finished copying the work within thirty minutes, then, they navigated their way to class.

As they entered, the teacher called, asking them to present the assignment before they take their seats, or else they should turn back.


They sat in their seats after submitting the books to the teacher sitting in the front right corner of the class, marking the already submitted books.


"Oh, okay, I now see why you were sitting under the bamboo tree." Austin voiced, looking at Jake's face with thought filling his head.

"Jake, I want to discuss something with you." Austin called out to Jake, when the class ended, wanting to clear his mind of the dream's impact.

"How will you know if you have affection for someone?" Austin asked, placing his hand on his jaw. Jake looked at him, with a teasing expression. "What do you mean by that?" Jake asked moving closer to Austin's seat.

"I mean how can you know if you love someone?" Austin continued, placing both hands on the table, with a serious face.

Jake stood still with the teasing looking eyes, placing his backpack on the table beside him. "Are you going to propose to Eva?" Jake continued teasing him till Austin started to explain the reason he asked him that.


Jake got shocked, hearing Lily's name instead of Eva, and began to move about uncomfortably. He tried to hide his pain, but Austin got sight of it and questioned him. "Why are you behaving that this?" Austin, standing at the window beside Jake, asked folding his arm.

"I thought you will mention Eva's name, rather you mentioned Lily's. Why? I need to know everything." Jake asked, positioning himself in the chair next to Austin, thinking of why Lily, but not Eva.


Austin then decided to share the sensation he felt after waking up from the dream he had about Lily. Upon hearing the full account of the dream and its secrets from Austin, Jake started developing bad impression on how to make his way to Lily's heart without Austin realizing it. "What are you going to do about it?" Jake questioned Austin, as he places his hand on Austin's back in a manner of encouraging him.


"I don't know what to do, or how to tell her." Austin, bowed down his head in a low esteemed state. "Yo, carry yourself up, with all knowledge you possess, don't tell me you don't know what to do." Jake upon giving Austin more encouragement, knew how to start his mission with ease.


"Have you forgotten, what day today is?" Jake asked Austin upon checking his watch, after silence broke between them. They quickly took their backpack, and made their way to Eva's house. Lily came to meet them as a means to welcome them, then Jake tapped Austin, as he spotted Lily coming from the side of the gate.

"Hi, my name is Jake, I heard you were part of the performance that took place between our school and your school." Jake stated, wanting to catch Lily's full attention as they made their way to the door. He focused his gaze on her lips.

"Hi, my name is Jake, I heard you were part of the performance that took place between our school and your school." Jake stated, wanting to catch Lily's full attention as they made their way to the door. He focused his gaze on her lips.


With Jake's mission unfolding and Lily's captivating presence lingering in Austin's mind, the air crunched with anticipation, promising a journey filled with unexpected twists, that would leave heart racing and minds spinning with secrecy. Lily then opened the door revealing Eva's sitting in her room waiting for Austin.