
The Curiosity of a Dragon

I'm mainly posting this on royal road now. synopsis: The Curiosity of a Dragon is about a young black dragon that is hell-bent on exploring the world, meeting new people and creatures, learning all kinds of magic, be it unique, odd or powerful. Join Luna as she grows in strength, size and knowledge. the first few chapter do start off slow I will go into detail about the gorey stuff and this may also contain some 18+ themes. also I may go back and improve already released chapters. I do re-read chapters to check for mistakes before releasing them but I may think of ways to improve them after I release them and I get better at this I am no expert writer, I may make mistakes, I may write a character who is uninteresting and boring (hopefully not Luna), please bear with me here. I'll try my best as I'm in love with the ideas I'm coming up with in regards to this webnovel and potentially others set in the same world.

Redyy · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Hatchlings Arrival: Part 2

Luna sat there staring at her parents, not understanding anything they just said. Her parents stared back remembering she's not even a day old and they got ahead of themselves

"Okayyy..." Fyrielle interrupted the silence "we should get her some food, she must hungry. I'll go get her some so stay here"

Dragons, unlike most other animals, do not require a mothers milk, upon hatching they're able to eat meat without issue.

Fyrielle made her way into the tunnel leading out of the cavern, her wings hitting the stalactites causing them to fall, leaving them shattered behind her. As she exited the cave, the overgrown vines and fauna that formed over the entrance brushed against Fyrielles head and body and a dense forest came into view "they've grown since we last ventured outside. Well, that's not important right now, we can always cut them later" she stretched her wings revealing them to be somewhat cut at the ends of the sails "I've been needing a good stretch" with a single powerful flap of her wings, she was launched into the air and began to soar over the forest, keeping an eye out for any animals unlucky enough to be visible through the trees.

Back in the cavern, Verethorn was on his back, his wings sails were shown to be ripped and shredded as he spread them out across the floor, the tips of his wings touching the walls of the cavern too small to contain his entire wingspan. Luna layed on Verethorns stomach, sliding down onto his tail which curved round back into Verethorns claws. Upon catching Luna, Verethorn places her back onto his stomach for her slide down again. Both of them wearing a gleaming smile.

"Hm? A human? In this forest? I guess it has been a couple hundred years since we settled here, there must be a village nearby" Fyrielle saw large brown deer with 6 legs feeding on the carcass of a rabbit. Coming to a stop midair, she looked down at the deer and swiftly and silently dived down, landing next to it. Before the deer could react, Fyrielle quickly dispatched the creature with a swift snap of her jaws, her mouth snapping the deers antlers as her jaws enclosed its head. Grabbing the deers body with one of her claws, she pulled her head away, ripping the deers head off. Blood began gushing out onto the carcass it was feasting on and upon eating the head of the deer, Fyrielle turned to it's body, letting out a burst of fire onto the wound, cauterizing it.


"Collect 10 horned rabbit horns" Elias read to himself, taking a sheet of paper off a wall. He walked up to the counter, placing it down in front of the man behind the counter "I'd like to accept this request"

"A bit late to be doing requests isn't it? Eh whatever. What's yer rank?" The man grumbled

"E" Elias quickly responded, wanting to get on with the request

"Alright. The reward is 40 copper, be careful, I can't stop you from getting yourself killed at night, no one's here to look for you either kid" he warned

"Don't worry" walking away, Elias assured the man "I know the forest like the back of my hand"

the man grumbled to himself "what dumbass does requests at night. Ah it's not my problem, another dead adventurer won't hurt no one. I warned him that's all I'll do for him"

Elias left the guild, sword on his left hip, a satchel on his right and leather armour covering his chest.

Venturing into the forest, Elias made sure to be wary of his surroundings, a wolf could pounce at any moment, a goblin could sneak up behind him, anything could happen. As he went further in, he noticed the lack of birds chirping and the lack of animals. He had been in the forest for over 30 minutes now and he hasn't seen a single rabbit. A shadow cast over him, looking up he saw something he thought he'd never see, a dragon, red as blood, it's size alone evoked fear. He froze, he thought it was over for him, until he saw it dive down.

A loud bang, followed by the ground shaking. Elias ran, not towards the village, but towards where he saw the dragon dive. He had never seen a dragon before, he only heard about them from other adventurers and in fairytales, he had to see a real one. As he grew closer to the dragon, he saw part of it between some trees, slowing down, Elias hid behind a bush in order to not be seen. That's where he saw the dragon holding the headless corpse of a large 6 legged deer, blood flowing from the dragons mouth "a dreadantler?" He thought to himself "aren't those B-ranked"

"I think this will suffice for a day or 2" a calm soothing voice spoke out

"Did it just speak" Elias didn't know dragons could talk, he never considered that any animal could speak. As he stood there in awe, the dragon spread it's wings and with a swift and powerful flap of it's wings, it shot up into the sky, the wind pressure almost knocking Elias of his feet. "Forget the request, I'm reporting this to the guild" he ran back to the village as fast as he could, adrenaline pumping through his veins.


"She should be back soon" Verethorn said to Luna as he gently set her down onto the floor. After struggling for a minute, Verethorn found himself unable to rise, his wings too weak to support him. He layed there waiting for Fyrielle to return as Luna ran over the pool of water to get a drink, thirsty from playing. A few more minutes went by until he heard a loud thud from outside accompanied by tremors in the ground. As Fyrielle approached, the smell of iron filled Luna's and Verethorns senses "got something good I hope"

Fyrielle laughed at Verethorn, seeing the predicament he got himself in. Luna ran up to her, catching the smell of her first meal. "I'll take care of Lou's first meal, I'll assist you afterwards" setting the deer down, Luna went up to it, excited to eat, but Fyrielle stopped her, placing her front left claw in front of Luna, preventing her from reaching the dead deer. "Patience now Lou" Luna looked up at her mother then back down to the deer, salivating from her mouth as she waited in anticipation. "Alright alright, I'll mark it quick" Fyrielle gave in to Luna's eagerness and opened her mouth, letting out a stream of fire aimed at the deer. After a few seconds of this, she stopped seeing that the deer had been cooked almost perfectly, just a little over cooked. Moving her claw, Fyrielle watched as Luna began to dig in to her freshly cooked meal that sat almost twice the size of her.

"I could use some help here Fyri" Verethorn called out

"Oh right, sorry she's just too adorable" Fyrielle chuckled, rushing over to Verethorn. Walking up to verethorn, she stood by his head, sliding her claws beneath his back and lifting him as hard she could. Slowly, Verethorn was pushed onto his feet, his head scraping against the ceiling of the cavern until he came down with a thud. Upon getting back on his feet, Verethorn retracted his wings and turned to Fyrielle "what would I do without you Fyri" he said as he gently nuzzled his head against hers. Returning the affection, Fyrielle reciprocated by gently nuzzling her head against his.

Oh you're still reading? I'll take that as a compliment :)

anyway, the main focus of the first 2 chapters has been Fyri and Verethorn, which was definitely intentional and by no means a mistake due to me really being invested in these 2 characters. I just love them too much

oh and 'fyri' is 'fih-ree' or 'fy-ree' whichever you prefer (for me it's 'fih-ree')

Redyycreators' thoughts