

After the incident between Alice and Tiffany, we decided to skip the last classes and go for ice cream. The nearest ice cream shop was a little far away so we went in her car.

— Alice, what was that? — I said when she started to drive.

— Your best friend defending you from an authentic fool.

— Ah... that's okay. — I answered laughing

— Please don't believe a word from her.

— Of course not! Who do you think I am?

— You are Lizzy, my best friend, and the greatest girl I ever meet.

— Thank you! I adore you. — I said laughing again — so... the things you said to her was real?

— Yes... — said sighing — Jacob cheat on me with her and then she seduced my brother! She's not even good enough for him!

— I totally agree. How long ago was that?

— One year ago.

Once at the ice cream shop, we ordered our favorite ice creams and then we realized that it was the same. After a while, she carried me home.

A couple of weeks passed and I didn't talk with Edward at all except for the chemistry class. None of us dared to touch the subject about us again so our chats at the class were just about chemistry. With Alice everything was perfect, she convinced me to join the cheerleading team and so I discovered I actually have a talent for it.

Alice is the captain of the cheerleaders so she helped me a lot and I became one of the most popular girls at the school like my best friend just in one week.