
Pilot | The Beginning


"Where am I?..."

"Am I dead?..."

"No, perhaps I'm dying?..."

"This place is pitch black, isn't one supposed to see a white light when one is dying?..."

"Maybe only those who are deemed to be just of heart can see the white light and enter someplace better than this?, maybe I can't see the white light because I'm not entirely dead?, after all, while I'm in this lightless place I'm also tied up to this chair, how can I be in two places at the same time? I don't know, could I be currently in a state where I'm neither dead nor I'm I alive?, and that's why I can be in two places at the same time? as part of my consciousness is in this room where tied up in this chair, and another part of it is in this black place, no doubt I must be dying, after all I haven't eaten in many days and my body it's most likely in its last breath, perhaps once my body gives up I will finally see the white light that everyone says you see when you die."

"I guess my only choice is to wait until my body isn't capable of sustaining my life any longer, how strange truly, just a few days ago I was an ordinary 25 years old office worker, then one night after getting out late I suddenly got kidnapped by three guys, for no apparent reason."


"Then they tied me up to this chair then I heard them calling my house to ask for a ridiculus ransom, five millon dollars, in a year my whole family doesn't even earn one, and here they were asking for such a large sum, as my family couln't get the money they were told I would get tortured then killed before hanging up, then they decided it would be a good idea to beat me up to let out some steam after all they wouldn't be getting any money, after they got tired of punching me they just left like that and haven't returned, that was three days ago, as I have seen the sun light turn into moon light three times through that hole in the roof."

"I guess my body is really resilient I have been in this state for some time now and I still haven't seen the white light, mmm I guess I will try to move around in this black space though I have no physical form in this place, I will first try to imagine myself walking in this place."

"Ah, it seems like it doesn't work, mmm maybe if I imagine myself in other parts of this place, no that won't work as I don't even know in where I would I imagine myself as I don't even know if this place is large or small."

After Gamael spent some time trying to move in that space, he no only realized it was imposible, he also realiced that pherhaps he wasn't dying as he could begin to feel that this pitch black space was like a part of him, mostly because when he was trying to understand this place he had tried to reunite his consciousness in the "soul room" as he now call's it, with his consciousness in the "real world" and he had succeded, he discovered that as long as he imagines his consciousness sumerging inside his mind he could return to the soul room.

How ironic life is, he was traped in two diferent types of "rooms" he thought as he resolved to escape, before, he had resigned to his fate and didn't scape in case the kidnappers returned and found him gone so they would track him and kill him with his family, so he prefeded to die alone than put his family in danger, after all, if because of him harm befallen his family he wouldn't be able to live with himsef, but as three days had pased he was now convinced they had let him there to die as they most likely thought he wouldn't be able to scape and starve to death, so having resolved to scape he begun to think how could he break free from the chair.


"I recall in movies when people are in this situation they usually throw themselves back and the force usually breaks the chair, this chair looks old so if I try it, it might just work"

He thought as he mustered all his strength in order to throw himself back, snap, it sounded while the chair broke as result of the fall, after Gamael groaned because of the fall, the recovered and begun to untie himself which was easier than he thought only leaving his hand tied to his back as he couldn't untie that knot.

"Okay, now I must get out from this place"

He thought as he got closer to the door and put his hands in the door handle finding out it was locked, this of course was within his expectations after all what kind of kidnappers would leave the door to the prisoner unlocked?, so he went to the opposite wall of the room and sprinted towards the door throwing his whole weight to the door.


The door broke as it couldn't whitstand the impact of gamael full hit, and after taking a few steps and coming to a halt gamael found himself in an abandoned house, but he had already figured as much by the conditions of the room he was in, for make no mistake he may have taken no action in the past three days but that didn't mean he hadn't thought about where he was and if there was a way for him to scape, the only thing that had stopped him was ther fear of bringing harm to his family.

After taking a look he found this was and abandoned cabin in the woods, so to return to his city he would need to walk for a least a day, but he didn't have the energy to walk for so long in his current condition after all he hadn't eaten in three whole days so he first looked around the cabin and found tehre was some bread and water most likely the remains of a meal the kidnapers had before leaving but were to lazy to pick up, althought the bread had been out for three days he was in no condition to be picky about his food to he pick up the bread and begun eating the bread was hard but it was still edible, then he drank the water and decided to take off in the mornig after alll it was already getting late, and it's wasn't a good idea to be wandering in the woods in the night, still he was cautios by nature so he searched the house in order to find some weapon just in case the kidnapers returned.

Hi everyone, first of all let me thank you for reading my work, after all this it's my first work and I know there are quite a few issues with my writing skills as english is not my native language, so I hope I didin't make the reading too unpleasent.

I would really appreciate your feedback to help me improve, as I think the way I convey the history could really improve.

Kind regards

Ejdercreators' thoughts