
The Cultivation Tower System

In this world, two souls, are rebirth and remolded. One is a man from a world similar to ours, years into the future, a veteran of the Unifications Wars. Mold and birth by war, discharge from the military after a crippling wound. He spends the rest of his days playing games and making videos. After a tragic death, he finds himself, transported into this world. A new life and new goals. The second soul, is a woman, an original native of this world. Living life under the boot of someone else, a slave with no free will, and suppressing emotions. Her bright future was stolen right from under her nose. After a fitting end of a slave, she is transported back to the past. Arm with revenge and knowledge, she will pay back blood for blood. Two souls, with different goals, and lives, will come united. Equals under the Heavens, a walking god, and a breathing goddess. In the world of cultivation. The destiny of Death covers them. Their goal, to kill the World. Support the Book here: https://ko-fi.com/godofstories ---Art created by Yang Boyu--- ----English is not my first language so expect some grammar mistakes----- Socials: Titktok: TheGodofLore Discord: https://discord.gg/c5tMPb8VXK

Godofstories · Fantasy
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235 Chs

Second Death, Reincarnation

From behind the lush green bushes came out a lizard. This lizard is as tall as a human adult male. It has the upper body of a humanoid. With two arms and a lizard head. From its waist down it's a long thick green scale tail. The figure is covered in its entirety in these green reflective tails.

The lizard monster is holding a sharp curve sword in its right hand and left hand. The lizard monster, or what Mors thinks is a Naga hisses at Mors. It opens its mouth, showing its sharp fangs, and long slippery red fork tongue.

"Stupid Ghost. Think you can get away? Back to the Temple, you go."

"Oh~ I can understand you. Now that is interesting. I don't think there are any records of cultivators talking with Tower inhabitants before. Is it because I come from another world that I can understand you?"


The Naga could not understand what Mors meant. It knew the words, and it understood the words, but the meaning of the sentence did not make sense to it. Its lizard brain could not comprehend. Mors shrugs his shoulders at the Naga's inability to understand the meaning of his sentence.

"Anyway, let us end this."

Mors said as he rushes towards the Naga, causing the Naga to snap out and ready itself for combat. Mors arrives in front of the Naga as he swings his sword at it, the first swing initiating the start of 'War's First Symphony'. The Naga uses one of its curve swords to block the attack.

The sword had a weird aethereal glow to it. The sound it made as it cut through the air felt like the suppressed screams of trapped souls. The two swords meet as sparks started to fly out. Mors moves out of the range of the Naga counterattack with careful and beautiful dance-like steps.

Mors spins around as he does an upwards slash against the Naga. The Naga blocks the attack with both of its swords. But this time it did not fully stop the attack. Mors strength prove to be to much as his sword broke through the block. The Naga did not stay still and let Mors' sword wound him.

With its thick green tail, it jumps backward. Something that Mors did not expect and did not know was possible for the Naga. But the very tip of his sword scratches the scales of the Naga's chest. Breaking some of the skins and doing a small faint and light wound.

Normally this wound will draw a single drop of blood. But what came out of that wound was a river of blood! The Naga found itself bleeding at an uncontrollable rate. But this excessive bleeding stops after just a second. But the Naga had already lost a lot of blood. Making its judgment cloudy and its movement sloppy.

This gave Mors enough time to cut the Nagas head clean of its body. Its head flew on the sky, drawing an arc. Rivers of blood spill from the open wound. Raining down on Mors and on the surrounding areas.

"Ha- could not even start my song."

Mors said as the rain stopped. He looks at the limb dead body of the Naga as he walks towards it and crutches down. He looks at the curve blades and picks one up. The next second Mors heard countless whispers and pleas.

"Oh, great one! Release us!"

"Oh, Exulted Death! Reforge us!"

"Oh, Holy Death!"

The voice of the ghost echoes in Mor's mind. Making him a bit dizzy in the process. He could understand what the ghost was saying, and he understood its meaning. As pieces started to click on Mors' mind.

"Zhihui did say that she found it weird that she did not feel the corrupted force of the Wand when she used it. Like something inside of her was fighting it. The name of our move when we reach 15% synchronization is called Regression of First Death."

"At the end of the big battle against that Cyclops, the land around its corpse changes somewhat. They felt eerie and dead."

"Those us having a second life, made us be corrupted by death? But I don't feel any different compared to my first life. Other than the fact I am not a rich elite in a non-democratic system."

"Oh, Holy Death!"

The word of the Ghost echo in Mor's mind. A single idea came into his mind. A very frightening idea.

"I am Second Death, Reincarnation."



The Ghosts spoke in holy fervor, fanatics of Deaths, worshipers of Deaths, Deaths' loyal servants. Mors felt shivers go down his spine. His heartbeat is faster as he looks at the sword in his hand. Mors stood up and raise his hand up into the air. He throws the sword upwards as he changes from his sword to his axe.

He gathers his Qi on the axe as he waits for the sword to come down. He swings the axe at the sword in midair. Shattering the sword into countless pieces! The souls that were trapped in the sword started to disappear one by one. Like whispers on the wind.

Mors face covered by the mask became complicated.

"I need to talk to Zhihui about this when I get out."

Mors said as he shatters the other sword, releasing the souls inside of it.

"I hope that grants their wishes."

With new information in his mind and new plans brewing in the dark corners of his castle. Mors walks into the small jungle that is in the center of this island. Walking through the heavy and green bushes. Cutting some of the branches and bushes that get in his way with his axe.

Mors found some weird animals that were lizards based on his small walk. But all seem to ignore him as they ran away at first sight of him. As Mors walks the sound of explosions and of battle reach his ears. With a quick turn, he started to make his way to that fight. Ready to learn more and maybe get closer to his goal of collecting the material that Xia ask for.

Todays chapter, hope you all like it and see you all tomorrow!

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