
The Crystal Of Time

Our main protagonist, Suze Satoru is a typical salaryman who is regretting make wrong choices in past time. He found a time travel book and crystal which was written and collected by his great great grandfather.The crystal help him get in past. now he is take the right paths in order to solve the danger and problems in his life and have a happy lifestyle.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 8 New Beginning

As Suze embraced the rhythm of his double life, the time had come for him to step into the realm of formal education. His first day at the school loomed, a significant step into the world of the ordinary.

**In the Satoru Residence:**

*Suze's Mother, Megumi:* "Suze, it's your first day at school. Are you excited?"

*Suze, grinning:* "Yeah, Mom, should be interesting."

Suze, adorned in his school uniform, exuded an air of confidence that intrigued his family.

**Outside the School Gates:**

*Suze's Sister, Rika:* "Make sure to impress everyone with your charm, Suze."

*Suze, playfully:* "As always, Rika. I'll be the charmer of the class."

The siblings shared a light-hearted moment before Suze entered the school gates.

**In the Classroom:**

*Classmate 1, excitedly:* "Have you heard? Suze Satoru is joining our class!"

*Classmate 2:* "Suze Satoru? The one from the Satoru family? The really handsome one?"

*Classmate 3:* "I hope he sits next to me!"

The buzz among the students grew as Suze entered the classroom, his presence already making waves.

**In the Classroom - Suze's Arrival:**

*Classmate 4, whispering:* "Is that him? The Satoru guy?"

*Classmate 5:* "He's even more handsome in person. Look at that charisma."

*Suze, entering with a smile:* "Hello, everyone. I'm Suze Satoru. Nice to meet you all."

The class fell into a hushed silence as they greeted the newest addition to their ranks.

**At the Back of the Classroom:**

*Suze's New Friend, Aisa:* "Hey there! I'm Aisa. Welcome to our class!"

*Suze, friendly:* "Thanks, Aisa. I'm looking forward to being here."

Aisa, with her energetic personality, quickly became Suze's first friend in this unfamiliar territory.

**In the Middle of the Room:**

*Suze, approached by Sora:* "Hi, Suze! I'm Sora. Your reputation precedes you."

*Suze, amused:* "Reputation? I hope it's a good one."

*Sora, grinning:* "The best. Everyone's excited to have you here."

Suze's presence had stirred a unique energy in the class, an unexpected charisma that fascinated his new peers.

**Near the Window:**

*Suze, greeted by Sue:* "Hey, Suze! I'm Sue. Nice to finally meet you."

*Suze, with a nod:* "Likewise, Sue. Looking forward to getting to know everyone."

Sue, with her calm demeanor, seemed to see beyond the surface, intrigued by the mystery Suze carried.

**Near the Door:**

*Suze, meeting Aki:* "Hello, Suze! I'm Aki. It's a pleasure to have you with us."

*Suze, genuinely:* "Thank you, Aki. Pleasure's mine."

Aki, with a friendly smile, welcomed Suze into the group, adding another layer to the budding connections.

**At the Front of the Classroom:**

*Suze, introduced to Tatsuya:* "Hey, Tatsuya, right? I'm Suze."

*Tatsuya, nodding:* "Yep, that's me. Heard you're quite the mysterious newcomer."

*Suze, laughing:* "Mysterious? Well, I guess I'll keep you all guessing."

Tatsuya, with his inquisitive gaze, seemed determined to unravel the enigma that Suze presented.

**During Break Time:**

The school day progressed, and Suze found himself navigating the intricate web of school life, his charm and charisma leaving an indelible mark.

**In the School Courtyard:**

*Aisa, excitedly:* "Suze, this is fantastic! Everyone's talking about you!"

*Suze, modestly:* "Really? I'm just here to learn like everyone else."

*Aisa, teasingly:* "Come on, don't be so humble. You've already become the talk of the school."

Suze's arrival had ignited a spark of interest, turning his ordinary school experience into something far from typical.

**Later, in the Classroom:**

As the day unfolded, Suze found himself immersed in lessons, laughter, and the curious gazes of his classmates.

**In the Middle of Class:**

*Sora, whispering:* "Suze, you've got this magnetic pull. Everyone wants to be near you."

*Suze, bemused:* "I'm just being myself, Sora. People are just curious, that's all."

The dichotomy of Suze's life, between the magical and the mundane, continued to unfold in the realm of academia.

**In the School Corridor:**

*Sue, walking with Suze:* "You know, Suze, there's something different about you. It's intriguing."

*Suze, cryptically:* "Different? Well, life's full of mysteries, Sue."

Sue, ever observant, seemed to sense a layer beyond Suze's charming exterior.

**In the Cafeteria:**

*Suze, joined by Aki:* "So, Suze, what's the story behind that smile of yours?"

*Suze, with a playful smirk:* "Ah, Aki, that's a tale for another time. Secrets make life interesting, don't they?"

Aki, with a glint of curiosity in her eyes, couldn't help but be captivated by the enigma that was Suze Satoru.

**The Day Unfolds:**

As the school day drew to a close, Suze navigated the delicate balance between his magical prowess and the allure of his everyday existence.

**In the Afternoon:**

*Suze, reflecting:* "School life and my magical journey, two worlds colliding. How long can I keep this delicate dance?"

The duality of Suze's life, a tapestry woven with secrets and enchantments, unfolded against the backdrop of the ordinary.