
The Crystal Of Time

Our main protagonist, Suze Satoru is a typical salaryman who is regretting make wrong choices in past time. He found a time travel book and crystal which was written and collected by his great great grandfather.The crystal help him get in past. now he is take the right paths in order to solve the danger and problems in his life and have a happy lifestyle.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 17

**<(Chapter 14)>**

**Whispers of Mastery**

In the aftermath of the magical revelation about their Blood Cards, the students embraced their unique affinities, each finding a distinct connection to their magical essence. The air buzzed with excitement as they delved deeper into their newfound powers.

**In the School Courtyard:**

*Suze, discussing with friends:* "We're on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling the magic within us. It's exhilarating."

**Among the Students - Sora:** "I never imagined magic could be so intricate. It's like unlocking a secret world."

**Aki, confidently:** "And we're just getting started. Who knows what more we can achieve?"

**Eva and Luka's Departure:**

*Eva, addressing the students:* "Our time here has been enlightening, but our journey continues elsewhere. Remember the bonds you've forged."

**Among the Students - Tatsuya:** "They brought a unique perspective to our magical education. Their departure feels like the closing of a chapter."

**Suze, taking the initiative:** "I'd like to explore the library. There's so much to learn, especially about my family's magical legacy."

**Among the Students - Sue:** "Library? You're determined to unlock the secrets, Suze."

**In the School Library:**

*Suze, exploring the magical section:* "Let's start with the basics. School-level books first."

**Among the Students - Aki:** "What are you searching for, Suze?"

**Suze, focused:** "Anything related to advanced magic, family legacies, and ancient spells."

**In the College Section:**

*Suze, delving into college-level books:* "Maximum Output... I already knew about that, but what about Maximum Art?"

**Among the Students - Sora:** "Maximum Art? Sounds powerful. What's the difference?"

**Suze, explaining:** "Maximum Art takes magic to the next level. It's about infusing supreme power into spells. And then there's Imaginary Art."

**Aki, curious:** "Imaginary Art? That sounds mysterious. What's the difference?"

**Suze, immersed in reading:** "It's a step beyond Maximum Art. Instead of a directional blast, it's an omnidirectional explosion, destroying a massive area."

**Among the Students - Sue:** "Sounds like the pinnacle of magic. Can you really learn it?"

**Suze, determined:** "I won't know until I try."

**In the Practice Area:**

*Suze, attempting the spell:* "Gravity magic: Maximum Art, Totally Zero."

*The air around Suze crackled with energy, but the spell faltered, and he collapsed, unconscious.*

**Among the Students - Tatsuya:** "Suze! What happened?"

**Sora, concerned:** "Is he okay?"

**In Suze's Mind:**

*Suze, surrounded by darkness:* "What went wrong? I thought I understood the essence of gravity magic."

**A Mysterious Voice:** "Understanding is one thing. Mastery is another. You tread on the path of ancient powers, Suze Satoru."

**Suze, determined:** "I won't give up. I need to unlock the full potential within me."

**Back in Reality:**

**Among the Students - Aki:** "He's waking up!"

**Suze, groggy:** "That was intense. I almost had it."

**Eva, appearing:** "You delved into powerful realms, Suze. The road to mastery is paved with challenges."

**Suze, resolute:** "I won't stop until I master it. There's a legacy within me that I must unlock."

**Eva, smiling:** "Your determination is commendable. The library holds more secrets than you can imagine."

And so, with a taste of the formidable magic that awaited him, Suze faced the challenges ahead, determined to unlock the depths of his family's magical legacy. The library, a repository of ancient knowledge, beckoned him, promising revelations and mysteries that would shape his journey of mastery.

____________<(End of Chapter 14)>_____________