
The Crystal Of Time

Our main protagonist, Suze Satoru is a typical salaryman who is regretting make wrong choices in past time. He found a time travel book and crystal which was written and collected by his great great grandfather.The crystal help him get in past. now he is take the right paths in order to solve the danger and problems in his life and have a happy lifestyle.

Shuvo_Sen · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 12 Vampire ATMU

In the wake of the vampire threat, the school found itself in the spotlight. Rumors swirled about the mysterious protector, and it wasn't long before news reached the ears of two renowned figures within the ATMU.

**In the School Courtyard:**

*Suze, conversing with friends:* "Word spreads fast. We have guests coming—ranked 2 and 3 ATMU members."

*Sora, intrigued:* "What do they want here?"

*Aki, puzzled:* "We're just students. Why would they visit us?"

**The Arrival of ATMU Members:**

The school buzzed with anticipation as the two esteemed members, known for their power and prowess, made their entrance.

**ATMU Rank 2 (Rin):** "Greetings, young mages. We heard of recent events and thought a visit was in order."

**ATMU Rank 3 (Kai):** "Indeed. It seems there's more magic brewing here than we anticipated."

**Among the Students - Tatsuya:** "These are the legendary ATMU members. We're in the presence of greatness."

**ATMU Members Observing:**

*Rin, eyeing the students:* "A peculiar group. Children with magic potential."

*Kai, assessing the situation:* "Let's see what they're capable of. It's been a while since we've been to a magical school."

**In the Classroom:**

*Rin, addressing the students:* "We're here to share knowledge. Magic is a powerful tool. Understand it, and you'll harness its true potential."

**Among the Students - Sue, whispering:** "What's he talking about? I barely understand my own spells."

**Rin, demonstrating a spell:** "Observe. Water magic: Tidal Wave."

A majestic tidal wave manifested, showcasing Rin's mastery over water magic.

**Among the Students - Aki:** "That's incredible! I wish I could do that."

**Rin, encouraging:** "With dedication and practice, you can."

**Kai, demonstrating a spell:** "Fire magic: Inferno Burst."

Fire erupted around Kai, dancing to the rhythm of his control.

**Among the Students - Sora:** "This is way beyond what we've learned."

**Kai, addressing the students:** "Magic isn't just about spells. It's about understanding the essence and connecting with the elements."

**Suze, silently nodding:** "Their approach is different from our school's teachings."

**Kai, noticing Suze's understanding:** "Ah, it seems someone here grasps the concept."

**Among the Students - Tatsuya:** "Suze always was ahead of us in magical understanding."

**Suze, responding to Kai:** "Magic is a language. Each spell tells a story. Understanding the story makes the magic more potent."

**Rin, impressed:** "Insightful. Perhaps you're not just ordinary students."

**Kai, smirking:** "Indeed, there's more to this group than meets the eye."

**In the Dormitories:**

*Suze, explaining to friends:* "They're teaching a different aspect of magic—understanding the elements rather than memorizing spells."

*Aki, scratching her head:* "I'm lost. How do you understand the elements?"

**Suze, demonstrating:** "Watch. Earth magic: Vibrant Growth."

Lush vines emerged from the ground, responding to Suze's connection with the earth.

**Among the Students - Sue:** "That's amazing! How did you do that?"

**Suze, explaining:** "Feel the magic, understand the element's essence, and let it flow through you."

**Rin, overhearing:** "He's onto something. Magic is a personal journey, a connection between the mage and the elements."

**Kai, nodding:** "We've seen enough. Your potential intrigues us."

**In the School Courtyard:**

*Rin, addressing the students:* "Learn to feel the magic within you. It's not just a tool; it's a part of you."

**Among the Students - Tatsuya:** "They're leaving quite an impression."

**Kai, addressing Suze:** "You understand, young one. Keep honing your skills. You might surpass us one day."

**Rin, leaving:** "Farewell, young mages. Remember, magic is a journey of self-discovery."

**In the Aftermath:**

The legendary ATMU members departed, leaving the school abuzz with newfound inspiration.

**Among the Students - Sora:** "That was intense. I never thought magic could be so deep."

**Suze, reflecting:** "Their approach opened new doors. Magic is more than what we've been taught."

**Among the Students - Aki:** "Suze, you seemed to get it. Can you teach us?"

**Suze, smiling:** "Together, we'll explore the depths of magic. Let's embark on this journey."

And so, the students, fueled by the visit of the legendary ATMU members, delved into a new chapter of magical understanding, guided by Suze's insight and the inspiration left by those who had witnessed their potential.