
The Crystal Elements

There are no ways that say that everything is only reality or fantasy. It tells the story of some elements that were created and found in a future world. It is not known where they appeared but an organization came to take control of Japan after that. With the passage of time, a group of people appears to carry the elements of crystals but they did not know what was going to happen to them now.

Dakumura · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


At bedtime, Kyoko was on the phone with Satoko, her best friend. Kyoko mentions in the conversation how she found her power.

"It was when I found this sparkly necklace on the ground during my family's vacation one year. I thought it was the prettiest thing, so I took it home with me."

"I didn't know that's how you found it. What happened next?"

"Things started to get weird."

"Weird, how?"

"I developed a sensitivity to water. It was as if I was very aware of where it was around me. Sometimes I accidentally moved a cup of water without meaning too or anytime I swam after that; the water started to interfere or interact with me."

"Were you scared?"

"No, I don't think so. I—"

Suddenly, the power shuts off, her phone freezes, and time stops.

"Hello? Satoko? That's weird. Ah!"

A hooded person appears and launches an attack on Kyoko.

"What—who are you? What's going on?"

Hooded person: "I'm here to complete my task." - Continues to attack her.

The fight turned out of Kyoko's house. But she still didn't understand what he really was doing and why he kept attacking her

Kyoko's thoughts: "Why is he attacking me? Why has everything stopped moving?"

Until she had no choice but to fight, but the problem was that there was no water around her which is a disadvantage for Kyoko. He tries now with physical attacks.

"Watch it! I don't know what you want from me."

But now her next problem for Kyoko is what the hooded person stops the time. Kyoko does nothing with that and ends up falling to the ground.

"What do you wield with your element?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You carry the Element of Water, give it to me for your sake, to people who know how to use it."

"My item? I'm not giving you anything. I won't let you take it from me!"

Kyoko was about to lose but she showed an aura in his necklace, stopped the Carrier's attack, suddenly regained her strength, and stands up.

"Hey, why do you want my necklace anyways?"

"That is not for you to know."

"I think you owe me some answers—you came here and attacked me!"

"You should have handed over The Crystal Elements."

"Crystal Elements? You said you have a task to complete—for who?"

"I work for The Empire. We are collecting The Crystal Elements, which is why I require yours."

"I'm not giving you anything until you tell me what is going on."

The frustrated Carrier begins to attack Kyoko again. That is when he sees an advantage for Kyoko since the blow is a source of water that had been caused in the attack. He uses it to counterattack the Carrier, creating a source towards him, with the power of each one they were giving it was not known who was going to win. In the end, they are tied.

"Okay—that's enough."

Kyoko: *breathing heavily* "That's enough? Why do you have to attack in the first place?

You—You shouldn't try to take things from people. Especially when they are not yours!"

The Carrier strikes once more and disappears.

The hour has already passed properly, but the damage was not caused.

"Oh my. What was all of that? Am I really wearing a Crystal Element? That's what he wanted so badly? I need to be more careful in case he returns."

She enters her house already with unexpected fatigue, Kyoko looks at the phone and is still on call with her best friend, Satoko.

"Satoko, Satoko are you there?"

"What? Yeah, did I cut out?"

"Um, no, I had a little static. What were we talking about?"

"I was asking if you were scared of your powers when you first got them."

"Oh! Yeah, I think I realize that I have to be careful with them. Who knows what would happen if people knew I have this necklace?"

"Like today, that was a close call."

"It was."

"Do you think anyone saw you when you used your powers?"

"I hope not."

While with the Carrier, He had come to a corner in the streets to rest and think clearly about the situation.

"Retrieving this Crystal Element might be more difficult than I thought. That girl was spirited. I think I will need help with this

Note: The Crystal Element that Kyoko carries is Water and has the power to manipulate and create fountains but only in places that contain water. Lvl 0

From the next chapter there will no longer be so much dialogue, only descriptions. Thank you.

Dakumuracreators' thoughts