
Chapter 63: SECRETS

“Brown Sparrow will be devastated if you leave without saying goodbye. She has told me you are all she has left of her former life before the raid. You are not alone - Brown Sparrow and I are here for you. I understand what you are saying about your husband. I don't really know what to say. How God allows such things to happen to those who love him... A test, perhaps, to see if we will still love Him even if all is taken from us? Please, Adelaide, reconsider. Come back to the camp with me and in the morning, I will ask my husband to see if someone can be sent to look for your first husband. They can be discreet and besides, I need to send a message to my son in Germany as well.”

In the distance a wolf howled, sending shivers down Adelaide’s spine. She wouldn’t be able to find her way in the darkness and the creatures lurking in the forest were undoubtedly hungry.

“Chief Long Knife can’t know of this...or his mother. Your husband would have to be very discreet.”