
The Cruel Vampire King Wants Me

[This book contains mature theme] Since the death of his wife, King Cassius, the powerful and feared Vampire king of Cobalt Kingdom has never had another woman in his life. The king become mad, rumored that he even killed dozens of his servants. One day a beautiful girl from a small village, Ophelia, ends up in the king's hazardous palace applying for a job as a nanny for the toddler prince. But something strange occurred. How can a commoner like her arouse the thrist that torments him? Cassius loathe human, because they are feeble creature. And he dislike woman except his wife. Will Ophelia have the same fate like the poor servants? Or can she take the king's heart and survive?

QueenAshara · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Vampire kiss

The girl reach her own lips with both hands, as if she wanted to make sure it were still in place.

When Cassius saw how her expression changed at the sight of the bloodstains on her finger, he immediately realized that he had really scared her.

"I'm sorry" The man tried to lift her chin.

But Ophelia immediately took her face away from him.

'there is blood on my hands' the girl still covered her mouth with both hands.

Her palms almost covered half of her small heart-shapes face. Leaving round eyes staring at the king as if she had seen a very dangerous predator.

'Vampires are blood eaters. Oh no! His Majesty is intent on sucking the blood from my lips! He tried to eat my lips!'

"Let me see" Cassius became worried seeing her who just kept quiet.

Is the wound on his lips that painful? He felt really guilty.

Ophelia took a step back, her head shook vigorously "Your Majesty is trying to eat my lips" The girl squeaked.

She still covered his mouth. When her hand left her face, there was no blood there. But she thinned her lips into a straight line.

Cassius widened his eyes. Eat her lips?

"I was just trying to kiss you" He let out a breath.

He made sure his tone was gentle to her so she wouldn't be any more scared.

Ophelia shook her head again vigorously.

'He's lying! The kiss wasn't like that'

Aunt Emmy kissed her once when she was little. That was when Ophelia won the dance competition in Fallside and earned some silver coins for them to buy some foodstuff.

Aunt Emmy said she was very proud of her that time. And that's when Ophelia got a kiss from her.

And it was just a quick peck on her cheek. But Ophelia was glad, imagining that her parents would have kissed her too if they were still alive.

A kiss should make her feel as happy as when she was a child. It shouldn't make her feel the strangeness inside her that makes her skin heat up like now, right?

'King Cassius is lying. He didn't want to kiss but eat me. He even sucked my lips'

Cassius looked at the girl, she looked very sullen. What was she thinking about?

"Your Majesty is lying. Kisses shouldn't be here."

She touched her lips and let out a sigh of relief feeling the wet and supple texture still clinging to her face.

Cassius really couldn't answer anything. On the paper she brought with her it was written that this girl was 19, and would soon be 20.

She was so innocent.

There's no way a girl her age let alone as beautiful as her has never had a lover?

If Ophelia had ever had a boyfriend at least she should have kissed.

"Hmm well, then where is the kiss supposed to be? Where should I kiss you?"

Ophelia was silent for a moment. Is....she going to say that he should kiss her cheek?

The king stared down at her to see her face. Half-wet hair framed his impatient face.

His good looks really made her heart flutter like crazy.

"say" the man demanded.

"That..should be..here" she pointed at her cheek fearfully. Close her eyes tightly.

'What if vampire and human kisses were actually different?! What will happen if His Majesty eats my cheek instead?!'

The seconds passed so tensely before finally she felt something soft land lightly on her cheek. Her eyes instantly opened.

At that moment, she regretfully opened her eyes, her heartbeat going crazy because Cassius' face was so close to her.

"Is that so?" the man whispered in a hoarse voice that was so sexy. "Is this the kiss you like?"

Ophelia slowly nodded.

Her hand traced her cheek where the king's lips had landed.

"I'm sorry," he repeated. Her face was not as frightened as before. Now her cheeks are red like a ripe peach ready to be picked "I can't help myself"

Ophelia nodded her head.

'What is this? He already kissed me like when aunt Emmy kissed me but instead of feeling happy my feeling was even more strange and nervous'


When Ophelia left his room, he had to finish his already smoldering arousal with his own hands in the cold bathroom.

Shit. He should have ended up in his warm bed with that beautiful girl and hugged her until morning.

Cassius massaged the bridge of his nose "damn it. I already scared her. what if she doesn't want to see me again?"

But indeed the women if they don't praise him they're feared him.

His wife used to be one of the few ladies who were not afraid of Cassius who was known as the brutal and violent crown prince of Cobalt.

Seven years ago, the two of them met at a banquet held in the palace grounds on that cold autumn night. She is the younger sister of Gwyneth's friend.

Cassius stepped aside from the noise of the guest chatter. Under the golden light and the red-brown carpet of fallen maple leaves on the ground around them, Cassius saw his beautiful dove for the first time, Lady Veronica Jury.

Who eventually became his wife.

That night the crown prince Cassius Dandridge who had never loved a woman before, fell in love for the first time.

Veronica's long blonde hair blew in the chilly night breeze, her emerald irises were a beautiful lush meadow and instantly captivated Cassius at the first glance.

Cassius held his breath as the girl trotted over to him and bowed respectfully before him. it's nothing' Cassius reassured himself. It's all Cobalt should do to their future king. but there is something so graceful and attractive from her curtsy that makes his heart pound like crazy.

"Your Highness. It's really an honor to finally meet you"

Veronica's soft smile at that time still imprinted on his mind to this day.

But the thrill for him had faded.

And Cassius felt it again. Just as he found the clumsy human girl holding his son, Averio, in the boy room. The young girl who was said to be the nanny?

She turned to him, Cassius froze for a moment.

At that time on the first day of their meeting, Cassius immediately snatched Averio from her arms.

Surprisingly, his son was crying and trying to grab the human girl's shabby dress.

"Ophelia..." Cassius mumbled her name.

His lips curved into a smile just hearing her name. Beautiful name.

He knew what he was feeling. He had felt this feeling before when he met his wife.

He has fallen in love. He should be happy, it was never difficult for him to get any woman.

But she is human. Is it possible for the two of them to be together?

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