
The Cruel Prince Loves Her, She Agrees to Marry Him to Save the World

There he was. Theo. Swimming toward her. Almost naked her! She realizes. Her nervousness sky rocketed. She stays in place by treading water. Watching him swim. Waiting for him to reach her. She could see his muscles ripple like the waves he made with each stroke. He didn't care about touching her between her legs, why would he care now? She wasn't completely naked she thought to herself. She could handle him. Orion: "Why'd you take off without saying anything?" Theo asked. "I was feeling a bit hot, so I decided to take a swim. Why?" "You tell me? You're almost naked. Alone in a forest with a man whose also half naked and within arms reach." He said a smooth rough tone "that sounds problematic to me" "That sounds like your problem, not mine" I snorted. "Is that so?" He said with a thick devilish voice, "let’s see about that, huh?" Moments later his face was within inches from mine. I could almost taste his lips he was so close. I sucked in a deep breath I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath "Still think it's not your problem?" He teased me. Silence. I couldn't speak. He was so close to that he took away my words. His shirtless body so close it warmed the water near my breasts. My mouth hanging slightly open in awe at the man before me. His strong jawline framed so well by his wet hair. Water dripping from the ends. I find him staring at me. Looking not just at me but into me. It was like through my eyes he found away into my body. I was so drawn to this man. Whether it be the marks bond or me. I wanted him. I wanted him bad. And I could feel it, he wanted me just as much. I say "'you're right I guess it is my problem" and then I let go. I close my eyes and grab his face pressing his lips to mine. I gave in to my desire to have him. They were so soft and full. The kiss was full of need and desire. I was drowning in him. I don’t think it was possible for me to pull away in that moment. It was like something inside me was begging for something inside him. Theo: I wasn't prepared to see her floating in the middle of the lake. I could just make out the delicate features of her face and the outline of her body, her nearly naked body, in the lake. F*ck I was done for. She was going to break every ounce my self control by just existing around me with no clothes. I take off everything but my undergarments and dive in after her. Swimming to her I ask her about how it's dangerous to be in the water with a man almost naked. She said it was my problem. She has no idea how right she is about that. I was so hard being this close to her like this. So little clothing between us. She really was going to drive me crazy. Being with her set my insides on fire. I was throbbing for her. Craving to be inside her. In seconds I was inches from her face, the scent of her lust filling the air around us. I could hear her heart beating fast. And then she says, "you're right it is my problem" and then she kissed me. Holy f*ck she kissed me. Is kissing me. I bring her closer to me, pulling her mouth closer to mine. The first opening she makes in her mouth I slide my tongue in. Tasting her. My arms wrapped around her hands holding her back keeping her chest pinned to mine. And I devour her completely. I've wanted her like this since the moment she walked through that door in her father's office. We somehow make our way towards the water fall it was a little shallower so I could just stand with my chest just above the water. I put my hands on her ass and throw her up some making her legs wrap around my hips. I lean her against the mossy wall behind her. Kissing her deeper and deeper barely breathing, my d*ck was throbbing in my pants as she's rubbing her p*ssy against it. "If you don't stop I'm going to f*ck you right here and now." I growled at her, feeling the voice of predator deep inside me. If you want images of the characters check out the discord! Discord for this book: https://discord.gg/YsgYWTmN

Devonany · Fantasy
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41 Chs


"F*ck you! You're the traitor! You betrayed us." The first man yelled.

"You sold us out to the people who almost ruined our clan!" Said the second man "Her and her family will pay for their sins!"

"Your no prince of mine, bastard!" Yelled the first man before he lunged at me with a wild swing, I dodged, countering with an uppercut to the ribs. As the second man tried to grab me from behind, I spun and elbowed his jaw, sending him flying backward.

The first man quickly drawing a knife and slashing at my stomach "you're f*cking dead traitor!"

I just barely dodged, feeling the blade slice

through my shirt. Using the momentum of my dodge, I grabbed the attacker's wrist, twisted it sharply, and forced the knife into his ribs. The first man collapsing with a pained grunt.

The second man, regained his balance,

charged again, this time with a broken bat in hand. I run at him head-on, sidestepping at the last moment and tripping him with a well-placed foot. As the man stumbled, I used his own bat giving him the final blow to the back of his head, he went limp and became unconscious.

"Son of a b*tch, I'll deal with you two later."

Breathing heavily, I rush over to Orion. The back of her head leaving warm blood on my fingers.

"F*ck. Little Bunny, you're bleeding."

Just then her brothers and Carter show

up with another man in tow.

"Where the f*ck have you been? Who's that?" yelling at them.

"Woah man we came here as soon as Carter found us." Oleander replied.

"This is Julian Carter found him on the way to us." Arragon said.

"He's the brains apparently, the innkeeper just let them know when she left and sent her down that path." Carter confirmed my suspicions

"Well f*ck, someone get a healer!"

"You, go get a healer, and you go get the innkeeper and his wife." Carter giving directions one of to the soldiers.

"The innkeepers wife isn't the traitor so leave her be"

"But bring those other treacherous

f*cks here."

"We're gonna take her to her room, come see us when you're done." Oleander said.

"Should i come get you after the healers done?" Arragon asked.

Just then the soldiers brought in the innkeeper. Unconscious.

"No i have things to do here for i come back up to see her." I know they could feel the anger and disgust coming from my tone and probably knew I was going to do something that will upset her.

I waited until they left to start.

"Carter, drag them over and line them up on the walls, tie their hands and legs together."

"I'm going to show my people what happens when they touch what's mine and remind them what we do to traitors here in the Sun Clan."

Carter does as he's told and drags their limp unconscious bleeding bodies to the wall. He binds their hands and feet.

Carter goes and grabs a bucket of water and throws it on the men waking the up.

"Hey man what the f*ck?" Said Julian.

"WelL look whose waking up?" Carter said with a smirk. His arms crossed leaning to one side a bit.

Kicking the second mans leg. He was still out from the bat swing. "Wake the f*ck up you ugly piece of shit."

Now with all the men awake.

"Who planned this?"

Everyone remained silent.

Julian spitting at me. "I did f*cking traitor doesn't deserve to call himself our prince.

I punch him in the mouth.

"Do you know what I do to people who touch what's mine?"

I grab Julian by his bindings on his feet to the center before the other three men. And I unsheathe my sword and with one swift swing I cut both his hands clean off.

I cast him to the side while he screams and cries. "You took my f*cking hands. You took my f*cking hands"

"Yeah, and I'm gonna take all of your hands for touching what mine and then after I'm going to drag your bodies to the town hall and cut your fucking heads off for treason, you grimy son of a b*tch."

The other men now begging "No please' 'don't take my hands' 'please your majesty' " pleading did nothing one by one I cut their hands off. Each cry getting more desperate.

"Would you f*cking give mercy on her? On your queen"

Screaming and crying I order the soldiers to drag them out to the town hall. A trail of blood leaving the barn they squirmed and pleaded.

"And you know what we do to traitors? We take their heads and put them on spikes" Carter said with a devious smile.

In front of the town hall, I walked in and brought the chief outside. Once i was back outside a crowd had gathered; hearing the cries and pleas of the men who have been sentenced to a traitors death.

"These men before you are tried with treason and are sentenced to death by decapitation.

"Their crime was attacking and kidnapping the High Elves Clan Princess, my wife and your future queen.

"I took their hands because they thought they could touch what is mine.

"I will take their heads for harming their queen."

I take my sword and swing it down on Julians headfirst. The three men now screaming in horror. The innkeeper Isaak pissed his pants. "You're pathetic."

Cutting off his head. The last two men were cut by Carter.

"Put their heads on spikes and line the town hall with them, let this be a reminder of what we do with traitors." I growled at the crowd loudly. Watching the innkeeper's wife drop to her knees sobbing.

Leaving them behind I rush into the inn to get Orion.

I get to our room, still covered in blood, I should probably take a shower soon. She was still unconscious lying down in bed.

"So why is she still unconscious?"

"She was hit real hard and probably has a concussion, so she might sleep for a bit. But she's okay." Answered Arragon.

I walk over and kiss her forehead. Rubbing stray hair from her face.

"I'm in dire need of a shower. I'm covered in the blood of traitors."