
Chapter 79 The right moment

The drive back to the estate was quite quiet. There was a smile on Tiger's face as he focused on the road. He couldn't help but think of the act Klaus displayed earlier. The more he thought of it, the more curiosity clouded his brain. He was still surprised.

Klaus's eyes strolled to him. He had that look on his face since they left the hotel. If there was one thing he knew about Tiger, that would be the look on his face when he is curious.

"Okay Tyler, speak up". Klaus's eyes never left his face. He wanted to feed Tiger's curiosity. He knew that if he didn't set him free, sooner or later, he was going to tease him with it.

"Oh, what do you mean?" He spoke in a British accent as he looked at Klaus as swiftly as his eyes were back on the road. 

Lips lifted to his actions. Klaus was amused and embarrassed at the same time. He pulled up that trick forgetting that Tiger was behind him. Normally, it was an impressive move, but with Tiger present, it was quite a bummer. He didn't want to show off so much but he thought putting up an act would help that moment's situation.

"I thought you weren't interested in the English folks". Klaus's eyes were now on the road. He couldn't even look at Tiger.

"Well, someone's act got me interested. Tell me, are British guys always so hot in black clothes?" Tiger's eyes were now on him. His eyes never left his face as he watched Klaus turn red.

Klaus couldn't believe his ears. He was still trying to process what was happening.

Is he flirting with me?

His heart thudded heavily underneath his chest. He was sure that his skin had probably given his emotions away because he could feel the heat slipping out of his body

"First of all, I'm not British, I am a citizen of the US, and for the records, you are also clothed in black". Tiger smiled at his words. He knew that Klaus wasn't British but teasing him a little won't hurt.

Tiger turned his gaze back to the road but his attention was still on Klaus. He saw a very interesting side of the man of his dreams earlier and he was impressed.

"Oh, it's about my badass clothes now". Tiger's tone had sarcasm in it. He was feeling this moment. He enjoyed the look on Klaus's face.

"God, you're so fucking hot and you don't even realize that". Klaus muttered. He didn't even know when those words left his lips. He didn't realize that he said it out loud.

When Tiger's leg hit the brakes was when he realized that the man beside him heard his own thoughts. Tiger went numb. He was shocked. He was dumbstruck. He didn't even know what to say and how to react. 

He managed to turn his head as his eyes remained fixed on Klaus. It was the right moment. It was time to know. It was time to put it out there. They both knew it. His heart thudded heavily. He couldn't breathe. The feeling was evident.

"You feel the same".