
Chapter 75 My goddess

Zhavia walked into the large conference meeting room elegantly. Her sleeveless white v-lined top fitted perfectly on that hot model-like body as her long flowing oversized palazzo pants gave her that tiny waist. There was no one in the room yet— that was the initial plan from the start. 

She took her seat while Sofia made sure everything was in place. She felt at ease that she was finally getting this workload off her shoulders.

"I'll get the soda waters ready miss McKay". Sofia alerted zhavia as she walked out of the room leaving her boss all alone.

Zhavia only nodded as she went through the files on the table. Her eyes were fixed on each file making sure Sofia hadn't mixed or forgotten anything they needed at home. Sofie had been in a haste to leave the house and come to prepare everything before the foreign investors came. She wanted everything to be perfect but sometimes the most important things can be forgotten by trying to put other irrelevant things in place.

She was focused on reading the file when that scent filled the air. It was like Deja Vu. It was very familiar and it gave her chills. She started wondering where she had perceived this breathtaking magnificent scent before. The more it filled her nostrils, the more her heart thudded profusely underneath her chest. 

Her mind was clouded with curiosity. She was indeed losing her mind. The scent of lavender mixed with a hint of mint and vanilla, elegantly saturated in the delicious scent of lemon. 

This scent.

The only scent that turns her on. The only scent capable of taking her control, the only scent capable of rendering all her years of principles useless. The only scent that makes her lose her disciplined mind. The only scent that turns her insides to ashes. Yes, it drove her insane. It was becoming clear. Only he had that scent. Only he commanded her organs. Only he stole her control. The name sounded in her head.

The name repeatedly intruded into her thoughts without any permission. The name that gives her that chills she thought she was incapable of feeling. Her brain recited the name to her and her organs screamed in excitement.

Nicholas Alviero Ross.

And just as her mind said it out loud, his presence took her breath. He was there. In flesh and blood. He was right in front of her. He took her voice. The weakness took over. The owner of her organs was there. Her body had completely rejected her orders and was now shivering in surrender to the dark man.

In the twinkling of an eye, he was in front of her. His scent filled her nostrils. He was in control and no breathing being could deny that. He was there to claim and collect. He was there for her. He was there for his goddess. His soul.

His heart screamed for her. The only woman capable of rendering him clueless. His eyes trapped hers.

My goddess.
