
chapter 69 Duchess of Springfield

"Meredith, I don't know what you and your son have done to my daughter, but I promise you, if anything happens to my baby, I will not let you down easily".

"How dare you threaten me?" Meredith's voice was fierce and agitated. She was in no mood to accommodate any form of insult from a mere Royalty. Of course, they all know what she is capable of. No one dares to irritate Meredith, for just like the dark man, her beast mode is always at the corner.

"This isn't a threat Meredith, this is a warning". Andrea was furious.

"Need I remind you that what you are today, I made it all happen and will not relent to disintegrate you from the stool of power to the filthy dust I picked your sorry ass from". The anger was evident in Meredith's tone.

And there it was. The daring look on Meredith's face. Yes, her beast mode has been activated. Her boiling blood and all the range she feels cannot be contained anymore. She was ready to unleash, ready to devour now. She was dared.

The bodyguards in the room just waited for her orders. Just one word from her could be the end of the proud peacock in front of her. Her fingers tickled to order. It was about time she put this disrespectful woman in her place. 

The perfect punishment.

What would be the perfect punishment for an overconfident pigeon that compares itself to an eagle?

Just as she was about to open her mouth, there was a soothing hand on her right shoulder. It was Roger. He knew that Meredith wasn't in the right frame of mind. She had been this way ever since she found out about zhavia McKay. It had been a very big shock for her because it was unexpected. Ruining a long-term relationship wasn't worth it.

The touch was surprisingly calming and her anger dissolved immediately. Her ranging breath slowly dissipated and she was suddenly relaxed.

All of a sudden, she started to wonder when and how things took this sudden turn. The Middletons have been a long-time family friend. She and Andrea had been friends for a long time too.

ANDREA MIDDLETON- duchess of Springfield, mother of Genevieve, and one of the most influential women in the world— Royalty.

They had been so close that they even planned to matchmake between Genevieve and Nicholas. They wanted to officially unite the family together forever with the marriage of their children but things hadn't been going as planned and their friendship was starting to hit the rock really hard.

Suddenly, it became clear. She suddenly realized that it was mostly her fault. She had promised Andrea that she was going to make sure Genevieve becomes her daughter-in-law and promised to treat her like her own but she let Nicholas hurt her. Poor Genevieve was treated badly by Nicholas and there was nothing she could do.

She took a deep breath as she bent her head. She is someone that always keeps to her words and she is highly respected for her dignity and diligence. She will make things right and she will keep to her words. Andrea watched the furious look on Meredith's face dissipate. She was all calm now.

" Listen, let's not take things too far, my dear, we could talk about this whole issue like we used to". Meredith suggested.

"And what is the result of all our previous conversations? Rather than our both kids coming together as planned, my daughter ended up getting hurt and you want us to talk?" Andrea blasted.

"Where were you when your son hurt my daughter's feelings, Meredith? Huh?"

The hurt was evident in her voice and Meredith noticed. Andrea is one of the strongest women she knows and never shows any weakness, but just as Nicholas is her weakness, the same goes for Andrea. Her only weakness is Genevieve.

"We will resolve this Andrea, I promise you, this will be resolved". Meredith reassured.

"You know what? I am done talking. I am done with you making promises, I want to see a result. You can't just promise me every single time and keep my hopes high. You have given me a reason to trust you because I can't trust my child under your care anymore".

Meredith took a deep breath because she had to be sure that the next decision she was going to make will not affect her in the future. She was promising too much as of now.

"I give you my word". And just as those words left Meredith's mouth, Andrea's eyes widened in shock. Making promises was one thing but Meredith giving you her word means a lot.

"I will make things right, Andrea".

Somehow, there was an ease that came with that word. It was soothing and comforting and brought a slight smile to Andrea's face.

