
Chapter 156 Moments with the dark man.

The up and down movement of her chest was just graceful. This was the most beautiful she had ever been since he met her. He had imagined her just like this, laying on his bed with her hair lying nonchalantly on his pillow after they had made love senselessly. 

He couldn't get her moans off his head. He couldn't stop thinking about how she screamed his name over and over and over again. She was just exceptional. She was even better than what he had imagined in his head and her badass nature was what he just figured out in her and he couldn't wait to explore more of it.

He had a certain look on his face as he watched her in the shady room. It was morning and the sun's rays already penetrated through the curtains, giving the room an even more prominent aura.

Her eyes were closed, her breaths were soft, and her skin glowed underneath his bedsheet. Her breasts were covered, and her thighs were a little bit exposed. This was his goddess in one of her soul-wreaking states.

Slowly, her lids moved as she stretched each arm and spiraled elegantly on the bed. His baby was finally awake. His eyes remained fixed on her. Her eyes were still shut but she moved her hand up and down the bed in search of him and he couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

She opened her eyes slowly parting her lashes as his face came into her view. He was the first person she wanted to see, and he made it happen.

Her eyes stayed fixed on him. The passion they shared the previous night still flickered in her eyes and was still evident. The lust was still very strong and the intensity was like wildfire.

Her face turned to fire as he stared at her with those looks of his. She couldn't figure out what he thought but when he uttered those words to her, her entire system caught the fire from her face and began to roast in the hottest smoke ever.

"Good morning, beautiful". 

His voice was deep and his eyes the finest she had seen. Her face reddened to his words. She just couldn't explain what she was feeling but the moment his hands strode the strand of hair on her face, all the emotions came in all at once. The passion, the fears, the insecurities, the love, it was all overwhelming for her.


I am his beautiful?

He doesn't hate me?

She fought so hard to keep those tears in but they weren't listening to her commands. She didn't want to mess this up. She didn't want him to misunderstand this whole thing. She couldn't stop her emotions from unraveling and it was going to ruin this moment.

Before she could stop it from falling, it was already flowing from the side of her cheeks. She didn't want him to see it, so she turned her head to the other side, completely avoiding his gaze.

Nicholas furrowed his brows. He noticed when she had the mood swing. He was confused. Did he hurt her? He couldn't understand what was going on. His heart raced. He didn't know the words to use right now because he didn't know what bothered her.

The moment he saw tears, he reached for her and gently turned her gaze back to him.

"Did I hurt you?"

There was terror in his eyes. He turned her face to him but her eyes weren't on his. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Her silence made it even worse as he moved closer to her with concerned eyes.

"Look at me".

He ordered her, panic etched in his actions. She raised her eyes to meet his as she tried to wipe the tears but he trapped her palms on their way to her face.

"Did I hurt you?"

He asked again with disappointment in his eyes— what she was trying to avoid. She didn't want a situation where the most magical night of her life would turn into regrets and self-accusation. She didn't want him to feel bad after he just showed her what passion truly was a few hours ago.

She blamed herself for not being able to handle emotions pretty well as she shook her head immediately, letting him know that it wasn't that and it was far from it.

She watched him exhale softly in relief as his hand strolled to her face and his fingers wiped the tears softly. Their eyes remained fixed on each other, as he continued to show her that her decision was not wrong at all. She does not regret anything she did with him. She was in fact very happy and the happiest she had ever been.

"Then why do I see tears?"

He asked her in the lowest voice he could mutter and he tried as much as he could to make her comfortable enough to be around him as he caressed her cheeks.

Her voice was croaked and low but he could hear her clearly when she spoke for the first time that morning.

"I-i'm just overwhelmed, i-it was just so good a-and everything was just perfect, a-and, I-I I'm sorry I gave the wrong impression but it was just so good".

She sobbed as she managed to go through those sentences without failing in front of him.

He smiled and pulled her into his arms, as she buried her face in the crook of his neck. He stroked her hair softly and planted a kiss on her forehead 

"You scared the hell out of me". 

His deep voice filled her brain as she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I didn't mean to".

She mumbled, and he kissed her again, claiming her once more. He couldn't get over the fact that she was now his after waiting for so long. It was real. It was so real and it was a fact

"You need to promise me". He whispered in her ear and she smiled biting her lower lips— what she had been wanting to do for ages ever since she met him.


She managed, feeling disorganized inside.

"That you are never going to keep anything from me and you are never going to let a single tear leave those eyes again".

She closed her eyes to absorb all of him as she nodded to his words and opened her eyes to the face of her breath taker. 

"I promise".

Once more, he raised her chin with his hand, making her lips visible as he planted a soft kiss on them. She closed her eyes to savor this moment with him and pressed deeper into him to enjoy this moment they shared as he deepened the kiss. He pulled closer encircling her waist and pulling her on top of him. It was a heavy make-out but one of the sexiest she had ever experienced.

The movement of his tongue inside her mouth, his hand moves, and his masculinity, just drove a fresh flow of desire up her spine as she moaned without even realizing it. His hands wrapped around her waist and his fingers caressed her warm soft skin pushing her up and down her sanity.

Their lips parted for air and came back together in unity as he took the opportunity to kiss her cheeks and sucked on her chin.

"Will you shower with me?"

He asked her in between kisses as she came back to her senses at that moment.

"Hell no, you're showering alone".

She replied and he chuckled at her words. It was the first time she heard him laugh out loud.

"I love my bath time and I won't compromise".

Her voice was low and the sarcasm was evident.

"Of course, you won't".

Before she knew what was happening, he had turned her over and she was now below him.

"Which is why I'll do you the honors of taking you to your place of privacy".

Her eyes opened wide when he uncovered her and lifted her in his arms, taking her to the bathroom.


The large tables were set, the chefs had prepared the meal, and the maids had taken their places as they awaited the dark man and his goddess to arrive. They also waited for Tiger and Klaus too. 

Bennett had been too busy with the affairs of the entire estate that he was barely seen these days. He carried out his duties quite well but was not seen as he used to be.

"Sir, everything is set, shall we alert Master Nicholas?" 

The head chef asked Bennett that wasn't paying attention to him at all.

"No, we wait". 

He answered randomly and continued looking at the letter that was in his grip.


In a split second, the elevator door opened to the devastating duo, and everyone bent their heads in greeting. Klaus waited for Tiger to step out before he did as Bennett walked up to them.

"Long time no see, old Benny".

Tiger grinned as he teased Bennett.