
Chapter 149 Rain

"You are alive?"

Klaus's eyes were still on her as he spoke. They were no more in the hallway. When Nicholas started giving the speech, she pulled him to the closest room in the hallway and shut the doors behind them. 

"Yes, I was never dead".

She walked closer to him again wrapping her arms around him.

"I was never dead, my love".

She tried to kiss him again and he moved back in reflex breaking the stare. No matter how shocked he was, he still thought of just one person. He still thought of him. His heart still raced just from the thoughts of his man.

She furrowed her brows to his action, still moving closer to him.

"What's wrong, babe? Ain't you happy to see me?"

He released a deep sigh as he ran his hands through his hair. All he thought about was how he was going to explain everything that has happened to Tiger. How was he going to tell him that his long-time girlfriend whom he thought was dead was alive and still breathing?

"That's not it".

He still tried his best to avoid her gaze as he paced around the room.

"Then what is it? Y-you won't even kiss me. What's wrong, babe?"

She still tried to move closer but he kept keeping his distance.

"I-i'm still trying to process this whole thing, okay?"

She took a deep breath and managed a faint smile, and moved to him not paying attention to the fact that he still moved backward,

"I understand, babe, but it's me, your baby, and I know it's a lot to take in but I wanna give you a hug and a million kisses so bad. I've missed you so damn much".

This time, she didn't seek his approval, she just clung unto him and slid her tongue into his mouth kissing him with a hurricane of passion. And in that minute, Tiger walked in.

His eyes stayed fixed on the scene in front of him and his heart shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't believe the sight he encountered. He was unable to move, feel, and speak. He was just stuck to the ground.

Klaus pulled her off once again, unaware that Tiger was in the room.

"Stop, Laura. You can't keep doing that".

"Why not? You are mine".

Just like that, it dawned on him that she was more than what he had imagined earlier. It was something deeper. Something he never knew of.

Klaus kept something from him. He didn't tell him this part of his life. He was completely clueless about him and here he was, thinking he knew everything about his man. It angered him. 

He started to feel an unexpected rage when she emitted those words from her mouth. His blood boiled. He was agitated with fury.

"Rephrase those words".

He called from behind making Klaus turn to him with shock-ridden eyes. How was he going to start explaining to him that it wasn't what it seemed? How was he even going to start telling him that the woman in front of him is his girlfriend he thought was dead a few years ago?

" Tyler..."

He tried to talk but Tiger's entire attention was fixed on the woman he had never met before that claimed that his man was hers.

"Who did you say was yours?"

He was approximately four feet away from her and Klaus was in-between them but by the side.

"Who are you? And what business do you have with my boyfriend?"

She asked with a reddened face, for the man in front of her was beyond beautiful. How can a person be this perfect? 

Her eyes strolled from him to Klaus and then back to him.

"I should be asking you that. Who are you and why do you have your hands all over my man?"  He frowned.

She furrowed her brows as confusion took over.


"Yes, ". He lowered his head to her level and close to her face where the heat centered. "Klaus is mine".

His expression was grim and nonchalant. He didn't even care about the man beside them, he just wanted to let this woman aware that he Is his not hers.

"And I will not tolerate your sensual behavior towards him".

His eyes never left hers as he spoke. His voice was a growl.

"I'll appreciate it if you keep your hands to yourself and stay clear away from him".

There was something in his eyes that rendered her speechless. She couldn't utter a single word when he spoke because of how hazardous he sounded. 

In a split second, Klaus's wrist was in his grip as he pulled him out of the room and out of her sight.

Klaus's heart raced so hard in his chest that he felt that was going to explode. Never in his life had he ever felt this kind of feeling he had for this man for anyone else.

Tiger pulled him into the hallway and kept holding unto his hand until they were in a different hallway entirely. He didn't even know where they were at this point. He just wanted to get out of that room and away from the pain, he felt so badly that he didn't know that klaus was still in his grip.

" Tyler".

Klaus called from behind, making him aware that he was still there, but he didn't stop. He didn't want to. He felt so many things all at once. Pain, jealousy, anger, and love. God, he still loves him after what he saw.


He broke his grip unruly and turned his back on him with so much aggression.



He yelled with all the rage he felt as he ran his hand through his hair.


Klaus didn't say a word. He didn't dare. He was at fault and he knew it. How could he forget that his man is the most jealous person he had ever come across? He is a very jealous lover. A very possessive one at that. Hell, He will be damned if he ever lets go of this man.


 He tried to go closer to him.

"DON'T ".

He warned, still fuming with anger as he started walking away from him.


The tears in her eyes clothed her vision that she couldn't even see the person that stood in front of her, but she recognized the voice from anywhere. It was Sofia. 

She squatted to her level, allowing the rain to also drip on her as she held zhavia in a very tight hug. She needed warmth and Sofia gave it to her. She needed comfort and she gave it to her without delay. She needed a shoulder to cry on and she lent it to her without hesitation.

"You're drenched and you're going to catch a cold if I don't get you dried up".

Sofia muttered still holding unto her tightly.

She stood up and held her up, still holding onto her waist to support her movement as she ordered the bodyguards that were with them to go back into their cars.

"Come here". 

She lead zhavia back into the car that awaited her because of the distance from the second gate to the main mansion. It was way too far to take foot movement.

The dark woman's head was bent downwards. Her white skin became paler due to the cold, her hair was wet from the downpours and she shivered from the chilly breeze that filled the air. She wrapped her arms around her body, with Sofia still behind her giving her support.

They had arrived at the mansion and she had stepped out of the car a few seconds ago. Maids rushed from all the corners of the house with towels as they wrapped them around her trying their best to warm her up.

She was too drowned in the feeling of loneliness that she didn't notice that maids were in her house. She had never had so many maids, she just had housekeepers and chefs, and they never let her see them. They only carry out their jobs when she is not around or when she is asleep.

Sofia herself was also surprised to see them, but when she saw them in their white uniform, she knew that they came from Nicholas.

He had probably sent them because he knew what zhavia was capable of and he knew that she needed people around her.

"Ma'am, your hot bath is ready".

"Ma'am your dinner is ready".

"Ma'am let me dry your hair first".

"Ma'am drink your hot tea before it gets cold".

"I'll get some medication to ease your fever ma'am".

"Would you mind some ointment to apply on your swollen knees, ma'am?"

They all spoke at once. 

It was surprising how they all had services to render to her. Each maid for a different activity, and they were all professionals at what they do.

This man can really go all-in for her