
Chapter 130 Sworn opposites.

The proud woman sat quietly in the large room. Her thoughts were wandering around the room. She couldn't believe what was happening at this point. She is Meredith Alviero Ross. She is his mother for crying out loud. The least he could do was at least make her know that he is okay. He just left her like she didn't matter to him like they didn't have any bond. Yes, she had been a terrible person but she had always loved him. Yes, she put business first but she had a reason, that same reason she regrets so badly.

Indeed she made many terrible decisions that she couldn't even fix at this point. She couldn't even muster up the courage to think about them because thinking about them makes her lose her mind. Every time she thinks of them— of him. She breaks down. He was one of her terrible mistakes and she just couldn't get over it.

She stood up from the seat in which she sat and walked towards the window as she stared out of it with the risen sun penetrating through it. Her hands were crossed backward and her head was held high. Yes, she is vulnerable at the moment, but she still has her pride. 

Her eyes strolled to the garden below looking at absolutely nothing as she thought of him. Ever since that phone call, it had been impossible to get him out of her mind. He had occupied her thoughts so much so that she had lost focus. She had become weak. He had made her vulnerable again— this is what he does to her. He makes her long for him uncontrollably. He makes her lose her mind and dignity. The pleasure and the warm nights with him, how he held her like a fragile piece, how they were in bed all day in each other's arms thinking of nothing else but themselves, how he made her rebellious— fuck, he is so good in bed.

She thought how recklessly passionate every single second with him was. It was indescribable. It was magical. God, she misses him so fucking much.

Come back to your senses Meredith.

He is younger.

She released a deep sigh catching her thoughts. In a split second, she walked to her table and pressed a button.

"Ruger, come to my study right now".

"Yes, ma'am".

She was now back to her senses. So many things had happened and so many investors had been on her neck. She needed to do something quickly. Ever since Nicholas disappeared, he completely abandoned everything. Her little proud and heartless devil does know how to poke her. The entire empire had been running by him ever since Johnathan passed and he was the brain behind the success of the Ross's empire. With a clench of his fingers, he commanded so many things she didn't even imagine.

She knew that the empire was nothing without him. She needed him back and as soon as possible. She needed to speak with him. She needed to come to terms with him— even if she had to do it with her fingers crossed.

Roger stepped in. 

"You called ma'am?"

Her eyes strolled to him. "Yes, I did". 

She was now sitting in a commanding position. Her hands were in front of her and her fingers hugged each other as her eyes were fixed directly on his.

"Get ready, we're going to pay Nicholas a visit". She concluded.

Roger's eyes flew open. "Is that a good idea?"

Her face remained impassive. "You let me worry about that, just get ready". She ordered.

He nodded and exited the room with doubts blinking around him. He didn't like the idea of visiting Nicholas. That is a murder case.

From the few things he knew, he figured out that he hated invasion of privacy, that was why he left the country in the first place. Meredith had the habit of intruding unannounced and didn't give a damn. These two people are completely sworn opposites. They never mix. And even if they do, it will be poison, because they are both mixtures of cruel, arrogant, heartless, and dangerous. This meeting already gave him shivers.


It had been days since she saw her daughter and she was getting worried. Ever since Meredith's son left and had never been heard of, she had been depressed. She doesn't even recognize her daughter anymore. Genevieve had always been a lively child full of energy. She had these feelings for Meredith's son for quite some time and had not been over him yet.

She saw how Meredith was so attached and obsessed with the thought of Nicholas, she had to meet his mum and tried a matchmaker. Ever since then, her daughter had been hurting badly. She didn't even know what to do right now because this whole thing was out of her hands. This is a matter of the heart and cannot be meddled with.  Meredith had assured her that her daughter won't be hurt by her son again but clearly is not the case. The fact that her daughter had fallen head over heels for her son just makes her lose her mind. Why does she have to suffer just because of a heartless man? There are other eligible filthy rich men out there but she had refused to even realize that all because of Nicholas Alviero Ross. Meredith's son.

Andrea stood up from her seat and walked to the telephone on the side table close to her bed. She needed to speak to Meredith. Her daughter had been through so much because of her arrogant son but she just kept promising to fix things and doing nothing in the end. She had been patient and she had had enough. She needed to take matters into her own hands.

The other line responded immediately and her voice sprung up from the other end.

"Ross's residence, Meredith speaking".

"How are you, Meredith?" Andrea talked with pride as she crossed her legs.

Meredith hesitated for a while before responding back. "It's been a while, Andrea".

"Indeed". She spoke politely. "I was just wondering if there's any progress in your search for your son, Nicholas". She chipped in.

"Oh, Of course, yes". Her voice was still indifferent but Andrea could tell that she was excited. She had been Meredith's friend for more than fifteen years and she knew every bit of emotion in her voice since she didn't have a facial expression.

"Nicholas has been found". She voiced out.

Andrea's eyes shot open with shock. "Wow...... that's, that's good news". She managed.

"Indeed it is. Would you be kind enough to inform our dear Genevieve? I haven't heard from her in a while now".

"But of course, dear Meredith, she will be thrilled". Andrea stood up from her seat immediately after the call with Meredith got disconnected.


Genevieve walked out of the bathroom with her soft comfortable robe. Her hair was tied with a soft towel also. She had just showered. Her face still looked terrible because of lack of sleep but she was still okay.  She sat on the bed nonchalantly and pulled the towel from her head. It was slightly wet but she didn't care. She didn't give a damn about anything. All she wanted was to get to him, to find him. She was miserable without him.

The knowledge on the door had her groaning out in frustration. She cussed out loud.

"I fucking told you to go away".

She ran her hand through her hair as Andrea walked in. Her eyes stayed on her daughter. She couldn't believe who she was seeing. The person in front of her was not the daughter she raised. She was basically someone else. 

"You look terrible".

Genevieve rolled her eyes not interested in seeing even her mum. "Sorry mum, I didn't know it was you". 

Andrea released a deep sigh. "Clearly". She sat close to Genevieve as she touched her hair. "Look at you baby, you haven't even been thinking about yourself".

"I don't need your lectures mom". She stood up. "All I need right now is Nicholas and your silly 'trying to be a good mum session' won't help me find him so just leave me alone".

Andrea stood up and started walking toward her daughter. "And do you think he'll even look at you when you look like you've clearly lost your mind?"

"The only thing important to me right now is finding him". She started pacing forth and back inside the room.

"He's been found". She blurted.

Her eyes flew open. Everything forgotten. "What?"

"You heard me, your dear Nicholas has been found".

She was shocked, excited, and emotional at the same time. Her eyes welled with tears as they started dropping down without her even realizing it.

She broke down. "Mum". She couldn't even go through that word. The tears didn't stop. She couldn't stop it. She had been keeping all these emotions in her and they were all coming bout nonstop.

"Come here".
