
Chapter 127 Her dark prince.

"I broke up with her".

His eyes were still on him as he spoke. He didn't dare his eyes on him. He wanted him to know that this thing between them was real and nothing, absolutely nothing was more important than him. 

He saw the shock in Klaus's eyes. He saw how the emotions were just patrolling nonstop in his eyes. He saw the tears as they welled up in his eyes, and he saw the hurt.

"Y-you did what?" He managed.

"I broke up with her, baby". He took his hands in his and moved closer to the point where their knees were basically touching. "You're my number one, laus. You're the only thing that matter to me and I am not ready to lose you to anyone....... I love you so much".

The shock was boldly written on Klaus's face. He didn't know what to say. He didn't even know what to do. This man had left him speechless. His baby wanted him as much as he wanted him. He loved him just as much as he loved him too. He was overwhelmed and also disappointed in himself. He didn't believe in his man. He didn't believe in his love for him.

"I'm so sorry, baby.... I'm sorry".

"Wha..? What?.... Why?".

"I-i...." He didn't know how to start telling him that he didn't believe in him and was feeling guilty about it. He was disappointed in himself. He didn't even know how to tell him how petty his thoughts were.

"Talk to me, baby.... you're scaring me". He moved closer again, crushing his knees even tighter than before with his.

"Y-you did that for me?"

He smiled holding his hands tighter and pulling him even closer. "I'll do anything for you, Mr. Alejandro".

With that being said, he pulled him into his arms as Klaus allowed him to. He buried his face in his neck and wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him even more closer.

"I love you, Tyler.......I love you so much". His hot breath seeped into Tiger's skin as he closed his eyes, feeling so many things his man did to him with just words. He held him tighter, and kissed his cheek, letting him know that he feels just the same.

The knock on the door took them unaware as they both turned their heads and broke the hug. Bennett walked in.

"Good morning young master, I trust you slept well". Bennett asked Tiger politely with a lifted brow. He didn't notice Klaus that was laying down behind with him until he moved closer.

"I did". He had some kind of smile on his face that spelled 'heck, yeah I did.

Bennett tinted his head as he held the eyes of Klaus Alejandro. "A delightful morning to you young master Alejandro.... No wonder I couldn't find you in your room earlier". Klaus shot him a look with a lifted brow.

"Oh, pardon my manners, I didn't know you were here". The sarcasm in his tone was limitless and Tiger noticed what was happening. He turned his head to look at Klaus's face as a chuckle escaped his lips but he quickly composed himself. Bennett was teasing his baby and having fun. Teaching him a lesson won't hurt, would it?

"What brings you here, Bennett?"

"Oh, it's just that you guys haven't eaten on the table with Master Nicholas in a while, and it's becoming disturbing".

Tiger stood up slowly with a mischievous smirk on his face and walked towards Bennett. In a split second, he hung his arm behind Bennett's neck. The old man became stiff as he just realized what he had gotten himself into.

"Ah, I see what's happening here....". Tiger looked at Klaus swiftly and brought his eyes back to the man under his arm. "Our old man Misses us, huh?"

"N-no, i-i-i, um,.... I just came to call you for breakfast".

"Oh is that so?"  His eyes were fixed on him now with that expression Bennett recognized so well. He started trembling. He couldn't even look in his eyes anymore. His hands turned to ice as he blamed himself for walking straight into this mess.

"Then you may go". Tiger's hands were crossed backward as he sarcastically raised his left brow. Just as Bennett turned his back to leave, he held the back of his suit. "Or not".

This made Klaus chuckle for the first time in the day. He looked at his man and he just fell in love all over again. This is the freaking, heartless Tyler herdes he fell in love with. The devious trickster.

"Say old Benny, you seem to have forgotten your job so soon". He pulled him back and looked at him, walking around him like a hungry lion marking its prey. "When was the last time Nicholas punished you?"

Klaus didn't stop laughing at the view in front of him. The man he is madly in love with is a big Bully and he loved him that way.

"I-i don't understand sir".


Did Bennett just call me sir?

A smirk formed on his lips. He loved the terrified look on Bennett's face. He loved seeing them like this. He loved when they cowered in fear to his intimation.

"Oh, you will......". He gripped Bennett's shoulders and bent his head to his ear, whispering in the most terrifying sound Bennett had ever heard in his life.  "When I'm done with you".

Just as a whimper escaped his lips, Tiger smiled. "Come now, let's not keep our dear Nicholas waiting". He held Bennett by the shoulder and started walking towards the door. Just as he was exiting the room, he turned his head and blew a kiss on Klaus.

His heart skipped a beat to that action. His cheeks turned red without him realizing it. He was so happy. He had never been this happy in his entire life. This man is his happiness, his joy, his everything. 

How did I get this lucky?


He watched her come out of the closet. His eyes traced from her legs upwards. She was wearing a pure white sweatpant that suited her, and a deep blue thick sweater— his sweater. It was way big on her and it sent shivers to his spine. She was in his clothes. He had brought out a white sweater for her earlier before he left the room for her to dress up, but she had worn something else.

"You look good in blue". She trailed her eyes back to the sweater and back up at him swiftly.

"They are yours".

"I know, it fits your way better than the white sweater would have".

She raised a brow to his words. "It's big". 

"It's sexy".

Her eyes were still on him. And for the first time since he met her, he saw the shock in those eyes. For the first time since he met her, he could read her expression. The shock was evident.

Why is she surprised? 

Does she know how hot she is?

She couldn't move, all she saw was him. It was as if he sucked her into his head as if he captured her entire body with his eyes. Her body was in his command now. Her entire being only listened to him. He had captured her soul, her heartbeat, and her eyes.

In a split second, he was walking toward her. "Common, I hate cold meals". He took her hands in his and pulled her gently to the door as they exited the room, and then to the dark room, and finally to the elevator.

God his hands are so soft and warm.

How can a man that loves cold places be so warm?

She couldn't say anything. She couldn't even decline to anything he said, she didn't want to. She watched him pull her away and her organs jumped for joy. She was feeling so many things at once and this man-made her feel this way.


The elevator door opened to the large room that was filled with maids in pure white, and chefs in another level of pure white clothes. They all bowed their head to the man of power. Every single being in the room acknowledged him. His eyes surveyed the entire room, as he started walking to the large table gracefully with his goddess in his grip.

All heads were bent down. They didn't dare look up. Zhavia noted it. She looked at him with her hands still in his grip as he led her to the seat beside him. She watched the man that commanded this kind of power adoring her like she was a sacred being. He adjusted the seat for her and placed her on it gently.

Her head was spinning because right now the man in front of her, the man she saw was a strikingly handsome, responsible, and caring prince. She had seen another side of the man she once despised. She didn't even hate him anymore. What she felt for him was far from hate. It was the opposite of it. She had just realized it when they were walking alone in the hallway. She only saw him.

Her man.

Her dark prince.

She had seen Nicholas Alviero Ross.
