
Chapter 110 Obsession

The hallway was large and dark. It was more like a secret passage in his Chambers. His eyes weren't visible at this point but she could spare a glance when he turned his head a little to answer her question.

"You'll see". Was all he said.

His eyes are like a silver plate when in the dark, which gave him a very sexy aura— one of the things about him she couldn't resist was when he's being sexy without even realizing it. His eyes were faced forward, but hers were on him. She didn't want to look anywhere else. She just wanted to look at him. God, she wanted to be in his arms again. She didn't know want was happening to her but all she wanted was for him to hold her— maybe it had something to do with what his hands were doing to her but she was going crazy over this contact.

After a few minutes of walking in that extreme temperature, they approached a large black door. The only light coming into the dark place was from underneath that door, due to the little space under the door. She was suddenly excited and curious. She wanted to know what was behind it. She was choking from curiosity at this point.

Immediately his hands held the doorknob, the light hit her. It was as if she had just come out from memory and was pulled to the bitter reality. It was as if she had been pulled out of a beautiful dream.

She squinted her eyes to the light as his eyes strolled toward her to observe her expression because the view in front of them was quite impressive. He wanted to impress her.

He furrowed his brows as he spoke.

"Don't tell me you hate bright places all of a sudden". His voice had a hint of sarcasm but she didn't notice.

"Have I been a bad influence, ma Cherie?"

She opened her mouth to speak but words weren't coming out. The sight she beheld left her dumbstruck. Her eyes couldn't open wider than it already was. She couldn't believe it. This man went extreme just to have dinner with her. The expression on her face was blank so, he couldn't quite read what she thought.

He was lost. He didn't even know if she liked it. He wanted this to be perfect. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he did.

Fuck it, Nicholas, when have you ever wanted to please someone?

"Not at all".

She managed. She tried to steady her breath as she spoke. She didn't want him to notice that she was beyond impressed.

He didn't even realize that he was holding his breath until he released it to her words.

She finally spoke. For a moment there he thought she was already pissed— she seem to be the only woman he had been with that had impeccable mood swings. She is different and doesn't care about anything or anyone at all. She is ruthless, despicable, heartless, and absolutely arrogant. This is the woman that drives him insane.

"I had Bennett prepare a pleasant dinner, you've been through a lot recently, so I thought you needed a break".

His voice was low, he was calm, and composed. She hadn't seen this part of him before. The Nicholas she knew was far from gentle and kind, He doesn't even know how to be. He basically never smiles or talks if it is not necessary, but earlier, he smiled at her— or was she seeing things?

She didn't even know what to say as he led her to the seat opposite his. The table was not as large as the previous one, it was just a large table with two seats. The setting in front of her had never been seen anywhere. This kind of dinner needed a proper dress and make-up because it was just so grand. She was still in his pajamas that were way bigger than her body size, her hair was parked up, and she was sure that her eyes were baggy.

They were in a large secluded room that was as bright as the daylight, the table was designed with different foods, and there was a diamond glistering chandelier hanging directly above the table. They were basically at the center of the large room and there was no maid. Not even a single person was in the room. It was just the two of them.

Her eyes were on him as he removed his jacket and placed it on the chair,  leaving on him just a black turtleneck sweater that hugged his muscular shoulders and chest. She couldn't help but admire his hot-built features. He looked like a french Prince.

He picked up a plate in front of her and placed the dishes elegantly on the plate.

Is he serving me?

Her hands trembled as she quickly put it underneath the table. She didn't want him to notice the effect he had on her. His expression was blank she wondered what he thought. Obviously, he hadn't done this in his entire life before. This is surprising even for her because he has maids for literally everything. Someone like this doesn't even know how to brush his own teeth— he uses an electric toothbrush. He doesn't even know how to Serve himself so she could understand how hard it is for him. She understands that he is doing all of this to impress her. This alone made her feel tingles in her abdomen; The fact that he wants to please her in any way he can.

He placed the plate in front of her and rested his both palms on the table.

"Have a taste".

His eyes were on her, there was a smile on his face— apparently, this was becoming his new expression when he is with her.  He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, he just wanted to make her feel less tensed and more relaxed. This was what he wanted; he wanted to serve her and stuff her up. He wanted to take care of her by himself. He wanted to be with her alone, just the two of them.

Zhavia just couldn't help but look at him. Can someone be this handsome without even trying hard?  She couldn't stop her beating heart. The more she looked at him, the faster it got.

She picked up the cutlery and dug up the food neatly. His eyes never left her face as he observed her. He watched her put the food in her mouth as she started chewing slowly. Her eyes were everywhere but his face. She savored the meal and tasted every single flavor. It was the first time he watched her enjoy something. Her eyes were shut, her lips moved slowly and her breath was steady. He fell in love all over again. Her expression made him hungry— but not for food. Desire flooded his senses as he remembered that night.

"How is it?"

His voice was low.  He tried so hard to control himself. She was doing unimaginable things to him with her facial expressions.

"Hmm, not bad". She blurted.

"I'm glad you like it".

In a split second, he opened the wine and poured it into the wine glass as he placed it beside her plate. Her eyes were fully on him now. They were shining brightly as she stared intensely. It was as If she wanted to say something but couldn't utter a word. She didn't want to ruin the moment with him. She wondered why he suddenly took it on himself to serve her.

"How come I don't see any maid?"

She voiced out her curiosity. His eyes were not on her as he took his seat. He looked exceptionally grim.

"I told them to take a break today because I wanted to serve you by myself".

If there is anything he is good at, that will be being honest. He is in fact the most honest man alive.

He picked up the glass of wine and swirled, with his eyes still on her. His gaze remained fixed on her as he took a sip of the wine. He allowed his tongue to savor every single taste of the liquid he gulped. Her eyes stayed fixed on him.

"Serve me?"

"Mhmm, from now onwards". He concluded.

Her heart never stopped racing. The more he spoke, the more she felt the chills that trickled down her spine—this was solid proof of what his voice did to her.

His eyes were still on her. He loved that she was talking to him, he loved that they were having this conversation, but this isn't what he wanted. He wanted more. He wanted more than just a conversation with her, he wanted more than just a few words, he wanted her. He knows that it is going to take a lot of time, but he wanted her eventually.

The only thing she wanted to do right now was to hold him and kiss him. She wanted him to claim her at the moment.

She felt the sudden rush of desire as her face turned red.

This was becoming an obsession.

His was becoming her obsession.
