
Chapter 11 The lady in Red 2

Bennett knew that it was the only option left, he was scared to death. He was still surprised how Nicholas lashed out at him after offering him a huge gift. Nicholas turned only his head. This old man really knows how to escape his punishments.

"What did you say?" Nicholas asked turning his body, giving Bennett his full attention now.

"M-miss McKay was invited, s-sir". Bennett managed, still shaking. Everyone in the room stood still and the room was dead silent. They feared for Bennett as Nicholas walked closer and closer to him. They all watched the proud man deflecting to the height of the man kneeling down as their mouths dropped open.

"Get dressed, Bennett". Nicholas said as he stood up and dismissed everyone. The old man was still in shock at what had just happened. Once again, the name of this strange person has saved his life, a person he has never met. He got up and walked out.


The floor glittered, an effect of the large golden chandeliers that hung around the large hall. The decorations were strictly diamonds and nothing less. The waiters arranged expensive glasses and brought the best wines from the sellar. Guests were beginning to arrive. It was an executive party and only people in the highest ranks of wealth were invited. Presidents, governors, world-class businessmen, and their prominent wives, royalties from different parts of the world, were invited. They have come to see the almighty Nicholas Alviero Ross.

The Ross family owns almost half of the country and has several multi-billion dollar companies located in different parts of the world. They are a family of filthy rich people and one of the most powerful families on the planet. Their wealth cannot be compared to even that of the entire country. They were feared, but most of all Nicholas was feared.

His accomplished wealth apart from his family's wealth is five times higher than everything they've spent years building. He is the most powerful being on the planet and has never been seen before but his name brings chills to the skin. He is called the God of wealth. 

Meredith came in showing off one of her finest dresses of all time. She stunned everyone with her looks. She never aged for she looked like someone in her twenties. Of course, the mother of the most feared man is highly appreciated and respected. She walked with pride as she talked to guests and greeted them one after another. She is not expected to greet everyone, they came in their masses.

The waiters did their jobs professionally and there were no mistakes at all. Classical music filled the air and more people arrived, but Nicholas wasn't there. Bennett was nowhere to be found either. She had asked Bennett to persuade Nicholas. Like it or not, he was the person Nicholas bonded with since he was a child. 


A few hours had passed since the party began and Nicholas was still not there. The guests were beginning to ask questions. Meredith was tensed, she haven't even seen Nicholas for years either, she doesn't even know what he looked like recently, but she would still know when she sees him. After all, she is his mum. 

In the same minute, 

A black helicopter landed on the helipad at the center of the Ross estate. Black cars filled the sides of the helicopter as bodyguards in their troops arranged themselves from the center of the estate where the helicopter landed to the entrance of the mansion. He was there. He stepped out as Bennett stood behind. He stood with power.

He surveyed his environment for a while, then he started walking with pride. No one stood in the way, for the ruthless beast was there. The almighty Nicholas Alviero Ross had arrived. Guests noticed the movements of bodyguards and were perplexed.

"He's here". Rugger whispered in the ear of Meredith as she smiled.