
something isn't right

"lee Chen,Lee chen",the voice was near and at the same time far, like it was distant and near,lee Chen head was spinning around and d heads of those around now tend to be in two's and three's then all of a sudden everything began to turn into darkness.

A year Later

"Lee Chen,am finally happy that you are finally home with us"lee Ann said as she walked with Lee Chen to her office "and also the chairman ask you to come over when you arrive"lee Ann kept chattering away,lee Chan who wasn't up for the chat turned around to face Lee Ann "please Lee Ann am not up for your chattering and besides what has gotten into you, we weren't close like this before so what are you skimming""nothing I swear it's just that after the accident I came to realize how much I love you, you know I could have lost my only sister that day you know" "what ever "Lee Chen said as she walked away.

the parsing eyes of Lee Chen followed her as she walked away "don't think you can just come back after all the time and think everything is still the same just watch as I still your spotlight birthday girl"lee Ann said in a whispering voice that those who pay no attention will hear. Lee Chen was what most people call beautiful for she has all the features of her late mom who Had gold hair, brown eyes,and was also not that tall,but was most guys looked at her like their sister unlike Lee Ann who is a red haired goddess like they all say,slim and also has the figure of a model always ready to show off her long, sexy legs and sinful curves,unlike Lee Chen most guys actually want to date her and not because she's the heir to the golden Lee cooperation.

Lee Ann on entering her office picked up her phone as she dialed a number,on the second ring a man's voice answered "min ho av u heard your loving fiancee is back,yes she arrived yesterday and came to the office today, yes, honey dis time crush her for good unlike the last time I want her dead so we can celebrate, love u too"lee Ann said as she hanged the call.

thanks for reading my novel don't know how it was since it my first novel so you are free to comment to let me know your thought on it. thank you

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