
The Crown that chose me

Luna Luxembourg The daughter of a Duke and a princess of a foreign country. The rose of the social world, a genius and the best empress candidate. A woman who everyone covets. If there is one thing that she wants the most, that is to not be dragged into the imperial family and the struggle against the throne.

Liwanag · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

The sound of the horse hooves and the rattling of the carriage dominated the surrounding. Inside the carriage was the Luxembourg family. Duke Luxembourg was going through his work while the two children are busy playing cards side by side.

They are on their way to the gate to access the magic portal that will bring them to the capital. Luna was in deep thought, all sorts of unfortunate scenarios are playing on her head all leading to her death and her family grieving for her.

Her memory of the novel was not that great, it wasn't helpful at all it was not mentioned how she was killed or how she got engaged, all she know is that on the celebration of the 1000th year of founding of the empire, the princess of Luxembourg and first Prince Raul announced their engagement afterwards the story began when she was found dead the next day.

'I didn't even live through half of the story, I died at the beginning.'

The caused of her anxiety was not the journey to the capital itself, or what awaits them there but rather, whether or not she would get engaged and get drag into the game of thrones.

"Father..." Luna anxiously called for the duke while the latter just raised his eyes.

"If, if by chance..."

"What's wrong?"

"If by chance a marriage proposal came, no matter who sent it. Never, ever say yes okay?"

At his daughter's firm statement, the duke can't help but furrow his brows. Surely, Luna was at the age of getting engagement despite not coming of age yet as nobles usually get engaged as early as birth.

"Why? Don't you want to meet a good husband and have a family?"

"No! I mean, there's no one that's better than Dad and Enoch, I'll gonna live the rest of my life with my family."

It was a cliche answer, but it gave a smile to her family's face. Enoch who had been quiet for a while looked up to her and hugged her with a smile.

" I see. I agree no one else deserves my lovely daughter!"

A joyous laughter echoed all through out their journey. The duke put aside his work and decided to talk with his kids instead.

Imperia, Capital City

Late into the night, while the moon was in full bloom a group of men dressed in black roam through the empty square. Each had a goal in mind, to look for single person who they are supposed to kill.

"Look over there! He's hurt he can't be far away."

Upon hearing the assassin's voice, the young man desperately hid his body behind the barrel placed in the alley.

He lowered his breath as much as possible and cast spells to conceal himself. Finally, two pairs of shoes stopped near his hiding place.

"He's bleeding to much anyway, he'll die even without us looking for him."

"Are you an idiot? He's the inherited the Edinburgh blood he can cast protection to keep himself from dying."

One of them clicked their tongue in annoyance and finally left the place.

'Damn, if only I can summon the spirit!'

The figure who was hiding while bleeding in his gut was the first Prince of the empire. Prince Raul Kazek, who secretly left the imperial palace late at night to visit a pub was ambushed on his way. It was a pathetic way to die and to be attacked while on the way to a commoner's pub was much more humiliating than the fact that he was hurt.

He had the power of protection from his mother's side which is why he was briefly saved from the edge of death however, he cannot summon his spirit guardian late at night outside.

His spirit guardian was a fire phoenix, it will surely stand out and noisy enough to disturb the silence of the night. Therefore his secret outing will be revealed in any case.

"Guak" a cough of blood was spit out of his mouth, his wound did not hit a vital point however it was deep enough to transform into something critical. It was when he was crawling along the alley when a carriage had passed by. A boy who happened to open the curtains met his eyes, the assassin dressed up as a guard stopped the carriage.

The boy with amethyst colored eyes spoke to someone beside him and then Prince Raul passed out.


"Sister..." An anxious whisper reached Luna's ears when their carriage came to a stop. Beside her was Enoch who was tugging her sleeve with vigor.

"What's the matter?"

"That..." Enoch couldn't bring himself to speak and only pointed out the window. Luna, who switched places with him, saw someone passed out with blood around him, outside the carriage was a number of people dressed in guards uniform who keeps insisting of checking the luggage carriage.

"Are these people assassins?" Luna muttered to herself. Enoch face had paled when he saw the boy passed out.

"Let's help sister" he said. Luna had no intention of getting into trouble however, she also had no intention of letting someone die. So she secretly cast her power and hid the boy in the darkness. Enoch on the other hand, used his shadows to connect his hands near the boy and tossed some healing potions near him.

"He won't die, right?"

Enoch asked anxiously. Luna only shut her mouth as the carriage proceeded to run towards the capital mansion of Luxembourg duchy.

"Let's just send someone later." Luna answered as their carriage entered the gates.

"Welcome my Lord, young master, my lady." The old butler of Luxembourg family bowed his head, and greeted them on behalf of the servants who was lying in wait outside.

"There was no need to summon everyone late into the night." The duke commented but the old man just smiled.

The servants quickly unloaded the luggage while Luna and Enoch walked towards the mansion. It was not their first time in the capital city, they've briefly stayed in the capital when they were young so they know which way to proceed.

"Sister, should we ask someone?" Enoch whispered, he was talking about the man who was passed out earlier.

"Tomorrow, Enoch."


"The guards who stopped us earlier could've been assassins after him, we helped him enough to survive. Let's stay out of it the assassins could still be there."

Luna was worried about the bloodied figure they saw at the alley this evening however, they cannot carelessly get involved with what's happening especially someone like their family.

The reason why they did not told the Duke earlier was because of this. Had they tell their father, a person who had a strong sense of justice, a fight might have broke out earlier. Sending someone tonight will reach their father's ears and he will gather the knights and scour the area.

"Let's go check on him together, tomorrow." Enoch understands this very well that is why he only nod his head.

"Good night, Enoch." Luna said softly brushing the bangs of her brother.

"Good night, sister."


Contrary to the worries of the Luxembourg siblings, Prince Raul was no longer in the alley. When Luna cast her darkness concealing spell, Prince Raul felt it and soon saw the hands of Enoch that tossed him a potion.

It didn't took him long enough to realise what was going on, and hurriedly bit the cap and pour it on his wound. He was in no condition to drink, so his only his external wound was barely healed.

He pushed himself to get into one of the carriage and calmed himself down. After a while, he found himself in the premises of the Luxembourg duchy.

The carriage he was riding in stopped quite a distance from the main mansion, it was in the parking space near a big tower.

Wasting no time to save himself, he forced himself towards the tower.

The door was enormous and the tower was high, it was a viewing peak meant for the duchess of Luxembourg who loved to view the stars.

Prince Raul found himself cursing when he saw the long staircase as soon as he opened the door.

He was in no condition to climb the stairs but luckily he found a lift hidden behind the staircase.

It was only when he reached the top level that he was able to breath in and relaxed.

"I'd just go home after some sleep" he muttered before completely blacking out.