
The Crown Prince & I

You must have heard about thousands of fairytales, fantasies and love stories. But.. but.. but.. this is a hate story. ~~~~~~ WPC 194 : Bronze Prize Winner Story ~~~~~~~~~ A hate story of a girl named Sara Rajput, who met The Crown Prince by in an accidental encounter. Under some unfavorable and abnormal circumstances.. they both come together to rescue the people. He helped her when she was at her lowest and weakest point. He lend his shoulder when no one helped her. And at that moment, The cold, aloof Crown Prince fall in love with her. It won't be a lie to say that, it was love at first sight. But.. but... but... But what would happen, if the girl is already deeply in love with someone else? What would happen if she refused his love? What would happen if she escape from his safe haven? What would happen when the girl who turn this aloof deity into human, turned him into a monster? What would happen, when he will kill the love of her life? What will she do? She is a just normal girl, with little power in her hands. Will she take her revenge? Will she avenge for the death for her beloved? Or in turn, fell in love with this guy? They say taking a revenge against a powerful person is more than impossible? Then what would happen, when the secrets will get disclosed, when the mysteries will be unveiled. When she will find out, the person she want to torture to death for her beloved, is not even a human. As for what he is, that will be a suspense for the present. But whatever supernatural power he is. He is still the Crown Prince of those supernatural, paranormal creatures that exists in this Universe. Now can she a mere human, who carry no power except her brain, can she kill him? HOW WILL SHE TAKE HER REVENGE???? To know more, read this book. Also, my other book ; Tale of Phoenix is participating in Webnovel Spirity Award. So, please keep on voting and supporting it. And help author win the award for it, too.

Kirtirajput · Urban
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37 Chs

Tina is confused or making other's confused

After looking at the stupefied expression on the hostages face. She sighed deeply then said :" At this time, we really need his rash driving skills for our rescue. That's the demand of the time."

And without any hesitation there came firm nod of approval and agreement from them.. After all, for once they can doubt themselves, but doubting this legend is impossible.

And then a person name Zeeshan search his luggage, found his P225 pistol...and within a second like a pro he is , he shoot which directly hit at the back of the head of the terrorist and passes out through the forehead of the terrorist...he was shocked to the death till he finally die.. and within a minute Captain Zunaid took the control of steering wheel and with the help of crew members he remove the terrorist and took the control over the driving seat...

and finally situation seems little optimistic...

"Now what and where to,Miss Rajput " Zunaid ask..

That's when she look clueless....after all they need a safe place...where they could deal with the aftermath...of the incident...and can ensure their safety too...she was still thinking ..when she feel few cool deep breaths in her ears and then came the voice :" This place is safe ...Call them here..."

She look to her side...to find the pair of sapphire blue eyes...staring at her dark brown ones...

Those eyes , how could, eyes be so mesmerizing...

But all thanks to the condition, she simply look for few seconds in those beautiful eyes...and nodded...

But she didn't know the exact location or the routeway. So, she looked back at those pair of Sapphire blue eyes. He, who as usual, understood her dillemma, give one glance to his side, where Chaol was standing, who nodded, then took the microphone from this girl and simply said ...his voice as thunderously calm as ever...just like the prince charming of the stories :" Just follow my lead and make sure the speed can't be less than 450 km per hour or else ...better not blame me for not bewaring you beforehand ..."

Zunaid simply gulp in terror, at the sound of voice and after realizing that the lives of 34 people is in his hands now...

As for the terrorists,,,,, ,,they were still in shock...just few minutes ago. .they were powerful and now they are more powerless than an ant....

And with the guidance and the no. of precautions he remind the driver to take...the buss was flying like a rocket...and within 20 minutes they were already about to reach the gates...

Only then The Crown Prince realize...she wasn't enjoying the scenery ...she was so lost in the situation, that she doesn't even know where exactly at the moment she is....but still he had seen. Her skills, her capabilities. She was already guiding like a pro to those people, who deserve to die. After all, they were more than capable, yet they let that girl suffer... and if it had been any other creature he might have killed them at the spot...but he can't possibly kill the people under her guidance ....god knows when and how...she became his exception...

But then, she look at him..or to be more precisely...in those sapphire blue eyes of his...and ask without breaking eye contact...not the scary or terrified one...but a great ...happy and healthy one, which definitely was the rarity in the Entire Universe. As no one till now, not even his own mother, had ever made an eye-contact with him, for more than 5 minutes. She asked :" Can we get the access of the gate ...? "

Only then he realize that.. she is asking for permission , to enter in his territory. .with humans...

Hell! Humans have been prohibited in his boundaries...but the look ...the spark in her eyes.. the smile in her face...was more than enough for him to nod in agreement and approval...which was more than enough to give heart attack to each and every person present there...so now those weaklings will infiltrate their boundaries....and on top of that...with their lord's permission...

A clear cut acknowledgement ....that no matter whosoever this lady is.. never offend her...either knowingly or unknowingly..

and THE CREWBUSS005 LANDED INSIDE THE BUILDING under complete safety and security...


As for Sara as soon as she saw the bus....she get disappear in the blink of an eye....in simple terms ran away....and reached with heavy breaths near the buss,....

Dude!!! This lady is dangerous.... how can she remember the layout....even when she was feeling all scared in the beginning....

And then finally the bus stop....and the hostages started running out...

"MISS RAJPUT.." and they all started to stare at their rescuer as well as the person who will going to punish them to death for Tina 's incident....but somewhere they know they deserve it!!!!!!!

So, they were ready to accept the punishment...but she simply ignore them as if they don't even exist and only when Tina came ....wearing one of the terrorist uniform...only then she heave a sigh of relief.

As soon as Tina landed in the ground....she was welcomed by a tight bear hug...as if this simple hug describe how much she was worried about Tina.....and despite it being quite suffocating... considering the pathetic state of an almighty Miss Rajput .... all because of Sara's state of fright....she bear the pain...

After all...this pathetic person...has fought with god for Tina!!!!!!!So, how will she not appreciate it? it's that simple. So, she says:" I am fine Sara , trust me....see I am completely an absolutely fine..."

Only after hearing that, she relax...and leave Tina's embrace...

As for all the people...whether from the crown prince side or Miss Rajput's side...they were in shock...

So, that's why, she deal with such a trivia matter on her own...NO DOUBT .....they deserve the aftermath now...

Driver was being happy, as he was already injured ...so she won't hurt him.. and they all were giving him envious look for being injured at the moment..

Rather she asked :" Where are those Terrorists ?" just one question but these words already bring the room to the freezing temperature...her rage...her anger.. her terror ...everything was clearly shown in these words...

Although, Tina didn't want to. But somehow, after watching Sara's state , she couldn't help butted in :" Sara....no...lady please...no....they are already half dead.. after our encounter and now if you lay your hands on them then they will die for sure...please forgive them..."

The Crown Prince , The Second Prince and all the men from his side were staring at the victim, who at present were saying to not to touch the people, who hurt her. She was actually pleading on behalf of the people, who hurt her. Like seriously. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?????? No doubt, they say human species is unpredictable. See, this one is the live example for them.

" So, you are saving those, who abuse you??? Is it ? Lady???? " Sara asked in glacier freezing voice...

" Yes, I mean No, It's not like what you are thinking? I want them to die miserably for sure. For what they did to me. But , if they come in contact with you then I can already imagine their worst future. See, i am already pitying them and halfly sympathizing with them.

Please, an encounter with you is thousand times dangerous than the encounter with the death, itself. So, why not we do the legal thing and hand them over to the authorities of this place. They will deal with them, personally.

Beside my lady, they are already in traumatic phase at present, let's not end their sanity and belief on this World completely. Besides, I need you, My Lady." Tina replied

And all the people who know her...knows that this is the fact... As, she has been famous in the agency, for torturing people to hell, that they regret the reason of their existence, in the first place. Very few people knew about this identity of Sara and Tina is one among them. So, she would rather kill these people for the sake of killing, with her own hands. Rather than letting them fall under this dangerous sadistic's hands.

Otherwise, how could a mere Pilot, break the firewall of The Crewbuss and able to make things work under her favour. Only Tina knows, this girl, she isn't an ordinary pilot. She is UN agent, who works only in highly classified, highly confidential

Sara just sighed and simply nodded.. after all dealing with those scumbags isn't her priority. Staying with her friend and making her feel comfortable....should be her priority...

Later!!!!!!! She will deal with those scumbags later!!!!

But as if the whole world is against her. Captain Zeeshan and Captain Zunaid bring the terrorists out....

I know, most of you would be like, how could an author write such a clitch plot. How could a victim vouch for the culprits.

But think about it, if you know your friend has the quirky hobby of finding happiness in other's sufferings or the culprit's sufferings.

And who could turn into a complete bloodlusty, torturing spree within seconds. Then, would you still like her to deal with those people.

Since, Tina knows this girl will torture these people, till their last breath. Even giving them full VIP treatments of the hospital, to ensure their survival, as she would love to cut and sew them on her own.

Then Tina decided to show some mercy on these people.After all, instant death is better than falling under Sara's hands.

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