
The Crown Prince's Tragic Love

Sophia was abandoned during her pregnancy. Lost his parents and lived a Kara life. The man she married turned out to be a royal prince, whom she met at her husband's wedding to another woman. Sofia is allied with the devil to avenge her. He did not accept that Zen William was happy while Sofia suffered alone.

Umia_Mia · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Get ready Sofia!

Sofia walked with Syehrazat to the royal palace. The two of them talked, laughed and threw each other the flowers they got on the outskirts of the forest.

At first they were a little awkward about the robes that contained cherry blossom embroidery that Syehrazat asked him.

However, Sofia manages to convince Syehrazat it is possible that the robe was stolen by someone and left in front of the woman's house.

Sofia also convinces Syehrazat that the woman doesn't think badly of the man she loves.

Sofia was forced to lie, she was afraid that her best friend would feel hurt if she told the truth.

At first Syehrazat also suspected that Terus might love Sofia. But it was firmly rejected by the woman, because according to Sofia it was absolutely impossible.

"Are you tired?" asked Syehrazat to his best friend from the womb.

Sofia nodded softly as she rubbed the sweat flowing down her temples and neck.

"It's so hot, we look for the river first to find clean water, right?" said Sofia.

Syehrazat approved of the proposal from his best friend. He also began to feel thirsty because he had walked quite a distance.

"Sofia, you will have to see the faces of Zen prince William and his wife later. People say, they really look very compatible," Syehrazat exclaimed excitedly.

Sofia smiled and nodded, agreeing to her best friend's remarks. "You alone have never seen the Prince's face, then can you be so sure that he is so handsome?"

"Just a hunch." The two of them laughed after hearing Syehrazat's answer.

"But, don't be blatant if you look at him later. You can get into trouble, they're so inhumane," Syehrazat muttered in annoyance.

Sofia pulled over when she saw that there was a river that she could take her water to quench her thirst.

The woman was silent for a little long, her shadow was like to the past. The time in which he and Zeno spend time together by the river.

The two of them hugged there, against the cold wind of the two. The two are like a couple who will never be separated.

But at this time he can only lament, considering that the body of the lover is no longer able to be held.

All that was left was the scent of the clothes that Zeno left in their room.

"Sofia, why are you? Hey, you're possessed by the devil?" asked Syehrazat, chuckling softly.

Sofia immediately blinked her eyes quickly. Returning his consciousness to the real world and leaving the imaginary world.

"Your husband doesn't matter, right, if we go together like this? You didn't forget to ask him for permission, did you?" asked Syehrazat.

Sofia nodded immediately, she was forced to lie. "Of course it doesn't matter. Come on, let's continue our journey. If not, then we will get there on even the day."

"It doesn't matter, the party will take place tomorrow morning," Syehrazat replied as he stuck his tongue out at Sofia.

Along the way, Sofia faithfully listens to stories from her best friend about Thruv Niramon.

At least Sofia thought, if Thruv was a concubine child. Then why can he pretend to be Zeno's brother?

But her thoughts soon gained enlightenment when she remembered that her husband had a luxurious dress given by the prince. It could be that they are close friends and Thruv wants to help Zeno to propose to Sofia.

"You know Sofia, that Mr. Thruv is very kind. But I never saw him fall in love after having a lover a few years ago," Syehrazat said.

Sofia began to be interested in listening to the discussion that Syehrazat said. "You are so sure that he never falls in love again?"

"Yes, Mr. Thruv is too busy with royal affairs. He was busy accompanying the Prince wherever he went. He forgot about his personal life to just devote himself." Syehrazat began to show a sad face when telling stories.

"In the past, his lover died. Killed by the King's envoy, the woman was just a clothes seller's child in the market. He was killed right in front of Thruv himself. Guilt continues to haunt him, for it has brought malacca to the life of the girl he loves."

Netra Sofia began to tear up, her heart was easily carried away. It may be the effect of her pregnancy hormones.

"Then, you said yesterday she was in love?" asked Sofia, occasionally the woman's palm rubbed her big belly.

Syehrazat nodded, "Yes, he told me that he was in love. But his love this time is more difficult and complicated."

Sofia tilted her head, looking at Syehrazat full of question marks. "Why can it be like that?"

"Because the woman Thruv loves already has a husband. Her husband was the closest person to her, and also the woman was from ordinary circles. Mr. Thruv was afraid that the King would find out and make the girl's life as miserable as it had ever been," Syehrazat replied.

Sofia nodded in understanding, royal life may indeed be that hard. They must be side by side with a commensurate person.

You can't just do a wedding. Even just admiring them may have become a sin.

"You have to be careful, right? Don't let them know how you feel. I don't want to lose my best friend," Sofia muttered sincerely.

At least the woman was afraid that Syehrazat's feelings would be a disaster for the girl later.

"Take good care of yourself while in the palace. Don't be careless!" recalled Sofia to Syehrazat who was engrossed in eating her supplies while walking casually.

"Calm down the future queen, the servant will remember your advice!" joked Syehrazat.

Sofia kept thinking, if later she was given the opportunity to meet Thruv again. He will ask what really happened. Sofia would ask staring at the man lying to her by pretending to be Zeno's older brother, her husband.

Sofia nodded in understanding, royal life may indeed be that hard. They must be side by side with a commensurate person.

You can't just do a wedding. Even just admiring them may have become a sin.

"You have to be careful, right? Don't let them know how you feel. I don't want to lose my best friend," Sofia muttered sincerely.

At least the woman was afraid that Syehrazat's feelings would be a disaster for the girl later.

"Take good care of yourself while in the palace. Don't be careless!" recalled Sofia to Syehrazat who was engrossed in eating her supplies while walking casually.

"Calm down the future queen, the servant will remember your advice!" joked Syehrazat.

Sofia kept thinking, if later she was given the opportunity to meet Thruv again. He will ask what really happened. Sofia would ask staring at the man lying to her by pretending to be Zeno's older brother, her husband.

"Sofia, don't you want a banana? It looks like it's ripe!" shouted Syehrazat to sofia's reverie.

"Slow down if you talk, we are passing through the forest. You want to be eaten by wild animals because it has disturbed their peace?" whispered Sofia.

Syehrazat is indeed different from Sofia. The girl is very much a behavior, her way of speaking is really unethical. Hard and don't care about the surroundings.

Sofia herself is inversely proportional to him. Sofia is quiet, meek, full of manners, affectionate and also easily carried away. His thinking was straight and never did anything about it. At least that's what people know.

The two began to enter the settlement, there were many unique ornaments and food that Sofia had never encountered in her village.

"Sofia, want to try that food? A little spicy but tastes very good. You must like it." Syehrazat immediately pulled Sofia's wrist. She even forgot that her best friend was heavily pregnant.

"Syehrazat, slow down! My baby!" exclaimed Sofia.

Syehrazat gaped instantly, the girl patted her forehead hard. "You Syehrazat fool! I'm sorry, I forgot if you brought a cute doll in your stomach."

Sofia pursed her lips, you kept following her best friend's footsteps.

There almost everyone is busy designing beautiful flowers and decorations. It is possible to welcome the Prince and his Empress tomorrow.

"This is definitely for the wedding welcome tomorrow. Is it always like this is crowded?" asked Sofia half-shouting because of the boisterous voice there.

Syehrazat nodded noisyly. "Yes! Get ready for tomorrow, Sofia!"