
The Crown Prince's Tragic Love

Sophia was abandoned during her pregnancy. Lost his parents and lived a Kara life. The man she married turned out to be a royal prince, whom she met at her husband's wedding to another woman. Sofia is allied with the devil to avenge her. He did not accept that Zen William was happy while Sofia suffered alone.

Umia_Mia · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Disaster and The Devil

Thruv Niramon hurried away, leaving Sofia who was back sitting herself under a tree. At first glance he saw the woman leaning back. The look on Sofia's face looked difficult, like there was a heavy burden that the woman was carrying.

Thruv also couldn't have mistakenly seen, Sofia's belly looked big. Is his half-sister's wife pregnant? Now that Thruv is beset by anxiety, should he tell the Crown Prince what he has just witnessed?

Again Thruv shook his head full of despair. He couldn't possibly do that, the silver-haired man didn't want the younger brother to go berserk and run away from the palace later.

"No, I'm sorry. I can't tell this to Your Majesty. I'm sorry," he muttered.

The king's concubine son tied the horse that accompanied his journey to a tree. Then, he came back, walking towards the direction Sofia was.

The man with a firm jaw was watching his sister's wife from behind the bushes. He clearly saw Sofia sobbing. His face flushed occasionally grimacing pressing on his stomach.

"Assh, I'm sorry my son. Mom got you into a complicated matter. Mom is most responsible for all your suffering. Ashh!" The soot-haired woman kept whimpering, she felt exhausted to cause pain in her stomach.

While Thruv was still monitoring from afar, but he could still hear the moaning coming out of Sofia's rations that looked more and more pale.

With a little effort, Sofia began to stand up. His palm kept pressing on his stomach. Occasionally the woman grimaced in pain. Sofia began to walk slowly, she couldn't continue to rest like this.

At home, the mother certainly needs the woman very much. Not to mention that he had to work to pay for his father's treatment.

Thruv revealed himself, he couldn't bear it. The pale-skinned man couldn't bear to see Sofia's condition.

"Miss, wait for me!" exclaimed Thruv Niramon, the man came out and emerged from behind the bushes.

Sofia almost fell down as a result of hearing Thruv's screams very suddenly. "Master, you brought a horse just now, didn't you?"

Thruv nodded, the man lowered his head slightly respectfully at Sofia. "Go home with me, Miss."

Sofia immediately rewinds her steps several times as Thruv's hand suddenly stretched out in front of her. "Sorry, I can walk by myself. I beg you to leave, I am afraid of you."

"I am Thruv Niramon, as you said a moment ago. I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm Zeno Bridgestone's half-brother." Thruv tries to explain that Sofia is no longer afraid of him.

Sofia's body is almost in limbo, if only Thruv hadn't held her back. The bright twinkle on Sofia's face seemed to be chewed, as if there was a new hope emerging from within her body. "Sister, Zeno is gone. Did he go back to his house? Together with you? Please, meet us."

Sofia subconsciously gripped the clothes thruv was wearing. The feeling of happiness made him forget himself, which is in the sanubari only Zeno's name for the time being.

Thruv was silent, he couldn't answer the question Sofia asked him. "Come on, I send you home first."

Sofia chose to come, she also wanted to get to her house immediately.

On the way home, Sofia occasionally asks Thruv a question, but the man has absolutely no intention of giving an answer.

"Mr. Thruv, or Sister-in-law? What are you more comfortable with me to call?" asked Sofia.

The beautiful woman looked up slowly, the netra of the two met but with Thruv's lightning movement cut it off unilaterally.

Sofia refocused on staring at the street ahead. He felt that his brother-in-law didn't like him. His heart was suddenly gloomy, even though only Thruv was familiar with Sofia. He didn't know who the other Zeno family was.

"Want to rest for a while? The journey is still very far away, pity your baby."

Sofia wanted to nod when she heard her sister-in-law's offer. But then again, he was afraid that it would trouble others. "Mmm, no need. I will eat at home, sir."

No longer seeking approval from Sofia, Thruv stopped his horse at a food stall that seemed crowded by large crowds of visitors. "Come here, I help you go down."

Sofia reached out even though she honestly felt uncomfortable when she came into contact with another man. I don't know why he felt that he no longer deserved it, considering that he was currently married.

Thruv ate his food quietly. Unlike Sofia who looks very uneasy.

"Why? Don't like the food?" asked Thruv curiously.

Sofia shook her head quickly, "No. That's not it. My stomach is a little painful."

Thruv's hand reflex rubbed Sofia's stomach. Which makes the woman's body stiffen greatly. He subconsciously held his breath, his eyes glanced towards the surroundings. But unlike what he imagined, they were all too busy with their respective affairs.

"You are pregnant? Can I predict your fate?" asked an old woman who suddenly came to Sofia's table.

Sofia stared at Thruv for approval, and got a nod in response.

"Bring your left palm, madam." Sofia reached out according to the request of the old fortune teller.

"It looks so pale, you must be exhausted. Don't work too hard," the fortune teller said.

The fortune teller began to close his eyes, while Sofia looked at him fixedly. "No way!" he exclaimed.

The fortune teller jerked Sofia's hand until it bounced towards the table. "Aw!" The beautiful woman grimaced in pain.

"What the hell is this?" cried Thruv as soon as he saw Sofia in pain.

The fortune teller shook his head hard. "Mala petaka! Destruction is before your eyes! You're the devil!" he shouted.

Thruv stood up, clutching tightly the shabby clothes that the fortune teller was wearing. "Hold your mouth! She is pregnant, don't add to the burden of her mind!"

The pale-skinned man jerked his grip. His hand turned to grasp Sofia's wrist and took the woman away after throwing gold coins to pay for all the losses she had created.

Thruv was unconscious, he was pulling pregnant women so rudely. The man helped Sofia ride on the horse and then he caught up with her.

When he was about to pull the horse rope, Thruv accidentally saw Sofia rubbing her wrist that seemed to be flushed.

"Is it because of me?" asked Thruv hesitantly.

Sofia nodded softly, "That's right. The master pulled me too hard."

Thruv closed his eyes for a moment, he was completely unaware. His heart was already dominated by emotions.

"I'm sorry, I didn't deliberately at all." The man took a deep breath, there was still something else he wanted to say.

"Sofia, can I ask you for something?" continued Thruv.

Sofia nodded but didn't dare to look up to look at her sister-in-law. "What's sir?"

Thruv took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Please, don't come to the Prince's wedding. I mean, you're pregnant. It will harm your fetus."