
The Crown Prince's Tragic Love

Sophia was abandoned during her pregnancy. Lost his parents and lived a Kara life. The man she married turned out to be a royal prince, whom she met at her husband's wedding to another woman. Sofia is allied with the devil to avenge her. He did not accept that Zen William was happy while Sofia suffered alone.

Umia_Mia · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Another Hunch

Sofia kept rubbing her stomach which felt a little painful. The feeling is not good, as well as the baby who continues to be active more than usual.

"Maybe your baby knows if he will see the Crown Prince in a while. That's why he's too excited!" exclaimed Syehrazat.

"But, my feelings are also not as usual. It's like there's tightness in my chest, it hurts but I don't know what caused it," Sofia replied as she pressed her sore chest.

It was not pain like being injured by a sharp weapon, but a feeling of pain that he could not define his feelings.

"Why does it feel like this?" Sofia's inner self didn't understand.

Syehrazat is still busy preparing supplies that he will bring in a while. A few moments from now, the wedding party will be held immediately.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, the Prince and his empress would go around handing out alms for his people who had already come to witness their happy day.

"Is the man you like going to go around giving alms?" asked Sofia. The woman still hopes that she and Thruv can meet again, she wants to ask the truth about her husband to the silver-haired man.

"Of course he must have come, I told you no, if he would continue to follow wherever the Prince went. Unless he is getting an important task from the government," Syehrazat retorted.

The woman is always excited when she tells about the man of her heart. Syehrazat's love was so deep for Thruv that he was willing to be sick and faithfully listened to the whole man's story together with the woman he had recently loved.

"I just remembered something. Maybe this could be a clue for me!" exclaimed Syehrazat suddenly to the point of surprise sofia.

"You surprised me Syehrazat!" cried Sofia subconsciously.

Syehrazat just laughed at Sofia's funny-looking expression when she was shocked.

"At that time, Mr. Thruv once said that he had ever taken the woman along with his favorite horse. Then they stopped by to eat." The look on Syehrazat's face changed bitterly.

"At that time he said that there was an old fortune teller grandmother who said nonsense to his woman. The grandmother said that if the woman was the incarnation of the devil, Mr. Thruv was angry at the time." Syehrazat's remarks made Sofia speechless.

The woman was really surprised to hear her best friend's explanation. The woman told by Syehrazat was clearly her.

Sofia who was brought by Thruv by horse. He also ate at the store and met the old fortune teller. That same day Thruv was angry because of the old lady's words.

What kind of coincidence is going on right now? Sofia couldn't understand it. What if Syehrazat knew if the woman told by Thruv was him.

Sofia was afraid that Syehrazat would turn to hate her. Because according to Sofia's vision, her best friend loves Thruv Niramon so much.

"Can we leave now?" asked Sofia a little nervously to the point of making Syehrazat frown in confusion.

His best friend kept thinking, is it as long as he tells the story to accidentally hurt Sofia's heart?

"Sofia, did I say something that offended your heart?" asked Syehrazat, he didn't want to just because something trivial made their friendship troubled later.

Sofia shook her head, holding Syehrazat's hand tightly. "I don't feel that way, it's just that I want to get there and see how luxurious a Crown Prince's wedding is."

Syehrazat smiled with relief, apparently he mistook his best friend.

"Well, come on. But be careful, your baby inside must also be exhausted at this time."

The two walked hand in hand, occasionally saying ludicrous jokes. Not Sofia of course, they laughed because Syehrazat's story was very unique from the way it was conveyed.

"I understand. In fact, at this time I am very worried about the mother at home, I have left it to Hayi's aunt. But still I feel uneasy. I also lied to my mother when I decided to come here," Sofia said.

"Why are you lying to auntie? Doesn't it not matter if you just want to watch the Crown Prince's wedding, especially when you go home later you will also bring a lot of alms," Syehrazat asked in surprise.

He didn't understand why Sofia's parents had to forbid their son to come here. There's nothing wrong with the things he and Sofia are now doing. In fact, almost everyone is now gathered here.

"I don't understand either, mom and dad insist on banning me. Then, there was someone I didn't know very well. He did the same. I don't understand their reasons for forbidding me to come here," Sofia complained.

To this day he also does not understand, what is the reason why people forbid him to come to the wedding of such a luxurious prince.

"Sir!" shouted Syehrazat suddenly as he waved his hand.

Sofia, who had originally lowered her face, was now slowly lifting it up. "Thruv Niramon," he thought.

Thruv, who was originally smiling when he saw Syehrazat, now began to fade the smile on his face.

The man approached, then Syehrazat began to open a voice. "Mr. Thruv, why did you take so long. I've been waiting with my friend here for a very long time!" protested Syehrazat.

Thruv still he sculpted, his eyes kept staring fixedly at Sofia who was getting lower and deeper.

"Master! Don't look at Sofia like that! She already has a husband. Look at his stomach anyway," Syehrazat chuckled when he realized thruv's direction of view to Sofia.

Thruv immediately cleared his throat slowly to break the awkward atmosphere that happened unconsciously. "Sorry, I didn't mean it that way."

"Sir, where do we have to go through in order to see the Crown Prince and his wife directly later?" asked Syehrazat with sparkling eyes.

Now that Thruv seemed to panic, he had promised to find a shortcut for Syehrazat and his friend to be able to witness the Crown Prince's bride's accompaniment firsthand.

"Syehrazat, can I talk to your friend for a while? I just want to make sure that he's safe. I don't suspect your friend, it's just that this is already my duty. You understand what I mean, don't you?" said Thruv convincing Syehrazat not to suspect him.

The man asked Sofia to follow his footsteps. After the two were a little far away from Syehrazat, Thruv began to open the conversation.

"Why did you come? Didn't I ask you to stay in your residence. What makes you insist on coming here in this state of big pregnancy?" asked Thruv with a look full of worry.

Sofia was reluctant to look at Thruv's face, after hearing Syehrazat's story made the woman feel awkward when she was close to the man.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm just an ordinary people like them. I came here to get alms from the King to celebrate the Crown Prince's wedding. I'm in trouble right now," Sofia replied truthfully.

"How much do you need? Let me give it to you, as long as you go home today!" asked Thruv.

Sofia was silent for a while, daring to look into the eyes of the man claiming to be her husband's older brother. "Sorry sir, you are no one to me. Excuse me."