
The Crown Cries

Alexios Norcross, a supposed god of war for his time. In a land fueled with tragedy, deceit, and treachery, no one is safe from the games the blue bloods and royalty play. He fights, he wins, but when he falls, what happens then? A man revered for his might and prowess, a man respected for his honor and loyalty. his trust is broken, and his loyalty in tatters, he fights for the only thing he knows is real. his family and himself. Now alone from his family, he will strive to make sure he never loses in the game again. Follow across lives as Alexios tries to live another life free from the same game that trapped him. see if he falls for the same traps from before or if he finds a way to free himself from the spiders web. a kiss from death was all he needed to see the truth. Got some adventure. Has gore in certain places. Warm pleasant atmospheres. Vile language from some characters(ecspecially when drinking). A touch of romance. Readers choices and opinions develops the story ever slightly creating a alternate universe that were all involved in. Enjoy! Just for anyone wondering, it will be extremely slow the first about 5 chapters as it's just our MC growing, learning, progressing, Their will be only little action and more on what's happening around to tie it all together. I apologize for anyone wanting to just jump in but I promise I'll work on it more to satisfy everyone's wants. I will be updating 2 chapters hopefully everyday, at least 1 chapter a day. I do not claim ownership of game of thrones or any related characters belonging to game of thrones. I only own my OC characters. Any material belonging to other sources belongs to their respected sources and are used purely for enjoyment. This is my first work on the platform and was just bored after reading a updated chapter. Give me ideas, and help build this story along with me. open to ideas and constructive criticism. Your choices do revolve around the story influencing my creative writing into a direction of your choosing.

BBQChickenAlertBB · TV
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41 Chs

New passengers

Oberyn stood stupefied from Alexios's comment. Not knowing whether to laugh at his claim or start making preparations. He began to walk as he thought of everything that happened in the long day. As he walked through the archway seeing his three daughters awaiting him, he stopped and sighed. "Obara, how do you feel about the man Toros?"

Alexios returned inside to see Reana arm wrestling with William with a smirk on her face. William was sweating and cruising at the "bear" across the table as he called her. His arm shortly flew down with a loud thud much to William's discomfort. "You know William, you are speaking to my woman now, just because your fast doesn't mean you can run from me…" William looked behind him to see the towering giant bending down to be slightly above William with a disturbing smile.

William excused himself with the excuse of having to meet up with some of his contacts soon. Much to the enjoyment and laughter of everyone there. Reana was in such a joyous mood she unconsciously stood up and kissed Alexios in front of everyone. Everyone stopped for a few seconds as Reana blushed before the entire tavern exploded with cheers. Alexios pulled her close and hollered out for everyone to hear.

"Tomorrow we will be heading out, my reports are bringing up bad news and our enemies in the shadows could strike anytime while we're away from the north. So enjoy tonight and be ready by dawn." Everyone started discussing what could be happening as they ate and drank. Alexios, Robb, and his companions soon went to a private room.

"We will be stopping in the reach only to meet the Tyrell family. We received an invitation to their home for a feast on our adventure. Afterwards we will be taking a ship back to the North. Any questions?" Everyone looked at each other before Toros stepped forward. "Is it to do with the letter you received upon landing in Dorne from your father?"

"Partially, my father wishes to discuss a few matters that he believes I should be aware of. From what I know, the Starks have a proposal that needs my approval." Stark stood up and had a questioning look before he was hit with realization. "I think I might be able to clear that up. My father had told me he wishes for one of my sisters to be betrothed to you."

The room was deathly quiet as Reana had a scowl on her face. Alexios cleared his throat before trying to regain composure. "I am sure he doesn't know of me and Reana's relationship as of yet. While it may gain a lack of prestige, it does not concern me as long as my heart is happy. I will clear up the misunderstanding with Lord Stark."

The night continued as every member presented their own report on what they observed, opinions and on their progress with what they had been working on. Night soon passed and the sun began to make its ascent. The whole group were ready to leave and were about to leave deciding to travel by sea instead of on foot to the Reach. Oberyn was blocking their path with the three women from before as well as a small group of soldiers. When the two groups were close enough, Alexios, Robb, and Oberyn stepped forward to speak.

"Lord Stark, Lord Dragen, I am pleased to meet with you before you could leave our beautiful lands." Robb was the first to speak for the duo unlike the day before. "Lord Martell, we are feeling homesick and wish to make our journey a little shorter only making one more stop before our return. I hope you don't plan to delay our departure…" "Of course not, instead I wish to take up lord Dragen's offer and extend it if possible. All three of my daughters will accompany you on your travels."

Alexios's usual smirk was now broken with a hint of confusion as he tried to see why. Tyrene is good with poisons as Nymeria has a keen mind. Together they could cause havoc and confusion within the group. "What are you playing at Red Viper?" Oberyn flinched a little thinking if Alexios was this imposing the day before.

"I mean no ill will Alexios, simply that I think they can learn much with you and your group. If they join you then you will have control over them. I can only hope you treat them well and that this can further strengthen our ties as...allies…" Alexios's face had closed his eyes inhaling some of the sea breeze before smiling at Oberyn.

"Robb, I hope I'm not imposing too much onto you by bringing along three more people my friend." Robb trying to put together everything that was said could only nod as he was piecing the last puzzle. The three women introduced themselves formally to the group before Obara walked towards Toros. "Will you really help me become a better warrior?"

Toros's mind was spinning as he nodded with a blank look. Obara thought that maybe what she had heard and thought was wrong till she saw William out the corner of her eye laughing at Toros. When she looked at Toros again, she noticed he was slightly red. "Toros, do you by chance find me attractive?" The words of the woman went in one ear and out the next as Toros kept the blank look on his face hoping not to say anything stupid.

"You will have to excuse my friend here. He wouldn't stop talking about your skill yesterday in the spar and I think that you being here now has made him shy, haha." William laughed as he stepped closer to Toros before he sensed danger from behind. He sidestepped and spun to face the direction of the threat only to see a smiling Nymeria. He felt a chill on his spine as he heard Nymeria speak.

"I was wondering if you could help me better myself since you studied me so intently in our spar. It would only be fair now since I am in...your...group." As Alexios watched the interaction, he couldn't help but laugh at the discomfort of his friends. Then he looked back to have his eyes bulge out. Tyrene was touching all over Reana and asking her how she became so tall and athletic.

The interaction made Alexios almost jealous from how much touching was going on before Reana held Tyrene away saying that she was already taken. This only made Tyrene ask on who it was much to Alexios's confusion that she would even want to know. Tyrene looked at Alexios then back to Reana and repeated the action before smiling slyly at Reana. "Didn't know you like em that big, haha."

Alexios did a quick inspection on the three to check what they had to offer.


Name: Obara Sand

Age: 16 years

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 3

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 4



-Weapon mastery(3)

-Hand combat(1)


-Spear Arts(2)

Perks: Legitimized Bastard, Quick, Attractive, Erudite, Skilled Fighter, Brave, Diligent, Family Person, Hunter, Duelist, Lustful, Proud, Deceitful, Seductress

Titles: Sand Snake


Name: Nymeria Sand

Age: 15 years

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 3

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 4

Charisma: 4



-Weapon mastery(2)

-Hand combat(1)


-Bullwhip Arts(2)

-Analytical Mind(3)

Perks: Legitimized Bastard, Genius, Attractive, Erudite, Poor Fighter, Brave, Diligent, Family Person, Lustful, Proud, Deceitful, Organizer, Game Master, Strategist, Seductress, Patient, Schemer

Titles: Sand Snake


Name: Tyrene Sand

Age: 14 years

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 2

Intelligence: 4

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 4




-Weapon mastery(3)

-Hand combat(1)


-Dagger Arts(2)

Perks: Legitimized Bastard, Quick, Attractive, Erudite, Skilled Fighter, Brave, Diligent, Family Person, Hunter, Duelist, Lustful, Proud, Deceitful, Seductress, Schemer, Socializer

Titles: Sand Snake


After seeing everything, Alexios sighed and prepared the paranoia to haunt him with these three till he could trust them. He almost wanted to take back his acceptance of them but didn't want to ruin the relations he already built. The group boarded the ship and prepared to set sail. "Take care of my family! Come again for a longer time next visit!" Oberyn hollered out as the ship started to leave.

The days went on and William and Garold were in charge of making sure the three new passengers would be on good behavior. Tyene's training was held by Alexios as William was helping Nymeria and was quite busy. Toros got over his nervousness as he started to train with Obara and held her training as the highest importance. Alexios was in his cabin converting some of the rocks he had into gold that he would make gold dragons out of when the floorboard creaked and he spun around. In front of him was Tyene with a shocked face as she looked at the gold and rocks he had beside him.

The two looked at each other and then Alexios straightened his posture. He grabbed his greatsword and held it tightly. "I'm sorry Tyrene, I truly am as you were my first disciple and i thought one day I could call you a friend if you kept up the good job." Tyene's eyes widened and she stumbled back before stuttering at the amount of pressure she was feeling. "Wait! Please I wont tell anyone; I don't want to die yet, I'll offer my loyalty or anything you wish, just please don't kill me!"

Hey everyone, comment fast and save or kill Tyene! Will you save her and have a possible strong ally to come or will you kill her off and garuntee Alexios's secret not being revealed that he has the golden touch, haha. Hope you like the chapter. Second chapter coming up later today!

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