
An old tale- Part 2

Calhoun's shoes clicked sharply against the white marble floor of the corridor as he made his way towards the parlour room. Without announcing himself, he pushed the door open to see the Harris' and the Wilmot's who sat at the table having tea. 

On his arrival in the room, everyone stood up to bow, "Good morning to the King," Lady Rosamund greeted.

"Morning. It is good to see everyone up and early today," he offered everyone a smile that turned the humans nervous as they were not used to seeing a person smile like the way the King did. 

Lady Rosamund replied to this, "Markus arranged a hunting session for everyone's amusement today. It took a lot of time to make Mr. and Mrs. Harris agree to join us as they are new to it."

Calhoun's gaze shifted to his in-laws, and they bowed their heads, "Lady Rosamund said it would be more recreational than sitting in the castle," said Mr. Harris.