
The Time to Rebuild

At Helion Castle, the Kingdom of Helion

"Sire, your medicine…" Casimir, his royal physician, approached Amon in his bedchamber. 

Gingerly, the man handed him a cup filled with the bitter liquid. Taking the offered cup, he let out a long deep sigh before drinking it in one gulp. 

Casimir smiled and said, "Sire, you're the only one not complaining about the bitter taste of my medicine."

Amon chuckled, "It's not that bad, Casimir. I like bitter drinks…"

Casimir gave him a small smile. "Right, I asked General Rendon to get you this bitter drink that's getting popular in Cordon," he remarked. "You might like it."

"That's thoughtful of you, Casimir," Amon nodded in gratitude. "You can leave now." 

At his instruction, the older man bowed slightly before leaving his bedchamber. As soon as his servant left, Amon let out another deep sigh before laying down on his bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. 

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