
The Crown's Betrayal

Tell me, slut, do you think you belong here?" Despite the venom in his words, Seraphina refused to back down. With her chin lifted defiantly, she held his gaze unwaveringly, her eyes burning with a fire that matched his own. "I belong wherever I choose to be," she countered, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins. A smirk played at the corners of Alexander's lips as he closed the distance between them, his breath hot against her skin. "Oh, how bold of you," he taunted, his voice low and dangerous. "But you forget your place, little slut. You're nothing but a commoner, unworthy of even gazing upon royalty." Seraphina's heart pounded in her chest as she stood her ground, refusing to let him see the turmoil within her. In that moment, with their eyes locked in a battle of wills, she realized the true extent of the danger she faced. To achieve her goal of vengeance, she would need to navigate the treacherous waters of desire, even as she endured the scorn of the man she sought to destroy.

thebloodinurveinss · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 24 - The arrival

As the night deepened, Seraphina sought refuge beneath the shelter of a gnarled oak tree, the branches reaching out like skeletal fingers against the star-studded sky. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon her, her eyelids drooping with weariness as she cradled Aurelia close to her chest.

In the quiet stillness of the moor, Seraphina drifted into a fitful sleep, her dreams haunted by memories of a past she could not escape. But even in her slumber, she remained vigilant, a mother's instinct keeping her attuned to the slightest sound or movement in the darkness.

It was then that she felt it – a sudden shift in the air, a presence looming over her like a shadow in the night. Her eyes snapped open, her heart pounding with dread as she scanned the darkness for any sign of danger.

And there he was, emerging from the shadows like a specter from her darkest nightmares – Alexander, his figure silhouetted against the moonlit sky, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

For a moment, Seraphina was frozen in place, her mind reeling with a mixture of fear and defiance. But then, with a steely resolve, she rose to her feet, clutching Aurelia tightly to her chest as she faced her adversary head-on.

"What do you want, Alexander?" she demanded, her voice trembling with suppressed anger. "Have you come to finish what you started, to take me back to that hellish existence I fled from?"

But Alexander said nothing, his expression unreadable as he advanced towards her, his footsteps echoing across the moor like the tolling of a funeral bell. With each step he took, Seraphina's heart pounded louder in her chest, a drumbeat of dread that threatened to consume her whole.

And then, in a voice as cold as the grave, Alexander spoke, his words dripping with malice and contempt.

"I have not come to take you back, Seraphina," he said, his voice sending shivers down her spine. "I have come to finish what you started – to make you pay for your betrayal, once and for all."

As Alexander drew closer, his grip tightening around Seraphina's arm like a vice, she could feel the weight of his anger bearing down upon her like a crushing wave. His words cut through the silence like a knife, each insult piercing her heart with a searing pain that threatened to overwhelm her.

"You left," he spat, his voice dripping with venom. "You had a child – whose is it, Seraphina? Whose bed did you crawl into to spawn such a wretched creature? Or perhaps that's how you've been making your living all this time – selling your body like the common whore you are."

Seraphina winced at his words, her jaw clenched with pent-up fury as she struggled to maintain her composure. But deep down, she knew that engaging with Alexander would only fuel the fire of his rage, and so she remained silent, her eyes locked with his in a silent plea for mercy.

"Forgive me, Alexander," she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath. "Forgive me for the pain I've caused you, for the wounds I've inflicted upon your heart. But please, I beg of you – leave me be. Leave Aurelia out of this. She is innocent, she knows nothing of the sins of her mother."

But Alexander's expression remained cold and unyielding, his eyes ablaze with a fury that sent a chill down Seraphina's spine. For a moment, she feared that he would strike her down then and there, that his wrath would consume her whole and leave nothing but ashes in its wake.

But then, as suddenly as he had appeared, Alexander released his grip on Seraphina's arm, his features contorted with a mixture of disgust and disdain.

"You are not worthy of my forgiveness, Seraphina," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You are nothing but a wretched coward, a stain upon the honor of our kingdom. But mark my words – I will not rest until you and your bastard child have paid the price for your sins. And when that day comes, you will beg for my mercy, and I will show you none."

Despite Seraphina's resistance, Alexander's grip remained firm as he dragged her and Aurelia back towards the palace. Each step felt like a descent into darkness, the weight of Alexander's anger pressing down upon her like a suffocating blanket.

"Let go of me!" Seraphina pleaded, her voice trembling with desperation. "I won't go back there, Alexander. I won't subject my daughter to that life of cruelty and pain."

But Alexander's only response was a cruel sneer, his eyes flashing with a cold determination that sent a chill down Seraphina's spine. "You have no choice in the matter, Seraphina," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "You belong to me, body and soul, and you will do as I say."

With a sinking feeling in her heart, Seraphina realized that resistance was futile. Alexander was too powerful, too consumed by his own pride and rage to listen to reason. And so, with a heavy heart, she fell silent, her eyes fixed on the ground as she allowed herself to be led back to the palace.

As they crossed the threshold into the opulent halls of the palace, Seraphina felt a wave of nausea wash over her, the memories of her past life flooding back with a vengeance. Each step felt like a betrayal, a surrender to the forces that had torn her world apart and left her broken and alone.

But as she glanced down at Aurelia, nestled in her arms like a fragile flower, Seraphina felt a flicker of hope stir within her once more. No matter what awaited them within the walls of the palace, she would do whatever it took to protect her daughter – even if it meant facing her greatest enemy head-on.

With a silent prayer on her lips, Seraphina followed Alexander into the heart of the palace, steeling herself for the trials that lay ahead. Little did she know that the true battle had only just begun, and that the shadows of the past would continue to haunt her every step of the way.