
The Croesus' Bride [Completed]

What does Croesus mean? Simple answer: WEALTHY. Meet Lucca Giovanni; a Duke, ruthless businessman but a romantic person with his childhood friend, Laura Conti. Then, we have Nicolas Garcia, one of the shipping tycoon who happens to be ensnared by his long-lost romance, Camila Almada. Also, we have Adam Florenz, an elite officer who was engaged out of nowhere to his parents' best friends' daughter. Fauna Kent. Last but not least, Danial Summer who was searching for his long-lasting love, Flora who disappeared off the grid. Find out what happened when the arrogant, ingenious male Leads meet their stubborn, strong-willed match (wicked smile).

Nikki_Larousse · Urban
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154 Chs

Chapter 26: The Kidnapping

Alicia Garcia's POV

"Hello, hello? hello, Nick?" I said as I was looking at the screen phone. It was still on as I knew that Nicolas was still talking to me but I heard a grunt before the phone was coming to a deadline. I was confused as I don't think that Nico would be hit by someone. Would he?

knowing that I cannot trust anyone right now, I called the only number that I knew he would be helping me whenever I need him to. The line was ringing as I was pacing back and forth in my office.

"pick up, pick up, pick up. Damn it!" I said as I was biting on my nails before the sound was coming at the other end.

"Go for Bianchi," he said as he was typing something on his laptop like he always did. I rolled my eyes at him as I don't even know why I had fallen in love with this guy in the first place.

"V, I need your help," I said as I was trying to stay calm as I can. He smirked as I can hear he was mocking me.