
The cripple prodigy's Rise: System of wealth and harem

system! system! Haii did the system leave? [system is here skibidi] "..." what took you so long? and what's skibidi? [ahem my apologies host it seems your world has some effects on my heart ] [the system was waiting for you to grow up but seeing how your a cripple the system will assist you ] Very well then let's go! [but first the host needs to stand] but I'm cripple? how can I stand? [my apologies host the system meant your third leg.dont worry the system is a girl ] "..." nevermind. here it's all your's [thank you papi *winks] -------- Tags: #Harem #Polygamy #Modern world #weaktostrong #kingdombuilding ------ #No NTR #NO YURI

PseudoGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

System & a cripple

Warning ! This work contains heavy scenes.

Also at times I forget things so pls turn off your brain when you see something wrong.

Btw writing style is plain to the bone



My name is Yang Wei, and I'm a transmigrator from the world of the blue planet. I am crippled from my waist downwards. It's unclear what brought me to this new world and what my purpose here is.


Closing my eyes, I reminisced about the hours I spent reading webnovels that revolved around villains and OP MCs. However, unlike them, I was just a toad in the well.

Aside from these facts, life could be said to be pretty normal. Well, it kinda was, for the first five years of my life on this planet.

At the age of 5, I finally regained my own consciousness, but when I woke up, I learned that I couldn't walk. Devastated by the results, I slowly slipped away from the grasp of those who cared about me. In the end, I isolated myself from the people who cared about me.

Now in this world, there is only one person who cares about me, and that's my elder sister. However, things aren't as great between us due to the passing of our parents. My sister needed money, so she jumped directly into the working field regardless of the rocky road ahead.

And as for me? Well, let's just say that I had no plans on idly waiting for the arrival of the system. So, using my brain, I worked hard and got into a proper university. I didn't necessarily have to worry about the funds since I was on a scholarship, so that was a burden off my shoulders.

"Haii system, if you don't come at this rate, I'll go bald in the next 4 years."

[Don't worry, host. The system will just patch you right up in case you go bald.]


"System! System."

[Yes, skibidi?]


[Ahem, my apologies, host. It seems your world has a slight effect on my perspective of humanity.]

"System, what took you so long?"

[Once again, apologies, host, but the system had to wait until you had grown up. But seeing how you're crippled, the system will help you.]

"Alright then, where's the beginner's pack—"

[I would suggest the host to cut the bullshit. If you want something, you have to work for it.]

"Work for it?"

[Yes, work for it. But before that, the system suggests that the host stands up.]

"But I'm a cripple. How do you expect me to stand up?"

[My apologies, host. I mean your third Leg, could it be that you can't get it up *gasp the system is stunned]

Every word the system spoke was like an arrow that was directly shot into Yang Wei's heart.

However how could the junior take such disrespect? .

"System if your here to rant then please go ahead . I won't be entertaining you any longer "

With his word coming to a stop Yang Wei turned his gaze or the door and with a single push the wheelchair spring forward.

[Eh! Papi wait! The system was just joking]

"So is my disability a joke to you as well?"

[N-No Host...My apologies for my rude behavior host ]

"Do you think an apology will cut it?"

[...Well..not exactly]

[Host I know that this may seem rude to ask but can you get it up? Dont worry I assure you the system won't speak of this matter and if your not comfortable the system will assure you that it's a girl ]



"Don't worry I can get it up "Yang Wei replied with a bit of reluctance.

'But why does that matter?' he thought

[Great! Then rest assured host ]


The rest of the evening was spent discussing matters with the system.

Yang Wei didn't see it as a problem since the system would most likely be by his side for the years to come.

So after some reluctance, he filled the system's curiosity with each and every detail it missed over the past 19 years.

By the time the two were done, it was nighttime.

Yang Wei was tired, so he didn't stay any longer.

The system, too, was tired, so the two went to bed early.


The next day, Yang Wei got up early.

He showered while also engaging in a conversation with the professor for a while.

When Yang Wei's shower came to an end, he then went to the kitchen where he prepared 2 sets of breakfast.

During this time, the system didn't bother him since it wanted to observe his actions.

About 30 minutes later, the breakfast was done.

Yang Wei then wrapped the lunch box in a thin piece of fabric before he made his way out of the house.


"Strange, is the signal down today?" Yang Wei contemplated as he fiddled with his phone.


"Walking it is," Yang Wei said aloud as he sighed internally.

There were no cab services at the moment, so the youth had no other choice but to stroll the wheelchair towards the opposite direction.

Pushing the wheelchair forward, Yang Wei directed himself in the opposite direction of his university.

The youth had his reasons and he would rather be late than leave the owner of this lunch box unfulfilled.


By the time Yang Wei had reached the main streets, an hour had passed.

A trip that would have taken no less than 20 minutes at best had taken him an hour in the scorching heat.

However, Yang Wei didn't care. The latter persistence led him to push forward to deliver the lunch box that had gone cold.


Strolling through the main street, Yang Wei could see the evident eyes of the younger folks.

Whether they were office workers, university students, teachers, or high school students.

They all couldn't help but look his way.

However, Yang Wei didn't put too much thought into it.

The latter knew his looks weren't the best, but in truth, it was the opposite.

Yang Wei was extremely handsome.

One would go as far as to claim that his face was sculpted by the gods themselves.


An hour passed by and by the time Yang Wei arrived at the towering building, his shirt was completely soaked in sweat.

"Sigh, this heat will be the death of me," Yang Wei murmured to himself.

Raising his hands upwards, Yang Wei then brought his rough hands down. The youth grabbed the small lunch box and stuffed it at the side of the wheelchair that had some minor adjustments to it.

It didn't take much longer for him to stuff his hands into his pockets in search of the small cloth that he had brought along.

"Phew, luckily I brought this along."

After giving his face a good wipe, Yang Wei shifted his gaze to the towering building before him.

[Beijing Residence]

A company that Yang Wei knew too well.

Although mesmerized by the tall building, Yang Wei didn't idle to sit and admire the place.

There were many things to be done, and delivering the lunch box was one of them.

Propelling himself toward Yang Wei, he stopped when he arrived at the building's entrance.

There were no guards outside, but the place had many guards supervising nearby.

With a simple touch, the automatic door immediately opened, and Yang Wei didn't wait any longer.

He pushed the wheelchair forward, and his actions came to a stop when his eyes met a charming receptionist who was around his age.

When the woman saw that Yang Wei had her attention, she smiled from ear to ear as she elegantly marched over to his direction.

"So you're here again. Don't worry, the manager has already sent for your sister."

Yang Wei nodded his head as he thanked the woman for her support.

However, the young lady refused to budge. The blush on her face was evident, but Yang Wei didn't put too much thought into it since he could agree that the time was indeed hot.

"Has she been out in the sun all day? Why is she so red?" Yang Wei thought to himself.

Although curious about the girl's state Yang Wei decided not to think too deep since not Many liked having other's prying into their business.

Minutes went by and during this time Yang Wei chatted with the receptionist for a bit.

Within the short time he grew to learn quite a lot about the young lady.

Her name was Mei Mei and compare to Yang Wei, Mei Mei's situation was quite complicated. Yang Wei later learned that the young lady was debt ridden due to her parent's who later abonded her at the early she of 12. And now the young lady's at the age of 22.


After hearing Mei Mei's story Yang Wei couldn't doubt the pang in his chest.

"Sympathy" and "guilt"

Mei Mei's story touched his heart truly . The two then chatted for a quiet a bit more until the young lady brought up a request of her own.

"Ummm- would it be alright if we exchanged numbers for..For t.. Texting and stuff.. "

"Sure " Yang Wei responded as he flipped out his phone that was beyond repair.

After exchanging Numbers Mai then quickly went back to the front desk to Admi- ahem.

To do some research of her own .

Yang Wei bored didn't bother entertaining Mei Mei's actions any longer when the vivid image of his sister descending in the elevator was ll that he could see.

However upon further look Yang Wei sudd frowned.

"Who is he"