
The cripple prodigy's Rise: System of wealth and harem

system! system! Haii did the system leave? [system is here skibidi] "..." what took you so long? and what's skibidi? [ahem my apologies host it seems your world has some effects on my heart ] [the system was waiting for you to grow up but seeing how your a cripple the system will assist you ] Very well then let's go! [but first the host needs to stand] but I'm cripple? how can I stand? [my apologies host the system meant your third leg.dont worry the system is a girl ] "..." nevermind. here it's all your's [thank you papi *winks] -------- Tags: #Harem #Polygamy #Modern world #weaktostrong #kingdombuilding ------ #No NTR #NO YURI

PseudoGod · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Changes and ones heart

"Who is he?" Yang Wei said to himself as he stared at the descending elevator.

The elevator arrived at the bottom floor within a span of a minute.

During this time, Yang Wei patiently waited. Normally, whenever he visited, there'd always be a small smile on his face.

Now, there was none. All that could be seen was an expression filled with dissatisfaction.


"Manager Yang, are you sure you want to reject my offer?" a flamboyant young man said as he stared at the stunning beauty before him.

"Director Cao, I do not mean to be rude, but haven't I already made myself clear? Your offer has its flaws, so I will not take the risk."

The young man stared at the woman with mixed emotions. Never in his life had he ever been rejected, and this was why he found himself so obsessed with this manager.


"Is that truly your final decision, Yang—"

"Director Cao, please respect yourself. My decisions are mine to make. What don't you understand?"

Director Cao clenched his hands tightly as his veins pulsed.

"Very well then. If that's your final decision, then it seems that I'll have to have a talk with the vice president and the president himself."

The woman didn't entertain the conversation any longer since she had things to do.

"Director Cao, you're free to do as you wish. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have elsewhere to be."

With that, the woman walked out of the elevator, leaving behind a stunned director.

"Good! Good! Very good! Hmmmph. Let's see if you can talk big later."


"I heard that you haven't been eating, so I prepared a lunch box for you."

Standing before Yang Wei was a natural beauty.

However, to him, she wasn't just any natural beauty but his own sister.

The woman was a typical jade beauty. She was dressed in a sleek black blouse that accentuated her slender figure, paired with matching black stockings and heels that added to her commanding presence. Her skirt, a sophisticated pencil cut with a subtle split, highlighted her sense of professionalism. Her long hair cascaded down to her waist in glossy waves, framing a face with piercing blue eyes that could chill with their cold gaze. Despite her reserved nature and proportioned lips, there was an undeniable allure that spoke of confidence and authority.


"With how busy the company is these days, do you think I'd have time to eat?"

Yang Wei nodded visibly.

"Yang Xin,"

The elder sister of Yang Wei and also a manager at [Beijing Residence].

Within Beijing Residence, Yang Xin held many titles.

But even the self-proclaimed ice queen was unaware of these herself.


Yang Wei didn't plan on discussing this conversation any longer with his elder sister, knowing she would bring up irrelevant problems and answers to his every question.

Shaking his head visibly, Yang Wei sighed as he passed the lunch box to Yang Xin.

"Here, make sure you eat it."

Yang Xin accepted the lunch box with a slight nod, but after a while, she frowned.

"Why is it so cold?"

"That's a small mistake on my part. I couldn't contact a cab, so I brought it myself."

Yang Xin nodded. There was no need to go any further, so she bid farewell to Yang Wei after a slight glance at his soaked shirt...

The two agreed to set a date for 8 pm tonight.

Yang Wei agreed after contacting his professor.

The latter agreed under a few conditions, and Yang Wei gladly accepted.

Anyways, the plan for tonight was to prepare a sumptuous dinner, and that was what Yang Wei planned on doing.

"I booked a cab earlier, so stay here until it arrives."


Those were the last words Yang Wei heard from his sister.

A few minutes later, the cab arrived.

Yang Wei paid the driver upon arriving home.


Now that he was home, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Who's that man? And why was he so close to sis? Is he perhaps her boyfriend?" Yang Wei thought of asking this question earlier but he just couldn't find it in himself to do so.

'Maybe I should try asking her tonight.'

With that temporarily sorted out, Yang Wei then pushed the wheelchair forward.

The youth enjoyed the moment he had to himself until he finally arrived at a small apartment marked with the number [302].


**Apartment 302**

The apartment was your typical modern apartment that consisted of four parts:

- 1 bedroom (where Yang Wei spent the least of his time)

- 1 kitchen

- 1 bathroom

- a spacious living room (where Yang Wei spent most of his time)

Whenever he couldn't study, Yang Wei would always find himself here.

However, he wasn't living alone.

Yang Xin also lived here; the only difference was that she hadn't been here since Yang Wei began university.

"System, are you there?"

*[The system has always been here with you]*


"Have you?"

*[Uh, host, well, you see, the system hasn't always been exactly—]*

"It's good that you can admit it. Next time, don't say such crap."

*[Yes, yes, the system will listen.]*

'Tsk, tsk. Such childish behavior. Is this thing even a system?' Yang Wei thought, unaware that the system could hear his thoughts long ago.

Yang Wei didn't bother entertaining the system.

There were some leftovers from the week before, so he decided to heat them up before he started preparing.

After reheating his leftovers, Yang Wei silently sat and ate.

During this time, the system didn't disturb him, knowing that its words could give him a different perspective.

And the system definitely didn't want that, after all, it had come to like him.

His humble personality was something the system had failed to find in this new world.

Although there were many in this world who were humble, not many were like him.

Time passed in the blink of an eye.


Dinner wouldn't be prepared in the next 7 hours .

Yang Wei went to his room to grab a book .

Not just any book but a book of literature.

Yang Wei then opened the book, his movements were swift as he flickereed through the book until he stopped at a familiar page that jogged his memories .

[Chapter 2 page 1]

[A new beginning may we all seek forgiveness for the sins we have done]

Yang Wei paused when he upon seeing the book title.

"A new beginning huh"

Shaking away his sudden thoughts Yang Wei smiled slightly as he read through the first page of chapter 2 .

Hours went by and Yang Wei got caught half in the process.

However this didn't last long when a sudden ding chimmed in on his mobile that was beyond repair.

Sis: I bought you a new phone it's in the bottom drawer. Take care of it . I'll be home by 8:30 >3

"She's always so considerate"

Yang Wei knew that his sister wasn't the cold hearted workaholic everyone portrayed her as .

Deep down she was just a little girl that matured a bit early due to some Family circumstances.

Regardless of what anyone said Yang Wei didn't mind .

Only he and his sister themselves knew the wronging and hardship they went through.

Yang Wei stared at the phone for time until he finally decided to prepare dinner .

Although the time was off by 30 minutes than the original planned meeting time Yang Wei didn't take it to heart .

The latter knew his sister was a busy woman so he didn't put too much thought into it .

Making his way to the kitchen Yang Wei used his hands to rip over the counter .

The latter then nodded slightly when he saw that the 2 pieces of steak were thawed perfectly.

Yang Wei then began to move around in the kitchen and about an hour later the meal was finished.

Yang Wei had prepared a simple yet delicious steak and mash potatoes.

Coincidentally it was also Yang Xin's favourite meal.

Yang Wei then brought the plates to the table and covered them.

There was about 20 minutes left so now all he has to do was wait.


25 minutes went by in the blink of an eye .

Yet there were no signs of Yang Xin.

This made Yang Wei wonder if something came up .

'lets give her a bit more time '

Another 10 minutes passed by .

Yang Wei was about to call Yang Xin when a sudden knock came from outside.

'She's here '

After confirming that it was Yang Xin Yang Wei then opened the door .

The moment the door was open the heavy stench of liquor was all that Yang Wei could smell ...

" Sis Were drinking again*sigh*"

"Sorry something came up so the company held a small meeting" Yang xin replied

"go take a shower I'll reheat the food" Yang Wei knew she was exhausted so he didn't bring the matter further.

"Mmmh" Yang xin nooded her head slightly as she bent her knees slightly.

Yang Wei watched in silence but after some time he realized that Yang Xin was having some problems with her heels.

The latter went closer and slightly touched her soft legs which made yang xin tremble .

"W...what are you doing?" Yang xin nervously Said .

Yang Wei didn't reply instead he brought her legs into his hands and with gentle moments he sled off her heels.


As the heels sled off her feet Yang xin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Slowly Yang Wei brought her slender legs to the ground where there was fresh pair of slippers.

"I'll take off the next one "

Yang xin nooded her head firmly.

The two enjoyed the comfort that was in their solace for that shirt time.

However not all shared the same thought.


The moment Yang Xin arrived inside the bathroom her cold expression was replaced with one of confusion.

The young lady's heart couldn't stop pounding.

Her face burned with a deep blush due or the embarrassment she just faced .

Still she could agree that she liked it-.

"He's your brother Yang Xin get your self together "