
the Crimson Tower of fate

Dragon_Wyatt · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2// the path

(by the way I'm doing this in first person tell me if you don't like it in first person but it would sound better in first person) I have to choose a path but which one wait why am I trying to focus on a path I have to find out who I am where I I am wait no I'm in the Crimson Tower okay then who am I looking around room there's nothing except the free path,s in front of me I'll look in my pockets I found a piece of paper it says Zack and the rest of it is impossible to read so my name is Zach so my name is Zach I thought I was more of a William then a Zack well Zack has a better ring to it okay so which path should I take the path of lightning I could be very fast untouchable but lightning doesn't sound right the path of Hope I don't really think I'm the hero type path of the Dragon sounds powerful I'll I think I will go to the path of the Dragon plus the necklace looks amazing

hi I'm still trying to decide the last name what is Zach so if there's any good suggestions can you point one or two out thank you

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