
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 32: Monsters

Seraf walked out from the cage, in a mental status that he already knew.

His madness's side took him with it.

Several times it happened, after trying any ways to die, his mental status is destroyed by his obsession for death.

- "Where are you Ezeden.. Don't run from me" Seraf said, with a little cynical laugh.

The prisons was coldly, From the sides of Seraf's pathway there was many cages, that inside of them was the prisoners.

Devoured by themselves, by the eternal imprisonment.

Some were covered by their own blood, instead some were skinny and pale like snow.

Everyone was different, but at the same time everyone was the same because of their imprisonment.

There's nothing inside of their hearts, only the desire to see the light again.

The floor was made it with black stone, and some rats were running around the cage.

The smell was horrific; blood's smell, feces's smell, corpses's smell filled the entire prison.

- "H-Help me.. I have a child at the outside" A man's voice spoke to Seraf.

Seraf stopped to walk and brought himself near to the cage.

- "Help me..".

A old man around the 60s, with white hair and messy clothes.

- "A son?" Seraf asked.

- "Yes..".

- "Don't you are too much old for having a child?".

- "It's not mine.. He's the child of my dead sister.. She give his child to me for taking care of him. But I didn't have the money for taking care of him and I've started to steal for buying food for us" The old man said.

- "And this is the reason that are you here.. I've understand your problems".

- "Will you help me?" The old man begged Seraf.

- "Take this" Seraf threw a knife close at the old man's feet.

- "A k-knife?".

- "TAKE IT, I'VE SAID" Seraf raised his voice.

The shaky hands of the man took the bloody knife.

- "I'm not going to help you, not me.

Your help will be from the knife that you handling in your hands.

Think about it.

Who's going to help you, except him?

Only the sharp blade in your hands can do it.

If you will accept him like part of yourself, he'll take you in the most peaceful place, with your child too.

Look at the blade.

See what the blade wants to said to you" Seraf brought himself more closer to the cage.

The old man looked at the knife's blade, and stared into his reflection.

Slowly he brought the blade near to his own chest.

- "I accept you" The man stabbed himself.

The blood came out from his mouth and he collapsed in a few seconds.

The knife was close at Seraf's feet, and he took it.

After take it from the floor, he looked at the blade.

The blade's reflection show a woman with long crimson hair, which covered a lot of her face.

Only his lips were visible.

Seraf started again to search the prison's exit.

The prison was in the penumbra, only the torches illuminated the pathways.

Screams of pain resound in the center of prison, the prisoners were attacked by the guards, using chains or their own hands.

The pain inside of their screams was despairing.

A person who wants to escape from the darkness, but fails to every attempt he do.

They were the despair itself.

- "Stop!" A man yelled.

Was a guard of the prison, in his hand a little sword was there.

- "I need to talk with Ezeden.." Seraf said while he put down his head.

- "Ezeden? You're funny" The man said while he laughed a little.

- "Let me see him, only once".

- "You will not see anyone. Return in your cage before that I kill you with no hesitation" The guard slowly pointed Seraf with the sword's blade.

Seraf disappeared from the huge speed, and appear behind the guard.

Seraf choked him from the back.

The guard fell on the ground half conscious.

- "Take me to the king. Obey me" The crimson eyes shined like a bloody moon in the dark sky.

The guard's eyes started to shining of red.

The guard raised himself, and he said while his eyes looked at the prison: "Your words are my duties".

The two walked out from the coldly prison, the guard remained in silence from the beginning of the walk.

He was emotionless.

A corpse that walk.

This was only an advantage for Seraf, using his manipulative arts, he managed to find the right way to the search for king Ezeden.

Seraf's face was pale, her body was more skinny that the usual.

His victims's blood were on his white clothes.

He seemed like a psychotic monster, that kills for fun.

- "We arrived" The guard said.

Two large doors was in front of them.

- "I've said to take me to him".

- "The king's presence is behind these doors.. UGH!" The guard fell on the ground, unconscious.

He didn't breath anymore, his wrist was without any pulsations. His skin was purplish like he wasn't able to breath.

His organs were totally static, no pulsation and movement.

The eyes were blanked.

- "This will be.. So fun" Seraf started to laugh in front of the guard's corpse.

The doors opened themselves, and the crimson eyes of the monster viewed Ezeden.

Ezeden was wearing a noble suit, white and dark blue.

- "Seraf.. Finally are you here" Ezeden said.

- "Ezeden, brother of the little princess Angeline" When Ezeden heard those words, his eyes opened more.

- "Angeline.." He muttered.

- "You didn't even try to found help for her".

- "You don't know anything about what happened.

Do you know about the execution, right?" He asked.

- "Yes, a guard has informed me about the execution.

What do you try to get from me?".

- "I can't say it. You will know by yourself at the exact moment".

- "Exact moment? What is?".

Ezeden stared at Seraf's eyes.

- "The moment of true coronation" Ezeden said, coldly.

Ezeden brought himself near to Seraf.

- "I'm not the true king. I'm nothing.

I'm literally a void body, without any emotions inside of it.

I've grown with a presence inside me.. This presence wants to escape from the humanity's cage that trapped him.

Do you remember the void throne? It was prepared for him, not for me.

The real king of Aquaris will came back, and he'll sat on the void throne and he'll put the crown over his own head!" Ezeden yelled.

The tension was high.

The monsters were facing each other.

I hope that you’ve enjoyed the chapter! Support for more “The Crimson Son” chapters! :)

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