
The Crimson Phoenix.

Lying inside an MRI machine, was nervous and slightly scared inside the round and magnificent tube. Just beside the room stood two men in lab coats. There were men dressed in military uniforms and holding submachine guns. “Are you ready?” one of the doctors asked through the mic. “Do it.” the boy replied with a resolute tone. The doctor nodded and pushed a button and the MRI machine began to give a low humming sound. Suddenly, the boy felt a sharp pain in his head, which made him scream in agony. He struggled to break free, but he was restricted. After a few seconds, the noise died down. Suddenly, an alarm began to blare and all the monitors displayed warning and error messages. The men were all shocked, and the uniformed men all cocked their guns and pointed them at the MRI machine. The normal MRI machine began to glow and melt. One could tell that something was burning it. Suddenly, it exploded, sending the parts flying everywhere. Some even broke through the glass pane and hit some of the uniformed men. There was smoke everywhere and the men all stood up and looked in the direction of the MRI room. As the smoke cleared, a pair of red, cold, and burning eyes opened up and stared at them, sending shivers down their spines. ________ Following an accidental encounter, Leo began to manifest superpowers, but with great power, comes power-hungry men and great responsibilities. Leo promises to use his powers for good and be the hero he wants to be. But, things did not to turn the way he wanted them to be Will Leo overcome the principalities he faces with himself and be the hero he wishes to be, or will he succumb to the ugliness and rage inside him?

Phoenix God · Sci-fi
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69 Chs


Everyone on the court went to their positions, according to their formations. They tensed up and braced themselves for the game. Quincy entered the middle circle, as was the one to catch the jump-ball this time for his team. Logan was right behind him on his right, while Leo was on his left. Hayes was right behind Kenny, same with Oscar. These guys were like the attacking force of the team and they all braced themselves for the sound of the whistle.


With the high pitched sound of the whistle resonating in the court, Quincy and Kenny jumped to catch the ball the was thrown into the air by the referee.

Quincy out-jumped Kenny and caught the ball first. Kenny gnashes his teeth, as he didn't like it when Quincy overpowered him. They both landed and without wasting anytime, Quincy passed to Logan behind him, who in turn, redirected the ball to Leo without holding it.