

- A short moment earlier -

A wounded body lay in the middle of a clearing. The figure wore a tattered blue armour that had the emblem of a white and red paper fan on the back.

'It hurts!'

Indescribable pain was felt as the being started to move. Opening his eyes never felt any more difficult than now, but with a lot of effort, he succeeded in slowly opening them. Pure onyx black eyes greeted the world and the first thing that greeted the boy's view was the cold hard ground with trees and bushes placing themselves on top.

Everything was sideways yet a red liquid covered the ground next to him. Weakness immediately engulfed him as he tried moving yet all he accomplished was moving his fingers. Realising that there was nothing he could do now; all he did was lay there silently before questions filled his mind.

'Who am I?'

'Where am I?'


Amidst those questions, a sharp needle like pain spread through his mind as two types of memories flooded him. No voice left his mouth as he desperately tried to hold in his scream, he never knew what was out there and that any sound may alert something dangerous. Pure agony masked his face while he grit his teeth. It wasn't long until he lost conscious as those memories started etching themselves into his mind. Some he would remember correctly while some would be held in the deepest part of his mind.

Once more regaining consciousness, confusion masked his eyes yet the pure black eyes of before had now turned red and a tomoe had appeared in each of his eyes. Yet the change went unnoticed by the boy as he sorted through his memories. Two lives, in two very different worlds. One of Science and one of Shinobi. One peaceful and the other full of conflict.

He didn't know how he died in his previous life, but he did know he was killed by an enemy in this one. Not much was remembered about his previous life but with the combination of the other set of memories awakened some other ones.

Once everything was sorted two personality's clashed yet there was no conflict, they merged to create a completely new one. However, this further caused his mind to be chaotic.

'Am I Uchiha Mukuro?'

'Am I…'

He laid there, confused at his own identity as felt energy return to his body. He pushed himself on to his back and looked at the blood red moon hovering there in the sky. His chaotic eyes were now a peaceful lake, devoid of ripples as he came to terms with his situation.

'I am now Uchiha Mukuro.'

It seems that he had been transported into the narutoverse, during the warring states period to be specific. He couldn't remember much of this world from the anime, but those memories were just hidden somewhere, and he would slowly remember them as time would pass. Getting up, he looked around and found his personal weapon, a naginata that had a small emblem printed on. A white and red paper fan, the emblem of the Uchiha clan.

He wasn't shocked by it as he knows knew his identity in this world. He was an Uchiha. Looking at his reflection on the blade, excitement crossed his eyes as he saw the change that occurred within them. He finally realised that his vision now had a tint of red. Yet, his excitement was short lived when a rustle was heard and he was surrounded by enemies, dousing him with cold water. His eyes sharpened and the latter didn't wait for him to get ready and attacked. Ever since Mukuro was young, he had been trained to fight, and with the addition of his new memories it didn't mean his sense had dulled.

As a shuriken was thrown, he found it easy to dodge as his sharingan had awakened and he was able to predict the path of the shurikens. Dodging them easily, he countered with a few shurikens of his own. Each shuriken was right on target and the enemies started to fall one by one. From his memories, his accuracy wasn't this good but awakening his sharingan had made him more accurate.

Time seemed to slow down for him as he analysed all the different enemies and was barely able to conclude his next set of actions. A couple of them came at him with swords while some started make various hand signs.

Swinging his naginata, he was able to compete against the two and quickly dispatch them. His skills with the naginata had also improved but awakening the sharingan only played a part, it seemed to have already been engraved into his instincts as the move he made was pure instinctual. It seems that his second life also played a part.

After removing the naginata from the last enemy's throat he got into a stance once more. He looked around while one thought flashed through his head,

'How did I get here?'

Just when he was about to be attacked by the newcomers, the sound of projectiles was heard and a few shadows jumped down, killing their enemies. Another group of people came from behind them, this time wearing something similar to Mukuro. A young boy that looked like him, came out,

"Mukuro, you okay? Wait, you awakened your sharingan?!"

The only response he got for his happiness was Mukuro collapsing in exhaustion.


Mukuro woke up inside a makeshift tent. Looking round, he seemed to be alone and all his gear was put on the side. His naginata was still there yet his armour was nowhere to be seen. Getting up, he groaned in pain and noticed all the bandages that were wrapped around his wounds.

He laid back down to ease the pain and once more tried getting up. Bearing the pain, he was able to get up and dressed albeit with some difficulties and left the tent. The bright sunlight immediately blinded him as he covered the light with his arm. Adjusting his eyesight once more, he realised that he was in an Uchiha campsite. Surrounding him were more tents while there were patrols going past and a small training ground.

Mukuro followed his memories and arrived at a rather large tent. Walking in, it was occupied by three individuals, one middle aged man and two kids around his age. The man was Uchiha Tajima and was Mukuro's father. Tajima had black eyes, as well as black hair that was shaved in the back and a gaunt-looking face which was further accentuated by his mouth which naturally curled downwards. He wore a standard black attire, with a high collar, a breastplate with additional plating over the outer legs, foot wraps, sandals and a tanto strapped horizontally to his back.

In front of him were two kids, they looked like Mukuro and were his brothers. One older than him and the other younger than him. Looking at the eldest, Mukuro had barely come to terms with his two sets of memories when his second sets of memories indicated that his eldest brother was Uchiha Madara. His first set of memories seemed to confirm this as Madara's voice rang out,

"You're awake Mukuro."

"Yes, elder brother."

A hearty laughter came out of Tajima as he looked at his second eldest son,

"I heard you awakened your Sharingan."

Mukuro smiled as he awakened his sharingan, confirming his father's words. Pride was written all over Tajima's face while elation was present on his younger brother, Izuna's face. Madara had a hint of competitive spirit due to his younger brother getting his sharingan before him.

Madara had chin length black hair with a blue tint. His hair parted to frame the sides and had the same black eyes shared by his family. He wore a blue long sleeve shirt and white pants. Izuna also had the same spiky hair shared with his brothers. His bangs parted down the sides while his hair was spiky at the back. He wore the standard Uchiha outfit which consisted of a high-collared, blue shirt with the Uchiha crest on his upper back and blue pants.

As Mukuro proceeded to sit down, a cough assaulted him earning him the concern of his family.

"You okay?"

Mukuro nodded as he sat down. Remembering his memories, it seemed that Mukuro has had a weak body since a young age. He would get regular coughing fits and collapse now and then. Although, in a normal world he wouldn't be allowed to leave, this wasn't a normal world. It was a world plagued with conflict.

Now, with the awakening of his sharingan boosting his chakra, it seemed that his physical body was feeling the strain of holding this chakra. Although he had more chakra than his peers, being born with a weak body countered that.

- a short moment later -

The three brothers left the tent laughing and chatting together. Although, all three were good looking, Mukuro seemed to attract more attention from the opposite gender as Madara and Izuna were oblivious to the stares directed at Mukuro.

"So, Mukuro, want to spar?"

Mukuro shook his head,

"No, not right now, I just awakened my sharingan and my body needs to adjust with the change. I'm going to be training for a while."

Madara nodded as he smiled,

"I'll leave you to it. I'll also train, can't have my younger brother surpassing me."

"Me too."

Seeing his little brother jumping, Mukuro smiled when he looked at the two then focused on Madara. He couldn't believe how the young boy smiling brightly in front of him, would later bring the world to its knees. Seeing the two walk off, the slight smile left Mukuro's face as he walked towards the training area. Firstly, he started off with jogging but immediately realised that his physical body bought more detriments than he initially thought.

It wasn't long until he started wheezing and heavily breathing. He was close to collapsing, but pushed forward. A certain green dressed duo flashed through his mind as he continued until he collapsed. He wondered how he was able to kill the previous group of enemies but attributed it to the awakening of his sharingan and being underestimated by them. He was an incredibly wounded child, being underestimated wasn't unusual.

Still, compared to the people from his previous life, he had more stamina than the average adult. His chakra was already larger than before, yet it felt like his body was limiting it. He remembered having more chakra than his peers, but Mukuro didn't have that much vitality found in an Uzumaki like Naruto. Naruto had more chakra than his peers as well but apart from being an Uzumaki, a part of Naruto's chakra was directed towards maintaining the seal of the Kyuubi.

The surrounding clansmen noticed Mukuro but didn't laugh at the crappy stamina of the child. They all knew that he was born with a weak physical body yet had already awakened his Sharingan at the age of seven, the youngest yet. Madara was one year older than him and Izuna was a year younger.

Seeing the child train till he collapsed, ignited the passion within them and they started training harder. That day, the bystanders wondered what the people on the training ground had ate considering that they all trained until they collapsed

After the training, Mukuro barely got to his lodgings and collapsed onto his bed. He had slightly agitated his wounds, but it was nothing serious. Lying down on his back, he combed through his memories. The second set of memories were from a peaceful world, being born into a martial family, Mukuro had trained from a young age. Things like names and the like had long been forgotten, he barely remembered anything except the shows he used to watch. One of them was Naruto, the story of a knuckle-headed boy's journey.

The second life was from within the world of that very show yet long before the show's pilot episode. Even before the founding of Konohagakure, during the warring states period. He seemed to have transmigrated into Uchiha Madara's brother, one of the unknown three sons of Uchiha Tajima that had passed before Madara had met Hashirama. The other two had already died and he should have died but his transmigration into Mukuro changed that.

Tying the two memories together, seeing that Madara had yet to awaken his sharingan and that he himself was supposed to die means that Madara's and Senju Hashirama's secret meetings hadn't been found out yet by the two's fathers. The other option was that the two hadn't met. Mukuro slowly drifted off to sleep as he finished thinking about his future.